Chapter 262 – Your name and its name (2)

◈ Episode 262. Your name and its name (2)

Agentress asks.

“Tempest over the……. Is that your name?”

No, don’t be horrible, you’re real.

‘……I would rather die of shame than suffer.’

Your terrible naming sense isn’t getting any better.

By the way.

I was wondering if I could name the Akshan wolf whatever I wanted.


Well, it seems happy, so let’s move on.

Of course.

Grandfell never overlooked anything.

“A storm on the horizon. I can’t think of a more fitting name.”

Just in case Agentress didn’t understand.

He just kindly added an explanation.

Apparently, Agentress understood, and nodded.

“Well, that makes sense, if that’s what you mean.”

At this point, it’s a matter of pride.

I’ve come to accept this name.

Of course, he’s not entirely wrong.

‘If you think about the appearance of the Akshan wolf…….

It was such a storm that it was worthy of being named Tempest. However, the problem is that the wrapping paper is too flashy…….


“Lee Hoyeol.”

Let’s just be thankful I didn’t blurt out “Lee Hoyeol Claudi,” seriously.

Agentress seems to be trying to remember my name.

Lee Hoyeol, Lee Hoyeol, he mumbled a few times, then said.

“We need to clean up our title.”

A title?

Okay, fine.

We’re going to be together forever.

We can’t call each other by our first names forever.

In fact, if you look at it based on age or the genealogy of the world tree.

I’m supposed to go in with my head down…….

‘It could very well be possible, that is.’

I wonder if it would be possible given the personality of Grandfell.

However, there was no reason to openly compete with each other.

Here, I had no choice but to be moderate.

“A title is just a facade.”

“……is it?”

“You may call me whatever you wish.”

“Then……. I understand.”

It had been an extremely normal conversation up to this point.

Always this damn snout.

The big mouth was the problem.

“Like Eunaxus uses honorifics with me.”


This is something that anyone can see clearly, right?!

Seriously, that iron-faced skin is thick, Grandfell.

Agentress looked mildly surprised.


Not another dragon, but Eunaxus.

He was obviously surprised to be addressed with respect.

In fact, in the old days, he wouldn’t have even snorted.

‘The relationship must have been so bad.’

Unlike Eunaxus, who’s always been a bit of an aura.

Agentress called him a lizard, not a brother.

But that was in the past.

Agentress paused, then spoke.

“……I will do the same.”

This is exactly what it would look like to bow down and receive me……?

I feel very embarrassed.

But I couldn’t help myself.

Let’s hurry before I lose another bullshit meter.

─Trace the Primodial Evil. (in progress)

I wonder if you recognized my intentions.

If not.

You are indeed worthy of the name Akshan.


Tempest twitches the bridge of its nose and sniffs at the primodial evil.

Swiftly following its trail.

It’s surprising, but…….

In times like this, the eyes can see on the Arcana Continent.

I think it’s fortunate that there are no players.

If you look at it objectively, that’s what I look like right now…….

‘Wouldn’t it be quite a sight?’

The faster I move.

The jacket of dawn flutters even more on my shoulders, and as if that weren’t enough, I’m riding on top of the Akshan Wolf, the madam face of Akshan.

It’s an unforgettable appearance.

Any ranker would recognize me for what I am.

It would be like advertising to the world.

I, Lee Ho-yeol, was a Demon Hunter……!

Of course, there’s no reason to hide my class. I just don’t want anyone to see me in such an unnecessarily flamboyant state…….

In that sense, I’m glad.

Agentress and the Evil Eye in the sky were the only ones who could see my ass, so I tried to stay positive and be grateful.


A movement that follows traces.

It was as if something was trying to block my path.

I saw something on the horizon.

I don’t need my eyes to recognize it.

The sensation reached my skin first.

It was unmistakable.

A demon.

And an unusual one at that.


It must have noticed, too.

Tempest changes direction immediately.

The demon began to rush towards the writhing place.

