Chapter 269 – Too Much to Refuse (1)

◈ Episode 269. Too Much to Refuse (1)

─Restore the Empire to its former glory (Ongoing)

●Restore the ruined city of Makima. (Successful)

●Restore the ruined city of Holdswood. (Successful)

●Restore the ruined city of Polestar. (Successful)…….



Success after success.

Will your arrogant snout ever shut up?

“It’s surprising.”

To others, I must look like I’ve done something truly remarkable, especially from the perspective of Imperial soldiers, I must look like an archmage who just popped out of a portal.

“What should I say about this…”

Bones, a bushy-bearded Imperial Army officer, frowned.

Even he is speechless.

A wall that fell in less than half a day.

No, it’s risen, roaring higher than before.

“This is not the magic I knew…….”

It is.

Magic exists on the Arcana continent, but not all magic is the same. I apologize to the mages of the Empire, but if you judge them by the standards of the Magic Tower…….

‘Only adept mages?’

No, most of them were no better than apprentice mages.

Of course, that’s the pride of the most powerful military group on the Arcana continent. This is absolutely not to say that there is a shortage of mages belonging to the empire.

“I don’t know how to express my gratitude.”

Bones and the Imperial Army bow in gratitude.

And in front of the survivors, I didn’t get cocky.

After all, it hurts my conscience to be puffed up here……!

‘I never thought the struggle would come back like this.’

The past was a blur.

I hadn’t realized that the experience of building walls to survive, knocking them down again with reversal magic, and even embroidering stair would come in handy, and it wasn’t the first time.

Grandfell, which can manifest magic perfectly after only one sighting, did so repeatedly?

Of course, the power of manifestation is…….

‘Maybe I can create another one, Architectural Magic.’

It has to be amazing.

Admire the magnificent ramparts.

They weren’t just built.

It is said that he who has eaten meat knows its flavor.

‘He who has built a wall knows how to make it strong.’

Even if a catapult throws away a rock.

Wouldn’t this be able to last up to a few dozen units?

That’s what I was thinking.

Not only that.

‘Plus aesthetics.’

The reason for adding [aesthetics] is simple.

I was looking around the palace as if I were an aesthete.

A wall as colorful as the imperial palace.

It would be a symbol of imperial territory.

In other words.

“Actions speak louder than words.”

It’s just the complacency of Grandfell.

‘…… Well, who can blame him?’

In fact, it’s only because of Claudi’s halo that he can waste his magic like this. I can’t blame him for that. I’ve been given things, too.

A lot of it!


─Current Contributions: 300,723,000p


Even if you cut it in hundreds of thousands, it’s a whopping billion, billion, billion.

‘More amazing than the reward for clearing the rift.’

This isn’t my first experience with the contribution system.

I’ve experienced the contribution system in Frost Recapture.

However, I’ve never seen a unit of contribution like this before.

If this was back when Arcana was just a game…….

‘I would have thought it was a bug.

But it’s not a game.

Let’s think about it.

To do that, I’ll just have to be shameless.

I muttered to myself.

‘It’s all thanks to me being good.’


It’s also because I’ve learned that shame doesn’t kill you.

Thank you again, everyone at Antonium……!


When I change my perspective, it starts to make sense. I say that casually because it’s not really a big deal to me……. Objectively speaking, it was an imperial miracle.

‘It’s not something that can be accomplished by imperial power alone.’

You can tell just by looking at the scene unfolding before your eyes.


The survivor kneels in front of the city walls, hands clasped together in prayer. This is something that cannot be explained except by the grace of God.

‘I’m not religious, and neither is Grandfell.’

I’m not so insensitive as to mention my atheism to the overwhelmed survivors. The soldiers of the Empire, who were just as thrilled as I was to see the survivors, spoke up on their behalf.

“I will make sure that no one becomes indifferent to the miracles you have given us.”

As a demon hunter, I recognize it.

That look in those eyes.

Really, no matter what demons come my way, I won’t break.


