◈ Episode 327. Even Animals Recognize Their Owner (3)

Grandfell Claudi Arpheus Romeo.

I know the name through my grandfather.

I know it well from my father.

-“Grandfell, he is the one with the darkest Claudi blood. So much so that he could be considered Claudi itself……. You must never involve yourself with him, and if you ever encounter him, never look up.”

Ignite scoffed.

-“The old men are getting old.”

The greatest talent in the history of Claudi’s family.

I burst out laughing.

How could the Claudi be anything in the first place?

-“It’s easy to be frightened by the ghosts of the past.”

Ignite’s cool head allowed him to look objectively at Maxima’s position on the Arcana continent, which is why his ancestor’s warning didn’t sound like a warning.

-“If Claudi had such a talent, he wouldn’t have claimed to be the mastermind in the first place. To think that a single family can hold the Arcana continent in its grip? The delusions of old men are beyond belief.”

As if that weren’t enough, there were rumors.


The Shadow Mercenaries.

Rumor had it that the hounds of the underworld had sought a commission involving Claudi, and in the process, they’d gotten word of Claudi’s demise. Ignite spat out his mockery even then.

-“Claudi, I can’t believe such a noble name would be spoken of in the depths of the underworld! Whether true or not, the very fact that such a story is told speaks volumes about a family’s reputation. Do you see, father? You’re as wrong as they come.”

And now it was.


Ignite stared helplessly at the helm he held in both hands. The Jewel of Midas, the heirloom that was supposed to adorn its centerpiece, was gone without a trace.

The soldiers hastily dismounted from their horses and searched around, but…….

“Keep your eyes open and look for it!”

In truth, everyone knew.

The jewel of Midas was not a shard, nor was it a powder, but rather a tiny particle, scattered by the wind and evaporated without a trace.

Ignite’s huge body shook violently.

“I, my……. the symbol of Maxima…….”

From the time of the next Householder to carry on the Maxima family name.

Ignite’s ears pricked up.

He had heard of the Jewel of Midas.

All of Maxima’s wealth came from the Jewel of Midas.

Every time he heard it, Ignite had a question.

How did Maxima come into possession of such a precious heirloom?

But every time he asked, his father would say.

-“Don’t ask, my son.”


He realized why his father was so desperate to avoid answering.

The reason was written on the parchment.


As of this hour, I revoke all titles and blessings of Maxima family.


Patriarch, Grandfell Claudi Arpheus Romeo.


The Jewel of Midas is the blessing that Claudi was said to have bestowed.

The loss of such an heirloom was a devastating loss.

But Ignite composed himself.

‘We can do without it.’

The treasures in Maxima’s treasury alone were immeasurable, and he already had the loyal soldiers of the Golden Legion at his side. Besides.

“I do not believe.”


Ignite straightened his helmet once more.

His eyes were now blazing.

It was a well-founded confidence.

“I have confirmed that resurrection does not exist in this world.”

Adventurers who once shook the Arcana continent. In fact, there were more than one or two people on the continent who witnessed their resurrection. Among the golden soldiers, there was even someone who witnessed the revived adventurer.

But just a little while ago.


Ignite’s fingers traced the spatter of blood on his cheek.

“I also confirmed that with my own skin. so.”

Ignite concludes.

Grandfell Claudi Arpheus Romeo.

I will not believe in your resurrection.

“Until you show me your true face.”

Ignite shouted to his soldiers.

“There is no time to waste on heirlooms! Advance!”


Letel Acamond.

The Acamond patriarch folded the parchment carefully.

Then, hiding her expression behind her beauty.

She spoke to the adventurer who had come to her.

“A Blocker of Ericton. Indeed, you are a rare talent.”

The Blocker.

Beings who discipline themselves through training and penance.

Letel did not forget the proverb handed down from her ancestors.

In her mind, she echoed the words.

-In the name of the Acamond, all humans are no different from tools.

Letel looked at the man, at Long Shenglac.

If he had been a simple blocker, she would have been accepted him straight away. Any adventurer who has survived so far on the desolate Arcana continent will have already proven their skills.