Anyway, when it comes to demons, it’s very Akshan-like not to watch.

I thought to myself.


A plain on the desolate Arcana continent.

Demons emerged from the ground.

A stench wafted through the air.

A mess of flesh of unknown origin.

The size was unusual. Because it is neither reality nor a rift.

There’s no update history, and I can’t see it.

But I could tell from the message that popped up.

You really aren’t normal, are you?

[Demon, ‘byproduct of primordial evil’].

Appearance Message.

Than the monsters in the area.

It was a message that appeared when an overwhelmingly strong monster appeared.

‘Though there’s nothing around to compare it to.’

Instead, it was a Demon Hunter’s instinct.

An actual Demon of some kind.

No, this one is stronger than a Demon King.

The next message proves it.

[Demon, ‘a byproduct of primeval evil’ ransforms the field].

Just as the Ice Dragon, Frostnax, did.

Its mere presence begins to change the area around it.

Its flesh begins to cover the ground at a rapid pace.

The sight may cause some to question.

Isn’t this just a monster encountered by accident?

How can such a thing be stronger than a Demon King?

But don’t overlook it.

I was not traveling across continents for no ordinary purpose.

I’m chasing a primodial evil.

A primodial evil.

Because it wasn’t enough to create strife between the World Tree, dragons, and elves.

It was the one who played tricks on the Tree of Good and Evil and ultimately brought down the World Tree.

There’s no way I’m going to let such a creature go after me like that.

What do you think?

That’s correct, right?

As if in response, the quest objective is updated.

─Hunt down the Primordial Evil. (Ongoing)

●Defeat the byproduct of the Primordial Evil. (Ongoing)

Class-specific skills will be rewarded.

Use them to defeat monsters.

Gain experience and become stronger.

Well, now that’s some class quest progression.

Yeah, that’s all well and good…….

‘Isn’t this too big even though it is large in scale?!’

Agentress said.

“I’ll take care of it.”

Even without the blessing of the World Tree, the Elves are strong. Just look at the way Elsidor slaughtered the demons that the players couldn’t even approach in an instant.


“I’ll be right behind you.”

Agentress said.

He’s such a formidable opponent that he has to send me first.

I mean, the scale, the difficulty.

No, it’s a byproduct of a primordial evil, right from the name.

‘I don’t see how that’s a byproduct, really.’

It’s different.

From the presence of a Devil, as well as a Devil King.

Above all, there was no emotion in its movements.

It was pure.

Driven by malice.

I opened my mouth to speak.

“You mean the lowest of the low.”

The more powerful the demon.

Even more despised is the snout of Grandfell.

The lowest of the low must mean very strong.

Use your head, Hoyeol.

‘First of all, it is a joint attack.’

And let’s give an estimate.

It’s a byproduct of the primordial evil.

I needed to estimate its strength.

Why, how many byproducts I would encounter along the way.

I couldn’t know.

‘We need to conserve power.’

Teaming up with Tempest and Argentress.

Quickly dispose of by-products.

Together, we could hunt down the primordial evil.

Of course, I didn’t reveal my meticulous calculations.

I moved as fluidly as water.

I stepped down from the Tempest and stood beside Agentress.

And I spoke.

“Then I will cast you down to the bottom of the pit, to hell.”

I was afraid my words would fall out.


Tempest stomped the ground and charged at the byproduct.

Indeed, it lived up to its name.

Soon it’s close.


With its sharp teeth, it bites down on one of the byproduct’s tentacles and rips it off. It has no emotions, no signs of struggle. It just continues to wriggle in its flesh.

‘It doesn’t even feel pain.’

Well, because emotions don’t exist. It must have appeared without fear on the Arcana continent, where the legend of the Dark Dragon is shaking. Argentress said to me as I watched.

“I join you.”

A magical bow appeared in his hand.

It is Granfell’s talent that can be awakened simply by watching.