I said.

“No, you’ve done well so far.”


Bones looked puzzled at my words.

What are you talking about, you might be thinking.

For a wall to be a wall, it needs soldiers to guard it.

Bones and his soldiers would defend it with their lives.

In other words.

“You don’t have to risk your lives anymore.”


Bones asked in disbelief.

“……Did my lord order us to withdraw?”

He glanced around with a complicated expression.

The Zero Mountains.

The nearby small city of Polestar.

Now that the Zero Mountains have flooded reality.

Polestar had been dumped on the continent.

Bones seemed to realize that.

So he spoke, his voice firm.

“Still, I can’t go along with it.”


The next moment, Bones and the Imperial army bowed their heads.

What they meant was simple.

“If I and my soldiers withdraw from Polestar, the new walls will be for nothing, and Polestar will fall straight to the demons, or to the wicked once again……!”

He’s not wrong.

As you can see, the survivors of Polestar are mostly old and frail.

I could understand and respect Bones’ decision to protest.

I’m not the only one who understands, and I’m sure Grandfell does too.

No, beyond understanding.

“I knew your pride.”


Bones’ behavior.

In terms of pride, yes.

Which means you don’t have to risk your life for it.



A loud bang that cut off my words.


No, is it more accurate to say that it resonates?

Why, every time I hear it, it makes me jump.

‘Really, I don’t want to say it, but…….’

The legend of the Dark Dragon Lee Hoyeol has been circulating.

What kind of beast could move around the Arcana continent with such a roar?

There can only be one.

I continued.

“Akshan has learned of your pride.”


That’s right.

Akshan’s legacy.

The Quernberg Machine Tower.

I asked the dwarves through Hiel.

How many Quernberg Machine Towers are currently in operation.

I asked if they could determine its condition.

The answer came back through Hiel.

‘Seven percent of the towers are currently operational.’

It was a performance that was not called the legacy of Akshan for nothing, given the fall of the Arcana continent to the demons. But as I watched Shegwin, I realized something.

The Quernberg Machine Tower was Akshan after all!

Much of the Quernberg Machine Tower is composed of silver.

This made them more than a match for a demon hunter, but relatively weak against anyone but demons.

In other words, a screw was missing. Like a demon hunter against a non-demon enemy.

‘In that sense.’

Placing the Quernberg machine tower in the recaptured city was the best decision. The Empire has the strength to withstand any enemy but demons, and a Quernberg Machine Tower is a great demon hunter.

‘They can complement each other’s weaknesses.’

The only problem is.

The approval of the demanding Pride.

It was unnecessary to worry.

Those without pride would have abandoned the Empire long ago.

Still, someone would ask.

Would Akshan allow it?

“Akshan, you mean……. They’re……?”

Bones pauses at the name.

His position gives him a vague idea of what’s going on.

The moment of Akshan’s destruction.

That the Empire was of no help.

That’s why he’s so concerned.

” ……How can we, soldiers of the Empire, be of any help to Akshan?”

But do not overlook Akshan.

Our seniors, the back end is not that long.

I’m sure they’ve put away all such personal feelings in the first place with their physical training, and besides, anything that allows them to hunt demons is a yes.

With that in mind, I said, being me.

“Akshan does not turn away those who are tormented by demons.”


“Even if it is an enemy who has let go of his hand.”

Akshan, it makes sense from a survivor’s perspective.

Demons can be hunted more efficiently.

There is no reason not to cooperate with the Empire.

[The Quernberg Machine Tower guard the ‘Polestar’].


Like a sentinel.

The mech stops in front of Polestar.

A series of similar messages appear before my eyes.

[The Quernberg Machine Tower is guarding Holdswood] …….

‘Looks like they’ve reached another city.’


The contribution flashes once more.

Let’s see, let’s guess before we confirm.

I’ve got 300 million points in construction…….

I’m pretty sure I can still get 10 million points, right?

It was me who drank the kimchi first.


I checked the message again.