He’s an adventurer, so he can’t be controlled.

Letel didn’t know much about adventurers. The Acamonds are from the far east of the Arcana continent. Due to their geography, they were better versed in news from beyond the seas than Arcana itself.

‘After all, it looks like it’s going to be scratched and crumbled.’

What’s more, Letel was not genuine about this imperial expedition.

She saw no hope for the demon-infested Arcana continent. It was more realistic to rebuild the empire across the ocean, across the tectonic plates that had opened up.

‘I was only a modest participant because I was bound to the Four Families.’

Letel pondered the words on the parchment.

‘However, I will strip you of the name and blessing of the Acamond.’

The Acamond’s blessing was not as visible as the Maxima jewel.

It was a blessing in disguise.

Thankfully, Letel was able to see things more rationally.

She asked Long Shenglac.

“Adventurer, do you know about Claudi?”

“If you say Claudi, then…….”

Long Shenglac sifted through his hazy memories under Liu Zunqun’s brainwashing.

He vaguely remembered hearing about it.

He hadn’t seen it in his homeland because the news was blocked.

It must have been in the Zero Mountains…….

-“What, Lee Hoyeol was Claudi, the one the demons were calling?”

Long Shenglac shouted back.

“I know. Claudi. It was the name of an adventurer.”

Letel, who had been calm, was shocked by the answer.

“What? Claudi was the adventurer’s nickname……?”

“Yes, Lee Hoyeol, his other name was Claudi. Such rumors are widespread in my hometown, which is a completely different world from the Arcana Continent.”

“Is that so?”

Letel rolled her eyes, still hiding her expression.

‘There’s a word for it.’

Unique to the Arcana continent.

It was Claudi, of the Great Family. And for him to claim that his ame is alive and well, and even an adventurer. It’s too good to be true, isn’t it?

Letel concluded.

‘It’s the same one, the fake Claudi.’

How could an adventurer, a mere stranger, know about Claudi’s connection to them?

We don’t know how he learned of the connection between the four families.

But the purpose of the impersonation was obvious.

Letel muttered low.

“You want to preserve the empire by any means necessary, don’t you?”

Claudi of all people.

If nothing else, I’m curious to see the face of this impersonator of Grandfell.

I’m heading to Antonium, the capital of the Empire.

‘But first.’

Letel spoke to Long Shenglac generously.

“Very well, I will grant you the honor of serving the Acamond.”

“Thank you, Letel Acamond.”

“May the achievements of Acamond be with you.”

“I am honored.”


Letel held out the back of his hand.

Long Shenglac knelt down and kissed the back of Letel’s hand, pledging his loyalty. That was it. Neither Letel nor Long Seonglac knew each other well enough to recognize the change.

As with the Jewel of Midas.

The Acamond’s influence had vanished without a trace.

Of course, by the time they realized it, it was too late for regret.

“Indeed, it is as little as rumored.”

The last of the Shivering Acamond.

The Four Families have reached the capital of the Empire.

Antonium is completely surrounded.


[Quest: Empire vs Maxima, Yugrik, Kansul, and Acamond].

The capital of the Empire, Antonium.

A war to determine the true owner of the throne is on the horizon.

What is the hidden truth behind this war?

It all depends on your judgment.

You will reap the rewards of victory according to your merit.

─Choose a faction. (Select)

●Swear allegiance to Maxima. (Failed)

●Swear allegiance to Yugrik. (Failed)

●Swear allegiance to Kansul. (Failed)

●Swear allegiance to Acamond. (Success)

─Capture Antonium (Ongoing)

●Current Accomplishments: 0p

Long Shenglac tightened his grip on the reins.

‘First of all, it’s been an hour.’

Newly updated quest goal after success.

After all, he hadn’t been wrong about choosing an Acamond.

Suddenly, Zhang Anlin came to mind, but Long Shenglac didn’t care.

‘Our relationship ended a long time ago.’

Long Shenglac, the person he had to be most wary of was none other than a fellow player.

Especially those who belonged to Heavenly Unity.

