◈ Episode 26. You are indeed the chief (1)

The sun shines brightly.

The Yusra Islands shine brightly beneath it.

The camera captured the beautiful scenery of the Yusra Islands.

Netuber Park Hwigang’s face was full of melancholy.

“……I’ll wait a little longer.”

Who is he waiting for?

It was clear from the title of her broadcast.


Title: Lee Ho-yeol’s fan room) Waiting in the Yusra Islands~.


The day Ho-yeol defeated Count Ascura’s knights.

Park Huikang had watched Ho Yeol’s actions from the beginning of the rift.

In his mind, Ho Yeol was already a hero.

Isn’t he deservedly so?

First of all, the number of viewers didn’t make sense.

Park’s broadcasts didn’t average more than 50 viewers.

But after Ho Yeol’s live broadcast.

-I’m on a pilgrimage

-This is the first broadcast Lee Ho-yeol picked, right?

-Ho-yeol Lee, how rude.

-Please call me Mr. Ho-yeol.

Viewers flocked to Park Hwi Kang’s broadcast.

No, regardless of the number of viewers, Ho-yeol was a hero to Park.

He was overwhelming.

And he wasn’t even armed.

He overpowered Count Ascura’s soldiers and knights.

‘…… He was like a cartoon hero.

It was.

Park came to admire Ho Yeol.

He edited the video himself.

He even made a highlight video with music.

I wonder if it was because of his hard work.

At least on Netview, interest in Ho Yeol hasn’t faded.

The level of interest is reflected in the number of viewers of Park Hwi Kang, who is practically Ho Yeol’s waiting room.


Current viewers: 19,412


He’s not even filming the entire Yusra Islands.

He’s just filming the portal.

Nevertheless, the viewers’ chat never stopped.

-Don’t you know that the original protagonist appears at the end?

Can Lee Ho-yeol survive in the Yusra Islands alone?

-What does that mean?

-The Yusra Islands are a treasure island, and there’s a lot of f*cking item competition, so I was worried that the players would get screwed over, especially those supernova bastards.

It was a legitimate concern.

With all the attention on that loot.

It was obvious that all kinds of people would come.

Especially supernovas.


An established Arcana ranker.

No, new powers threatening the Arcana system.

That is, since Arcana became a reality.

It referred to the new players who rose to prominence.

-Because those as*h*les will do anything.

-That’s how they got there.

-And they’re despicable as*h*les.

Including players.

Most people had an idea of what a supernova was.

Back in the days of Arcana.

It’s not easy to close the gap in real life.

Moreover, supernovae were notoriously eventful.

Those supernovae would have converged on the Yusra system.

Players and guilds alike would be on high alert for them.

-Do not doubt.

-Just Homen

-Doubters, watch the highlight reel again.

Of course, that’s only when you’re in a hurry.

The audience had faith.

In Ho Yeol’s dominance.

The coolness he never lost, no matter what.

His demeanor was unflappable.

The way he handled the world’s attention.

He had so much to offer.


-……But will Mr. Ho Yeol even come?

-Do not doubt…….

-You’re the one doubting it now, aren’t you?


Ho-yeol didn’t even show a shadow.

There was no doubt about it.

-Yet again, you don’t care about money!!!


-I can tell by the fact that you don’t advertise or appear on TV.

-You don’t have to come to a treasure island to get it.

Fanatical belief in favorability.

They’re the kind of viewers who think anything is good.

I have that kind of faith.

Tens of thousands of people are watching a show that’s just a portal for hours on end.

While other networks were broadcasting live from the Yusra Islands.

“…… Do not doubt.”

Park Hwigang muttered.


A familiar silhouette appeared from the angle.

Glistening sand.

Towering palm trees.

A suit and shoes that didn’t look out of place in the slightest.

But even the outfit.

A certain aura that made it not so out of place.


Ho-Yeol had made his appearance in the Yusra Islands.

“I didn’t doubt you, Homen.”


─Investigate the great evil in the Yusra Islands. (in progress)

A great evil.

I didn’t think so when I saw the quest.

I remembered the words of the Demon Hunter of Akshan.

-Monstrosity. Literally, a giant demon. I’ve never faced one, but I’m sure they exist. They’re big because they’re so big that they can’t hide.

That conversation quickly led to a lesson.

-So let’s talk about what exactly those big bads are…….

……No more lessons.

I’ve just come from a regular meeting where my head was spinning.

Let’s get some rest, me too.

With that thought, I threw myself into the portal.


And the moment I set foot on the Yusra system.

“…… is too big to hide.

I understood the Demon Hunter’s words.

[Skill, “Natural Enmity” is activated].

……You realize that Enmity has been triggered.

That there are demons around.

But I didn’t flinch.

A demon hunter’s intuition.

I could feel it under my feet.

‘The Yusra Islands, everywhere, are in the grip of a great evil.

This wasn’t the first time I’d weighed in on a quest, was it?

I could literally feel myself coming face-to-face with a ‘great evil’.

The Yusra Islands seem so beautiful on the surface.

Now that I know the truth behind it.

Naturally, there was no hesitation in my step.

……No, rather, I was full of confidence.

“No demon’s temptations, deceptions, or trials could even scratch the high pride of Grandfell.”

No demons.

Of course, that would include the Great Evil.

