◈ Episode 266. This is highly regarded by history (1)

I recognized it from the social setting.

『Heir of the Great Family. In the past, Grandfell’s presence in social circles was like an oasis in the desert, or a mirage. He didn’t enjoy socializing, so his appearances were few and far between. And when he did, he was the center of attention…….』

Those days.

What was my idea of cool…….

Greatness without being seen.

An influence that can’t be hidden even if you don’t show it.

Donations are often criticized.

This is the kind of bullshit that won’t work in the modern world.

‘But I named it Four Heavenly Kings again?!’

And the contradictory naming sense is a bonus.

I stared at the four living statues.

Three men and one woman.

Their names popped into my head.

[The Maxima Family of the Golden]

[The Yugrik Family of the Forest.]

[The Cansul Family of the Valor]

[The Acamond Family of the Shiver].

You’re the Four Heavenly Kings, and you’ve got some pretty big names.

The statues of the four families bow to me.

They call me master!

They are either overwhelmed or embarrassed.

I should have done one or the other.

My iron skin was not of this world’s thickness.

I chattered nonchalantly.

“I have received your greetings.”

You have such a high voice, like that of a family head.

I swallowed my sigh.

My personality doesn’t live and die by formalities.

“Raise your head.”

Raise your head.

The reason for saying so was simple.

The Four Heavenly Kings…….

So the statues didn’t raise their heads.

It wasn’t just a greeting.

What could be the reason for the towering stone statue near the mansion?

To protect the Claudi territory.

But the statues had fallen.

It had failed to fulfill its mission.

As if to say so, Maxima’s statue says.

“We don’t deserve it.”

Not worthy.

If you don’t deserve it, what am I?

‘I’m trying to make it up to you.’

What would I be if you were no more worthy than I am?

So raise your heads.

I’m not going to say it three times, because I’m a tough guy.

“It’s not your fault.”


“It’s just another weight I have to carry.”


My bad.

I meant it so purely. The expressions on the statues’ faces as they lifted their heads in response to my words were somehow uncharacteristically deep. They look like they’re about to burst into tears.

Well, that’s good.

[Hidden Piece, Cloudy Territory].

Primodial Evil now knows its location.

There’s no telling when, or if, it will try to devour Claudi again. As long as I’m present, of course. In the Claudi Territory, my commands are absolute.

Why, it’s set up so that no one can overrule it.

‘The problem is that I can’t live with that.’

I really needed a watchman to fill my void.

First dwarves, then dragons, now elves.

There were many forces on the Arcana continent who would step forward and take on my request.

But the problem is this pride.

How could such a noble pride leave the chores to others?

‘In that sense, the Four Heavenly Kings…….’

No, reversing the Four Families’ stone statues was a great achievement.

Not to mention the magic it contained.

Unlike the mansion, which was badly damaged.

The rubble was all over the ground.

‘Anyway, more work to do.’

Make Claudi great again.

To realize a great goal.

Claudi’s Territory needs to be restored to its former glory.

Just like the hard training class quest that is always attached. There was a need to frequently come to the Arcana Continent and manage the Claudi Territory.

Anyway, it’s territory management.

‘Actually, it’s not the first time.’

I activated the [Authority] function in the Kingdom of Yusra and Frost. The problem is that I’ve been relying on Hakuna and Harkon to do most of the work, so I’m inexperienced.

‘If you’re worried, you can get advice…….’

Does that even happen?

At just 7 years old, Grandfell was chosen as the heir to the great Claudi family. That means he’s been taking all sorts of heir lessons since the age of seven.

“It’s nothing new to me.”

For Grandfell, who received education for being gifted, reconstructing Claudi was a natural.

Unlike me, he’s got a brilliant mind.

Maybe it’s a piece of cake.

Rather than that.

‘Four families.’

Back to the grandiose setup.

I can’t be sure.

They’re probably still alive and well, even if the Arcana continent is in ruins. Judging by the lack of news so far……. It seems they’re as true to the setting as Claudi.

‘……But I don’t feel welcome at all.’

I just don’t want to meet them.

The reason is simple.

I don’t want to be called master by the Four Heavenly Kings!

I have enough on my plate right now.

I’m worried about my immediate destination.

‘We have no choice but to go.’

Visiting Sisley and Claudi’s territory.

It wasn’t a perfect ending, but it was a new beginning…….

Two goals, both accomplished.

Once again, it was time to stop by Antonium, as per protocol.

‘I need to see you, Kichi.’


The capital of the Empire.

Where the legend of the Dark Dragon Lee Hoyeol resonates.

In that Antonium…… !

Reality and the Arcana continent are different.

Thanks to Eunaxus’ roaring Dragon Cry, the Emperor and the Arcana know that I, Lee Hoyeol, am the last survivor of Akshan. And that I am the legendary Dark Dragon!


“I’ll be back soon.”

