Chapter 350 – On a Shaking Plate

◈ Episode 350. On a Shaking Plate

[Quest: Election of the Next Master of Magic Tower]

In accordance with Tower Master’s wishes, an election has been held to determine the next Tower Master.

A gentle giant, the greatest discoverer in the history of the Magic Tower, and the Dark Dragon.

Which one of them will become the new Master of Magic Tower?

The future of Magic Tower is in your hands.

─Secure your vote for the next Tower Master. (Ongoing)

●Prove your worth to the Magic Tower. (Ongoing)

A player stays in the Magic Tower.

A message on everyone’s mind.

It must have been on everyone’s mind.

“I’ve been thinking about this ever since Cat Tower Master went down…….”

The position of Tower Master was too important to leave vacant.

But this is how we’re going to get a new Tower Master.

No one could have imagined it.

Most of all.

“Hoyeol, you’re actually a candidate for Tower Master?!”

As the quest description clearly states.

Hoyeol, Dark Dragon, a player.

I never thought his name would be listed as one of the candidates for the next Tower Master.

Park Hwigang’s comment causes the chat to explode.


-Gentlemen, I’ll go to the Magic Tower and check it out myself.

-Hwigang, you’re full of shit. ㅡㅡ

-You’re so desperate for money that you can’t collect on the continent~.

Park Hwigang protests.

“No, look at the reaction around here?”


Park taps the screen and the camera angle switches.

We see the faces of the players.

They’re shocked for the same reason as Park Hwigang.

“That arrogant Magic Tower nominated the player as a Tower Master candidate?”

“No. Isn’t this the first time a player has ever gotten a position like this on the Arcana Continent? Except for manors and such, which were taken by siege.”

“……No, not that I know of.”

I nodded.

Park shook his head furiously.

Then switched back to selfie mode.

“As far as I know, this is the first!”

He said excitedly.

“It’s not just a normal thing, it’s a real boundary break! I mean, the wall between the Arcana and our reality is starting to break down completely!”

Water and oil.

They’re so different.

It was proof that the Arcana continent was merging with a reality that was thought to be completely unmixable.

“I also have vivid field experience, right?”

Explorers Federation.

Park Hwigang was an Explorer class player.

As such, he had naturally come into contact with many Arcanians.

“It’s not that we were trying to exclude each other, but there was an unavoidable distance between us. Even if we were just in different countries, we would still feel like strangers, because we live in different worlds.”


“For you to be nominated as the next Master of the notoriously closed, albeit open, Magic Tower……, that’s a pretty big deal.”

-That’s a big deal.

-Why is he so excited already?

-Lol, the election hasn’t even started yet.

-The election itself is meaningful. ㅡㅡ

-I wonder if I can get elected?

Park Hwigang said.

“Of course Hoyeol should be chosen!”

The Dark Dragon deserves to be elected.

He wasn’t the only one.

Everyone who heard the news thought so too.

Putting aside his past accomplishments and looking at just one recent achievement, Hoyeol’s achievements were simply overwhelming…….

“You have fulfilled the will of the Cat Tower Master and defeated Eunaxus.”

That’s pretty cool.

But are Tower Masters built on achievements alone?

Players didn’t know the exact criteria.

-Wouldn’t it actually be more rewarding than achievements?

-Shouldn’t a Elder Mage be the next Tower Master?

-But hey, Chief Marcelo achievements are really good, right???

Speculation in the chat.

Park looked away from the chat for a moment and looked at the quest window.

He read it again.

Then, suddenly, he remembered.

Wait a minute……?

” ……There’s no need for achievements or anything like that!”

It was.

The quest was all about [election of the next Tower Master].

The basics of elections.

“Majority rule!”

I don’t understand how the election of a Tower Master is decided.

It meant that whoever got the most votes in the election would become the Tower Master

Park Hwigang clenched his fist and said.

“Hoyeol-nim urgently needs your vote!”


The chief’s office.

A tinkling green tea bag.

Marcelo tilted his teacup. The world should be buzzing by now, he thought, and then he spat out a smirk. It was a very classy thought indeed.

“That must have been quite uncomfortable, Tower Master.”

The Tower Master’s will.

Marcelo remembered Jesse’s words as he delivered the will.

Jesse said as she adjusted her flowing cone hat.

-“At first, you asked Chief Lee Hoyeol to take on the position of the next Tower Master……. No, you told me!”

It seemed like he had passed on the position of Tower Master.

What kind of person is Lord?

Once he said no, he never changed his mind unless there was a good reason.

-“You said he got in trouble for it!”