So I stand tall.

I was able to voice my feelings about entering the Yusra system.

I declared to the evil I could feel beneath the soles of my shoes.

“It’s nice to see you prostrate yourself in humiliation.”




『A new region is coming your way.

A new region, the Yusra Islands, is added.

New monsters are added.

Gold Sand Scorpion : Lv.390

Gold Sand Viper: Lv.400

‘Gem Collecting Giant Bat’ : Lv.400

‘Emerald Tiger’ : Lv.420…….』

New update details.

There’s a reason I’ve been avoiding the Yusra system.

First of all, the levels of the monsters were ridiculous.

If it was a rift, the appropriate level would have been at least level 400.

In that sense, it was a good thing.

“It’s the middle of the Pacific.

New area updates would often spawn monsters that appeared in that area.

For example, the Yusra Islands spawned right next to Jeju Island.

‘The rift has collapsed before we can do anything about it.

A national disaster might have been declared by now.

Anyway, in many ways, it’s a good thing.


Natural Enemy: Increases your combat power by leaps and bounds when battling demons.


I was unintentionally benefiting from the ‘big bad’.

Aside from Grampel’s impatient nature.

I was confident, too.

‘Still, I’ll see what I can do.

Natural enemies.

And the new magic I’d learned over my shoulder at the Society.

A magic regeneration item borrowed from a magic tower.

It’s a well-founded confidence.

‘Even so, the Emerald Tiger is a burden…….’

I started out with a scorpion…….

I was walking around the Yusra Islands thinking that.



The cries are deeply majestic.

A howl I’ve heard before, the howl of a wolf in blood.

It was powerful enough to make me grunt.

I could feel it in my gut.

The tiger would come if I told him.

This was exactly the kind of situation……!

“Shit. Healer, I’m out!”


“Holy shit. That bastard is so shiny it’s hard to hit him properly!”

A dense palm grove.

An emerald tiger rampaging beneath them.

Indeed, the movement was just as crazy as the level.

Judging by the colorful equipment, the players must be skilled.

If anything, it felt like the Emerald Tiger was hunting them.

‘No wonder.

The terrain was too favorable to the Emerald Tiger.

Palm trees and emeralds.

The emerald tiger was enjoying its camouflage.

Plus the intense sunlight.

The disturbed vision forced the players to be passive.

“Shit. I told you not to split up!”

“I can’t be blinded by the real achievement……!”

“I have no choice. I have to run!”

He seemed to take a step back.

Yes, a wise choice.

There’s no business in volume.

With a companion, the hunt for the Emerald Tiger shouldn’t be too difficult.

But I’m afraid.

I have no companions to join me.



I can’t just turn back to avoid the tiger.

I don’t have that option.

I take another step forward.


A palm leaf against my suit.

The players gasped as they recognized the gesture.

“……What? What? What? All of you?!”

I left them behind.

I faced the emerald tiger.

“You can’t treat a beast like a dog.”

I manifested 『Magic』.

“So forgive me if I’m harsh.”

……Will we ever get used to lines like this?

Thankfully, my hands and feet have grown back.

I was never without magic.

At this moment, the rising wall is proof of that.


My head spun rapidly.

The urgent thing was to limit the creature’s movement.

Because with my stats, I couldn’t even chase him with my eyes.

27 points of strength.

33 points of agility.

60 points total.

Even if I’m using more than my stats, he’s level 420.

Letting a creature like that run amok?

That would be suicidal.


East, west, north, south.

I caged the beast.

I piled up the stone walls.


Isn’t it worth it to spend all my points on magic?

My magic manifestation is much faster than before.

The effect of the brooch is also quite effective.

[Effect: When using magic, recovers 10% of the magic consumed].

I never thought I’d feel a 10% difference like this.

‘Tearing down the wall at this time is insane.

I would have used Reversal Magic here.

I would have tried to damage him by knocking down the walls I had built up.

But I recall the swiftness of the Emerald Tiger’s movements.

‘It would be suicidal, too.

It wouldn’t even be enough to dodge all the debris.

It leapt through the cracks in the stone wall.

It could have bitten the back of my neck.

So I manifested my magic in succession.


Flames roared in the palm of my hand.

Marcelo, the chief mage of the tower.

The advanced magic he presented at the conference.

“I have enough magic left.

Now, I was going to test its destructive power.

I grew the flames in my palm larger.

“Centrifugal force.

Adding a new concept, a science, to the interference process.


What I manifested was.

A literal storm of flames.

The firepower was enough to dazzle even the manifested me.

‘……You mean you’re not a senior mage after all?

You’re even better than I thought……!

I apologize, Marcelo.

I’m sorry for the unnecessary tackle on your exploration.

That storm of flames.

engulfed the emerald tiger as it scaled the stone wall.

If only to compare their destructive power.

Jesse Hynes.

No wonder it’s so far below her [Heavenly Punishment].


My firestorm was not easily extinguished.

Even now that it has left my hands.

It was burning the Emerald Tiger.

Considering the lasting damage.

“Something like that.

As if to confirm my suspicions.

A message popped up.

[You are credited with a kill on the Emerald Tiger].

[You’ve leveled up].

[You’ve leveled up].

[Your level has increased.]…….

Through the flickering messages.

A muffled voice called out.

“……, Homen!”