Chapter 271 – The Promise (1)

◈ Episode 271. The Promise (1)

An antique emperor’s room.

A dazzlingly colorful teacup.

And a green tea bag in a teacup that breaks the mood.


By the way, the story is even more shocking than the sight before me.

I set my teacup down, dumbfounded, but without emotion.

Then I opened my mouth.

“So there were circumstances.”

A rift.

A space of the anomaly.

The Warlord’s Library with a deceptive effect.

With great power comes great responsibility.

The Warlord’s Library, the price of use was life. The Emperors of the Empire traded their lives for answers to their crises. It kept the empire alive.

“But I am not afraid, no, I must not be afraid, for the moment I am even the slightest bit frightened, I shall be unworthy to face my father and the emperors before him.”

Apparently, the Emperor hasn’t yet entered the Warlord’s Library.

I could ask him what it’s like inside, but he wouldn’t know.

The Emperor smiles bitterly and adds a word to me.

“Will you keep this secret from others?”

Everyone seemed to know about the Warlord’s library…….

They just don’t know what the price is.

That’s why I could say it in a casual way.

“When the time is right, I will reveal everything myself.”

Even though I say that, I have to keep it a secret.

But the question is.

Will it ever be revealed?

‘It was obviously a rift.’

Let’s recall again.

Information from the Warlord’s Library.

[Warlord’s Library]

[Appropriate Level: Unmeasurable]

[Collapse Progress: 92.7%]

First, the appropriate level.

According to the Emperor, only those who possess the qualities of a ‘monarch’ can enter the Warlord’s Library. Once inside, decisions cannot be reversed, and the loss of life cannot be reversed.

‘I suppose you could say that he was also educated for it.’

Human life is limited.

This means you can’t ask questions multiple times.

So the emperor had been trained to ask the least amount of questions and get the most answers. That’s where he learned the oratory skills that spread the legend of the Dark Dragon, isn’t it?

‘I can smell it from here.’

The awful smell of soybean powder……!

Even if you were born with a crown.

You’re trained from a young age to use it efficiently.

Isn’t that too much?

Even I, with my eccentric tastes back then.

I wouldn’t have written that into the Claudi family tree, I swear.

Anyway, even though it’s not as good as the World Tree family, this is enough bean powder. Moreover, that is not the only problem. Because we should not have overlooked the rift in the Warlord’s library.

‘What happens if it collapses?’

If I had to guess based on player experience, I’d say…….

Each time the power is borrowed, [the Warlord’s Library] will increase in collapse.

At that point, I declared.

“There’s no way I’m going to reveal that.”

“Thank you for your understanding…….”

“You won’t be the one to reveal it.”

“……What do you mean by that?”

“It means that you will never enter the Emperor’s library.”


Rifts are rare on the Arcana Continent, so I don’t think he knows much about it.

The Warlord’s Library, the moment it collapses.

No one can predict what will happen to Antonium.

It must be stopped now.

92.7 percent.

They say it’s never too late, it’s always too early. Try to stay positive. If you never use it, you’re as good as zero percent.

In my mind, actually.

‘How rifts are treated in this world.’

I could have gone into great detail.

I learned a lesson after talking on the podium of the Magic Tower Crystal Hall.

I could have explained it a hundred times in words.

No one can understand the concept of a completely different world.

‘Because Grandfell is anomaly.’

So now I had to come up with another reason.

Of course, no matter how well-meaning this man’s pride is.

I can’t say what I don’t mean.

I had no choice but to declare, as boldly as ever.

“There will be no more imminent danger on the Arcana continent beyond the Empire.”


“I will see to it.”

The confidence is staggering.

The Emperor reacts to my words.

……The corner of his mouth twitches up?

‘Is he laughing at me?’

I’m more embarrassed than excited.

Yes, I thought I was being arrogant.

How ridiculous must it be for the emperor to hear?

I thought so, but he wasn’t laughing.

“What a strange thing.”

Then, in a serious voice, he continued.

“It’s as if you have the same burden as me…….No, I feel like you are carrying a heavier burden than me. Thanks to you, those words truly touched my heart.”


Actually, I’m carrying a lot of stuff, objectively speaking.