I was shocked.

One hundred…….

100 million……

……Sigh I wear this?!!


Nash placed his hand on the Astrologer’s Crystal Ball, an imperial magic item.

He wanted to verify what Hoyeol had told him.

His mouth went dry.

‘Calm down.’

Worry took over.

This was Dark Dragon, a living legend.

‘……What if it looks like I’m suspicious?’

What if I incur the wrath of the Dark Dragon?

Nash thought to himself, ‘If my brother in the Magic Tower could hear me, he’d say I’m a frog in a well…….’ Still, Nash, himself, was the best mage in the Empire. he could recognize it.

Pure, pristine magic flowing from Hoyeol!

His throat still burned.

‘The only thing more amazing than the quantity is the regenerative power…….’

The surging magic power seemed to be limitless.

It gives the illusion of infinity.

With that kind of power, he must have declared confidently.

-“I alone am enough.”

I doubt the Majesty and the others feel the same way.

Nash was well aware of the mage’s abilities. A mage of his caliber could rebuild a city’s walls and be back in half a day.

So he could only resent the situation.

I understand that it is a discipline and a procedure that cannot be skipped.

‘But, of course, I had to do the procedure….’

The problem was that it was his job.

The Dark Dragon, the moment he left the palace.

His Majesty spoke.

-“Ministers, listen. What I conveyed to Lord Hoyeol was not an order, but a request. Appropriate compensation must follow. “I believe your thoughts are the same as mine.”

As the Emperor spoke, no one disagreed.

Besides, it was an imperial rule that everything should be rewarded.

It was a rule of the empire.

‘Even if you can’t bear to do it, it’s a necessary part of the reward……!’

That’s a lot of pressure.

The only good thing was that the Dark Dragon understood.

He understood.

He even nodded mercifully, uncharacteristically for a mage.

“If that’s the procedure, I’m happy to follow it.”

Nash swallowed a sigh of relief.

Then he moved his trembling hands.

Cautiously, he opened his mouth.

“Then……! I’ll use the Astrologer’s Crystal Ball.”

I don’t need to check every city.

Just look at Polestar, the farthest city from Antonium, and you’ll get the outlines of the others. Nash’s face went white as he looked at Polestar.

“Uh……. Huh?”


In front of emperors and heroes and ministers.

He was stunned enough to spit out the impolite word.

I couldn’t help it.

“Wow, that’s ridiculous…….”

The walls of Antonium, and more.

High, thick, and ornate, they rose perfectly around the Polestar. Not only that, but the Quernberg Machine Tower stood like an escort to the Polestar.

Nash strapped on the crystal ball.

“I apologize, I’ll check again……!”

I thought I was done checking on Polestar.

After checking, I actually started to have doubts.

If it was a simple wall, I could understand it.

But that’s not a “simple” wall, is it?

Maybe that’s why they spent all that time on the polestar…….


But Nash was frozen in place.

Unable to describe his shock, he looked at the Emperor.

The Emperor followed Nash’s lead and placed his hand on the crystal ball.


Soon, he spat out a sigh.

“Everyone in the palace, listen.”

He called out in a firm voice.

“Open the Imperial Palace’s Underground Treasury this instant!”





Yes, back and forth.

It would have been a perfect situation if I’d stayed quiet and listened.

But the pride of a man of integrity, of a man who doesn’t follow the glorification of wealth.

How could I be still in this situation……!

The crowd is making noise.

“I admit it, but……!”

“You’re opening up the Imperial Palace’s underground treasury……?”

“Your Majesty, that judgment!”

I opened my mouth coldly.

“Do you think I want this in return?”


Farewell, treasure of the empire……!

I was stuck in the same big mouth as always.

The Emperor and his subjects.

The direction of the conversation between them was bizarre.

……Wait a minute.

Not just an underground treasure trove, but deep?

The Warlord Library?

Wait, I think you misunderstood my meaning!

t/n : imperial/emperor library -> Warlord Library