Just as he himself had stepped on the toes of other guilds to rise to prominence in Heavenly Unity.

It was certain that they, Zhang Anlin, would be the same.

‘I wouldn’t let someone like him stab me in the back.’

Long Shenglac’s heart felt lighter.

All that remains is to take down the imperial capital, Antonium.

The quest would come to a successful end.

He can’t help but smile.

‘I can’t lose.’

The power of the Acamond was truly phenomenal.

In Arcana terms, the ratio of dealers, healers, and tanks is ideal. Not only were the numbers huge, but so were the individual levels. I was even more surprised because it was Long Shenglac, who belonged to a super-giant guild, Heavenly Unity.

The greater the power, the more people would gather.

‘Where did they gather such an army?’

The influence of the Acamond, which transforms unskilled apprentice knights into skilled knights and apprentice mages into adept mages. But Long Shenglac didn’t know about it, so he could only admire it.

Soon, Long Shenglac shook his head.

‘Let me come to my senses too.’

It is unclear what the strength of the remaining three families is, but if they do not stop Acamond, the fall of Antonium is a possibility.

‘To be blunt, the empire cannot last even a day.’

The prospects were so bright that he was greedy for achievement points, but he knew he couldn’t give them away on the first try. Long Shenglac stifled his ambition.

‘Besides, I don’t know anything yet.’

There was no telling how the Acamond had risen to such power, or what would happen between the Four Families after the gates of Antonium opened and the Emperor’s head fell.

‘I must stand aside and watch.’

I will not speak out, Long Shenglac vowed.

There was one thing he couldn’t ignore.

Letel’s reaction to Claudi and Lee Hoyeol.

Long Shenglac glanced over at Letel.

‘She didn’t say anything, but she was definitely surprised.’


I’d assumed it was one of Lee Hoyeol’s many name, like the Infinite Darkness, a ray of light, or Dark Dragon. The reaction made me realize that something more complex was involved.

But it didn’t matter.

‘Still, if you’re advancing, you must be confident.’

The Emperor’s right-hand man, the Lionheart Knights.

Lee Hoyeol has a close relationship with the Knights of the Lionheart. Naturally, he’s bound to side with the Empire. However, even the mighty Lee Hoyeol is no match for the might of the Four Families.

‘And I have to get used to it, don’t I?’

He couldn’t bring himself to return to reality. This meant that he might have to clash with Lee Hoyeol on the Arcana Continent many times in the future.

Long Shenglac was moderately nervous.

‘This is a golden opportunity to find out his level.’

Lee Hoyeol.

It was almost as if he had never faced a player before.

Although he had won a duel against Sword Saint, Shegwin. Shegwin was not a player. To face him as a player meant that he was perhaps the first to do so.

‘I can keep up with you.’

Even if it’s impossible in real life.

But here.

In the Arcana Continent, where buffs like this exist, I can.

As Long Shenglac made his resolve, he saw Antonium in the distance.

He could see the other three families, each as powerful as the Acamond.

And then.


The center of Antonium’s plain, surrounded by the Four Families.

The center of the battlefield, the eye of the storm.

A man stood alone on the ground.

His jacket over his shoulders flapping in the breeze.

Silver hair glistening in the sunlight.

His posture straight and upright.

It was unmistakable.

It was Lee Hoyeol.

A moment.

As if to prove it.

The only player on the battlefield other than Lee Hoyeol.

A message popped into Long Shenglac’s mind.


Long Shenglac suddenly realized.

The reason why Heavenly Unity had been able to expand its power so effortlessly.

Liu Zunqun, that bastard has no blood or tears?

Because he has no blood or tears, but his guild management skills are outstanding?

No, you’re all wrong.

‘Uh, how?’

It was all thanks to Lee Hoyeol’s mercy.

Long Shenglac could feel the weight of Lee Hoyeol’s presence as an ‘enemy’.

‘I’m the one with the four families on my back. How can you do this to me, this……!!!’

[Grandfell Claudi Arpheus Romeo appears].

It becomes an appearance message announcing the final act.

tl/n: Homen became boss mob