Maybe that’s where the honesty comes from.

“That’s why your words are so comforting to me.”

The Emperor smiled again, this time small.

But it was different, perhaps because he had smiled earlier.

This time it was a bitter laugh, tinged with bitterness.

‘Apart from trusting me.’

You can’t lay down the burden of being emperor easily.

Well, I’m not in a position to be offended by your lack of trust in me.

That’s the pride of an emperor.

But you can count on this.

『For Grandfell, humility had no place. Underestimation required proof, and overestimation required making it real.』

Even if it sounds like bluff now.

Because I will make Grandfell come true.

Or, more accurately, I’ll struggle until I do.

So you can watch, Emperor.

Live as long as possible.


The promised day has come.

The top floor of the Magic Tower.

Tower Master licked his fur with his tongue.

“That’s a lot of bravado, Chief Marcelo.”

“What do you mean, Tower Master?”

“Speaking of the day of the appointment, don’t you think I’ve been looking forward to this moment with great anticipation? It’s only one day. I am asking if this hospitality is too much.”

One day in real time.

Even in Arcana Continent time, it was only four days.

But look at the number of people gathered on the top floor of the tower.

The Tower Master, the Elders, the Chief, and all the senior mages.

“This is even more lavish than my return.”

“Are you jealous, by any chance?”

“If so, what will you do?”

“Your tail is wagging, Tower Master. I see, you’ve become a poor liar.”

“Tsk. If it weren’t for this animal’s body.”

Marcelo chuckled.

“Still, it’s not unreasonable, Sir. It’s not the first time you’ve entered the Arcana Continent, but this time you have companions, don’t you think? It’s not just a matter of congratulating you on your safe return, it’s a matter of caution.”

As if the magic tower was in full force.

The reason for waiting for Hoyeol on the top floor is simple.

Excluding Hoyeol, it can be said to be the first.

To celebrate the first ever trip between reality and the Arcana continent.

But also to prepare for the unexpected.

Healing magic.

Pure magic.

Black magic…….

The twenty senior mages were experts in their respective fields.

By traveling back and forth between reality and the Arcana continent, if something were to happen to their companion, Kichi, they would be able to respond quickly in a variety of ways.

Vangrit, a senior in Pure Magic, spoke up.

“……But do they really need us?”

Bensch, a senior in Fire Magic, whispered back.

“And again. Are you going to sound so confident?”

“It’s not that……. There’s the chief, right?”

“Tsk tsk. You know one and don’t know two, Senior Vangrit.”


Bensch gave him a quick squeeze on the shoulder.

It has to be that way.

There was only one person he could wear his heart on his sleeve in a meeting like this, and that was Vangrit, who was younger than he was and had a more innocent disposition. Bensch whispered, just as he had when he was giving his brother, Nash, a lesson.

“It’s called socializing……!”


“Yes, in fact, everyone in this room knows that, and if there’s ever a problem, Chief Lee will sort it out. But more than intentions, visible sincerity is very important.”

“Visible sincerity is important……?”

“Why, in the social circles of the nobility…….”

Bensch said, and then added, as if he were trying to catch his breath.

“Oh, Vangrit, I don’t mean to belittle you for coming from a commoner’s background, I swear on the proud House of William, I’m just trying to help you understand.”

“……Haha, of course.”

Bensch was usually misunderstood for his lighthearted manner,

Vangrit knew he was serious.

If he was going to discriminate against a commoner.

He wouldn’t even be talking to him in the first place, Bensch says.

“It’s just that even the most seemingly unnecessary and inefficient behaviors have meaning, like the fact that there’s an order of use for utensils at a dinner table!”


As soon as he gave a friendly example, Vangrit understood.

“I wasn’t familiar with that either, and I had a hard time with it.”

Vangrit had struggled for a while after joining the organization.

At the anniversary banquet at the Magic Tower, the nobles would ask him if he had multiple hands, so he would use multiple spoons and forks.

“It’s kind of like that, is that what you’re saying?”

“Yes, that’s right, it’s formal, isn’t it?”


Vanguard trailed off.

Thanks to Bensch, he understood, but something was bothering him.

I know Chief Lee is all about formality, but he doesn’t seem to value ceremony…….