So it was no surprise that Agentress’ use of magic was extraordinary.

I recognized it immediately.

‘Search, interfere, manifest. The process itself does not exist.’

To put it simply.

A mere mage would have to calculate it with all sorts of formulas and tools.

Agentress could do the calculations in a fraction of a second.

Besides, elven and human magic would have developed differently.

This is not something to be fascinated by.

“An excellent manifestation.”

Nevertheless, Grandfell was satisfied with it.

Hidden Piece, the portal to Sisley was not manifested for nothing, and the arrow that left Agentress’s grasp stretched toward the byproduct.


Tempest’s melee.

Agentress’s ranged support.

A perfect combination.

It was an onslaught that not even a demon, let alone a great evil, could withstand.

Akshan’s spirit, Tempest, was enough to strike terror into the demon.

Agentress’s attacks were more than enough to strike a fatal blow.

But there was no message.

I was given command of the Tempest, as well as Agentress.

If something was wrong, there should be a message about it.

Still, the silence is simple.

That no status abnormality occurred.

There, I had a feeling.


You have something similar to mine, don’t you?

“If there is a blessing, there must also be a shadow of the blessing.”

The World Tree, where good and evil coexist.

There must be something that stands in opposition to [the blessing of the first World Number].

It seemed like it was offsetting the status abnormality.

That’s what I thought.

……Are you embarrassed once again?

Is this really the class quest I was supposed to do?

It’s a demon that can only be defeated with the [First World Tree Blessing], right?

That means, maybe that one.

And the only thing that can defeat its master, the Primordial Evil.

It means that I am the only one who has monopolized the [Blessing of the First World Tree].

Once again, it was a burden placed upon me.

‘I want to whine.’

I’m sure it doesn’t mean much to Grandfell.

Is Grandfell a great man who would refuse to throw the devil into hell?

So there was no hesitation.

“Stand down, Tempest.”


My words didn’t calm Tempest’s excitement.

I can understand his frustration.

You can’t forgive the demon for putting Akshan in such a state.

But like I said, it’s okay now.

I said generously.

“I know how you feel.”


“My feelings are no different.”


No, maybe.

It may be much deeper and darker than that.

Like Tempest, it’s not enough that I’m carrying Akshan.

It was me and Grandfell, with Claudi’s past on top of it.

Yes, as for hostility toward the demon.

I was the one with the background to lose.


“You know.”


“That negative emotions are the power of the demon.”


“Even if you’ve forgotten, all you have to do is remind yourself.”

There’s always a reason for the posture.

Tempest moved away from the byproduct and returned to my side.

Agentress stared at the byproduct and asked.

“Do you intend to take this on alone?”


Unless it’s me who has the [Blessing of the First World Tree].

It looks like it can’t even cause proper damage to that thing.

Of course, I’m not sure yet.

I replied to Agentress.

“I guess that’s the only way to go for now.”


“However, there is no way that will happen in the future.”


Watch me with those eyes, Agentress.

In the battle of me and the byproduct.

Its weaknesses!

I immediately reached for my Sword at my waist.

I can feel it even before I grip my sword.

The heartbeat of Gwicheol.

It must be impatient.

The moment I held it in my hand, I heard a voice.

-I’ve been waiting. Master!

I can hear you.

By the way…….

What have you been waiting for, anxiously?

-Well, it’s time for my legend to unfold!

What? A legend?

Gwicheol, you can’t be…….

You actually care about the legend of the Dark Dragon?

Are you feeling competitive or something?

If that’s the case, then please stop.

‘It’s overwhelming enough right now…….’

But it was like adding insult to injury.

Agentress’s sharp eyes.

There was no way he would let Gwicheol’s extraordinary talent go unnoticed.

He asked me politely one after another.

“……If you don’t mind, may I ask the name of the sword?”

The name?

The sword that cuts through illusions, the Illusion Breaker, that one?!

If you’ll excuse me, I’m really struggling in so many ways……!!!