Even if it was a will, he didn’t think it could be honored.

Marcelo could guess.

Why Hoyeol was so reluctant to accept the position of Tower Master.

It must be because of the discipline of the Magic Tower.


The position is reserved for the mage who has accomplished the greatest feats in the Tower. Their accomplishments are not measured by worldly standards. It is a feat that is judged only by the standards of the Magic Tower. …….


The standards of the Magic Tower.

It was a mage of the past who left such a code.

A Magic Tower from the distant past.

A Magic Tower whose arrogance seemed to reach the heavens.

Naturally, the only evaluation of the Magic Tower’s achievements is.

He was evaluated only for his performance inside the Magic Tower.

Considering the discipline.

‘It’s not your place to judge.’

『Reversal Magic』

Hoyeol was the creator of great magic, but the absolute amount of time he spent in the tower was short. Moreover, the burdens he carries are great, both inside and outside the tower. There was also not enough time to accumulate achievements that met the standards of the Magic Tower.

Of course, the Tower Master knew that.

The Master of the Magic Tower had guessed.

He left a new will.

-“Since you love discipline so much, I am changing it by my will. From now on, the Tower Master will be chosen by election. Adventurers are welcome. You may vote for anyone as long as they are qualified. The more votes there are, the more justification there will be that even Chief Lee cannot refuse. Candidates also noticed…….”

Inherit the will of the Tower Master.

Marcelo declared to the Magic Tower.

The election for the next Tower Master has begun.

After he declared it, he became worried all over again.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this, especially now that my lord has left for the Arcana continent. If he’s disappointed and angry with me, I have nothing to say about it.”

But Marcelo’s intentions were no different than Topzu’s, so he went ahead. No matter how much he thought about it, Hoyeol was the only one who could lead the new Magic Tower.

There was just one problem.

‘Alas, I failed to ask Ms. Yugweed what her wishes were.’

By the standards of past Magic Tower.

The next Tower Master should have been the Elder Mage, Yugweed Lufeng.

Of all the mages.

She had spent the longest time in the Magic Tower.

“Compared to you, Yugweed.”

Aside from Hoyeol, Marcelo’s career in the Tower was nothing but fresh blood. so if Yugweed had any complaints about the Tower Master election process that had turned into the Tower Master’s will…….

Marcelo put a hand to his head.

“God, my head is starting to hurt.”

The position had become deeply embarrassing.

He didn’t think Ms. Yugweed would do such a thing, but at the same time, the Gentle Giant wasn’t called that for nothing. Marcelo knew this well.

So Marcelo prepared himself early.

“I couldn’t help it…….”

An excuse that wasn’t an excuse.

“I guess I’ll just have to blame it all on the Tower Master.”


Kingdom of Yusra.

In front of the Golden Palace.

Golden Crown Tavern.

Occupant. No, the old man is back.

“Hahaha, it’s been a while since I’ve had a drink. This?”


He’s really back and healthy.

The Magic Tower kept a guy like that alive for no reason……!

Didn’t he get a hole stitched in his stomach when he got hurt?

What the hell was he drinking……!

“Shut up.”

Rockid ate, drank, and got drunk, unaffected by the stares. He was back from the dead, and there was too much good news for him to absorb without getting drunk.


Rockid slammed the keg down and opened his mouth.

“Hmph. Thanks to the Dragon Heart, the way to the Arcana Continent has been opened……. What does that mean? The existence of love and hate, our leader, Kichi, the way is open for us to capture her!”

By the rules of the Shadow Mercenaries.

I could legally fight the runaway Kichi to the death.

That fact alone was enough to make him happy.

“Plus, the next Tower Master election, eh? I can’t be left out of something like this again! So what’s everyone’s betting on? You know my reputation, right? Heehee! Rockid is a man who is undefeated in Colosseum gambling!”

Too good to pass up.

There was an interesting gambling table open.

An undefeated Colosseum gambler.

“…… Is that real or a hoax?”

“No, it’s real.”

Rockid wasn’t bluffing; with a hit rate like that, he was bound to be in trouble, no matter how much he cheated. No one asked Rockid for his opinion. No wonder.

“But don’t even think about following it.”


The small man stuck out his tongue.

“Because he’s bet on himself and won a hundred times.”

Rockid was not a godly gambler.

He was just a goddamn gladiator.

Rockid ponders, trying to recall the names in the news.

“Yugweed, Marcelo, Lee Hoyeol……. Hmm, let’s see…….”

For some reason, his mind raced.