Why, around the time when Hoyeol was just recognized as co-chief.

‘I know that well because I have experienced it.’

To gain his favor. He was a Vangrit who had been kicked out of the office.

Whether he knew his story or not.

Bensch even let out a laugh.

“So, I’ve been reading books diligently these days. Why, do you know the book Writing of Nobles? There are thousands of pages alone…….”

There, Vangrit was convinced.

‘You made a mistake again, Senior Bensch.’

It wasn’t the greeting that got him rejected so quickly. He wanted to get to the point, but Vangrit didn’t have time for that.

-Sorry, I’m sorry……!

Suddenly, a telepathic voice rang in his head.

And it wasn’t just Vangrit.

Senior mages gasped.


We exchanged glances and realized.

It was a telepathic message to all the senior mages.

Marcelo, the Elder, Yugweed, and Tower Master noticed.

Yugweed shuddered.

“Well, I guess we don’t have anything.”

All the senior mages were gathered on the top floor of the tower.

The sender of the telepathy was a adept mage at best.

No wonder a senior mage couldn’t be bothered to send a telepath to the Chief, the Elder, and the Tower Master.

Tower Master said nonchalantly.

“So, what’s going on?”

Magic Tower, telepathy from within to within.

It’s a rare occurrence.

Soon, the senior mages spoke up.

The news was unbelievable.

He stammered, unsure of his words.

” …… says there is an unwelcome visitor in the tower.”


It had never happened before the Cataclysm.

It was unprecedented even afterward.

No wonder.

The most powerful force in Arcana.

Its majesty was even greater in the past than it is now.

Yugweed and Tower Master looked at each other.

“Doesn’t this intrigue you, Tower Master?”

But Marcelo nipped their curiosity in the bud.

“Has the identity of the unwelcome visitor been determined?”

Matisse inclined his head.

“I will ask him now.”

Until then, Marcelo hadn’t taken it seriously.

Unlike in the past, the tower was open. There were reporters with cameras in the lobby and players constantly warping through portals.

‘Even if you entered the upper floor.’

Adept mages would be able to clean up the mess.

He wasn’t worried.

But Matisse’s brow furrowed.

Marcelo had a hunch.

Perhaps things weren’t going as planned.

Matisse opened his mouth.

“An intruder has broken through the Adept’s encirclement.”


“They are attempting to enter the Crystal Hall.”

Marcelo asked, unfazed.

“And their identity?”

“As an Arcanians, not an Adventurer…….”

Matisse’s eyes narrowed.

“He is said to be one of the members of the Shadow Mercenaries.”

The Shadow Mercenaries.

At the mention of that name.

Yugweed scowled.

“The damned Shadow Mercenaries…….”

Yugweed, the gentle giant.

The giant, who rarely showed emotion, was showing his discomfort, and it was only natural. Yugweed had a bit of a history with the Shadow Mercenaries.

Yugweed spoke up.

“I’ll take care of the unwelcome guests.”

For what reason they had approached the tower is unknown.

But it was a clear mistake.

Yugweed spoke in a low voice.

“I didn’t think it could be fixed in the first place.”

It was the moment when she was about to walk away.



The top floor.

A cluster of brilliant magical lights floating in the air.

Everyone in the room could recognize them.


That’s no ordinary portal.

It’s a portal that can only be manifested by those who have attained enlightenment.

A portal between dimensions.

Soon, a familiar sound could be heard from within the portal’s swarm of light.


The voice of the chief mage, Hoyeol, came through.

“I am not an uninvited guest.”

Hoyeol said.

……What does that mean?

Everyone pondered those words.

“I was expecting this.”


How could this chief from the Arcana Continent anticipate the situation here? While everyone was puzzled, they realized that the portal had completely disappeared.

Through the connector.

The leader of the Shadow Mercenaries who had traveled to the Arcana Continent with Hoyeol.

Kichi was nowhere to be seen.

Hoyeol straightened his clothes and spoke.

“Are you going to replace the leader who didn’t keep her promise?”

The cold voice turned to Yugweed.

“Will you yield your seat, Elder Mage Yugweed?”

“What do you mean yield, Chief……?”

“Let me ‘strictly’ check their pride.”