“Is anyone here going to choose Chief Lee Hoyeol? Heh! But if you get caught there, you’re a newbie. Would people as thorough as Magic Tower have given such an obvious result a grandiose name, such as an election? Magic Tower of the World? Not according to this competitive Rockid!”

He took a bold bet.

“Okay, I’ll be Marcelo! However, the reason is a secret.”

To protect my precious winnings.

Rockid had his reasons. He’d heard Marcelo’s high praise during his time in the tower, and he’d heard it all before. Another smile slips from his lips.

“This will add one win to the hundred wins, hahaha.”




……This is not a good thing.

“That freaking asshole.”

Entrance to the Golden Crown Tavern.


Kinver pushed open the door and stepped inside, then turned as soon as he saw the Rockid.

He didn’t like the idea of a gathering place in Yusra. He tried to rinse his mouth with wine, but it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

“I don’t want to be unlucky.”

Rockid was downing all the good stuff.


Kinver shook off his regrets and quickened his pace.

‘It’s a rare occurrence, by the way.’

A meeting of stars, a gathering of supernovas.

One might ask.

What are we going to do with these supernovas who are not rankers or anything, and all they know how to do is PK? However, since they could only play PK, they had the advantage in that area.

‘So who are you planning to bite today?’

At a star conference, such supernova would come together to pick new targets. There is no compulsion to attend. They can’t gain experience or loot in any legitimate way.

They see each other’s light and flock to it.


A gold mine in the Kingdom of Yusra.

Deep underground, the shafts were already swarming with supernova.

“How many are there?”

Three hundred, at least.

Kinver had been expecting this.

For some reason, all of the Five Stars were attending this meeting.

The Five Stars of the Supernova.

They were named players who had been PKing since the days when Arcana was just a game. Even after the Cataclysm, their aggression hadn’t waned, and it was that brutality that naturally drew them to Supernova.

‘This is the first time the Five have come together.’

Kinver had a hunch.

‘It’s clear they’re going after the big guy.’

We’re not sure who that big guy is, but…….

Whoever it is, no one will survive the Star Council. Unlike monster hunting, PK was a whole other ballgame.

The shaft began to rumble.

Five shadows stirred.

Kinver’s eyes narrowed.

‘…… Are they these guys?

The smell of blood in the air was overpowering.

They emerged, their faces covered.

Their faces were covered, and their bodies exuded life.

Even Kinver’s skin crawled with goosebumps.

“Yes, that’s the kind of bloodshed we want!”

A rousing cheer erupted around them.

The only people gathered here are the same old bastards.

It’s a natural reaction in an underworld where scum are treated as such.

After the cheering, one of the Five Stars spoke up.

“As you may have guessed, our target is a big shot.”

He spat out the name.

The moment.


Kinver could not help but react more violently than anyone else.

‘What, what?’

It was nothing compared to the goosebumps that sprang up.

It was as if his long-forgotten senses in Yusra had been reawakened.

Yes, the sensation of my damp crotch that had been wetting up……!

A conversation from memory.

-“Lord Hoyeol, what do you think of the rats in the trees?”

-“Lord Harkon, what are your thoughts?”

-“It’s a pain in the ass, but I think it’s better to deal with it.”

-“I will respect your decision.”

At the same time, a message flashed before my eyes.

[The Harkon Kingsguard is watching you].

[Your body and mind are paralyzed from living.]

[Status abnormality: Fear occurs.]

Kinver was dumbfounded.

‘You’re going to target that knight because he lost his leg? You’re insane, and insane hard! He is a beings that should not be touched. No, not even daring to look……!’

I didn’t want anything to do with them anymore.

As if Kinver had heard the nails.

He hurried out of the council chamber.

One of the Five Stars turned to Kinver and said.

“There must have been an impurity in the meeting.”


For a split second, all eyes focused on Kinver.

Kinver felt his stomach turn.


Yeah, he thought, there had to be a reason the damn five-star assholes had gathered. It didn’t matter what they thought in the first place, those who dissented wouldn’t survive here.


Kinver rolled his eyes.

Of course, there were no surviving quotes in sight.

But he wasn’t afraid.


Kinver turned and chuckled.

“I’m not scared to death of you, no matter how many times you pull your shit together.”


Kinver shouted as he equipped a claw in each hand.

“Okay, do or die! Try your best to stop me. I’m telling you now, If I survive here, I will reveal to ‘him’ all the modifications that took place here today.”

“Him. Which one are you talking about?”

“Whoever it is, watch your language, asshole.”


When Kinver swung his claw, the man who was running towards him collapsed.

“Does Lee Hoyeol look easy?”