I was waved goodbye by the gargoyles.

From the first moment I left the Cloudi Territory.

I couldn’t help but feel anxious.

What kind of shame awaits me this time……?


There is news.

“Your Majesty, the expeditionary force has found survivors!”

“Holdswood has been retaken!”

“They say the Demon King’s Castle in the East fell last night!”

What a reversal.

It was a legend floating around the continent that saved the empire from falling into the abyss of despair. The Dark Dragon that dragons roared about. It was thanks to the incredible news that the dark dragon was the last survivor of Akshan.

The Emperor smiled.

‘May I reap a little of the reward?’

Back in his prince days.

It was the art of oratory that I had hated to learn.

I never thought I’d see the light of day in this way.


It was never, ever peaceful.

The soldiers who had returned earlier had returned with wounds great and small, but unlike before, the faces of the people were full of life. It was a sight not seen since the demons of the Demon World had appeared on the continent.

The emperor did not waste the opportunity.

No matter how great the legend.

It was undeniable that they would fade with time.

Besides, his opponent was a demon.

Considering its innate cruelty, it was hard to say when it had ceased to be feared.

It might resume its activities.

“Rebuilding the broken walls will be our first priority. Nash William, listen up, I’m giving you command of the Imperial Mages. Use the mages of Antonium to build walls around the recaptured territory.”

“I accept your command, Your Majesty.”

“I will also grant you access to the Imperial Palace’s underground treasury.”


The underground treasury.

The eyes of the subjects who heard the words widened.

The items stored in the Imperial Palace’s underground treasury were among the best treasures in the Empire.

They were some of the best treasures on the Arcana Continent.

“You may use as many potions and magic items as you need to fulfill your mission.”

A bastion of the Empire to be saved for last.

It was an underground treasure trove that Antonium refused to open, even in times of crisis.

The implications of opening it are simple.

It’s an opportunity that must be saved at all costs.

Nash swallowed hard and said.

“I will accomplish the task, Your Majesty!”

Nash had made it to the palace before his esteemed brother.

Nash didn’t have the presence of mind to think of Bensch.

All he could think about was his legs.

It was a moment when Nash suppressed his impulse.

A cautious voice spoke up.

“I beg your pardon, Your Majesty.”


“I beg you to reconsider that judgment.”


Nash’s face stiffened for a moment.

What the hell is this, some sort of blueprint?

Is he trying to stop me from leaving?


Nash’s eyes widened in surprise.

But it was a clear misunderstanding.

Why hadn’t Antonium fallen in the first place?

It was because everyone had given their lives for the empire.

This meant that there was a voice for the empire, a different point of view.

The man who had spoken up had guessed the emperor’s intentions.

But he had to be cool.

The Empire would always be at a clear disadvantage.

“Your Majesty, a full-scale retake and reconstruction is unrealistic. Although the demons are inactive at this moment, thanks to the legend of the Dark Dragon resonating in the world…….. As Your Majesty knows, the Evil Eye hasn’t opened its eyes once again?”

It was true.

One by one, the evil eyes that had disappeared from the night sky for a while reappeared.

Though not in the same condescending way.

The rolling of the eyeballs was a sign of recognition.

“My feelings are not unlike yours, Your Majesty. I, too, wish to save the Empire and its people as quickly as possible, but the more I do so, the more Antonium is endangered.”

Antonium has already consumed a lot of resources in a desperate fight. The number of soldiers was less than a fraction of what it had been, and the survivors could hardly be called elite.

“Even if we were to build a wall with magic, it would be useless if we didn’t have the troops to defend it, and if we were to put Antonium’s troops in a recaptured city, it would be vulnerable to the slightest attack.”


The emperor rubbed his chin.

That was when Nash was restless.

A wedge was driven in.

“Legends will always remain legends, Your Majesty.”

The Emperor’s eyes narrowed.

It’s one thing to blame the Empire’s lack of ability.

But to point fingers at the Empire’s benefactors.

I cannot allow this to go unanswered.

The subject bows his head.

“Adventurer Dark Dragon Lee Hoyeol, his greatness is indescribable, but he will always be a stranger. A being from a completely different world……!”

It wasn’t meant to be demeaning.

As he said.

He knew full well that if it weren’t for Hoyeol, the empire would have fallen long before it did. It was just a matter of keeping things in perspective.

“Since that day when you called out the name of the Dark Dragon, the dragons have not set foot on the Arcana continent again. They are demons who overheard His Majesty’s proclamation, so they are probably still thinking like them.”

“What do you mean?”

“See, even legends are just rumors after all.”


That’s right.

Dragons and dwarves may have proclaimed it, Emperors, himself.

If the thing does not exist.

That’s just a rumor going around, a little more raucous.

“As your Majesty knows, the time that adventurer Lord Hoyeol can stay on the continent is extremely limited. That will also have a significant impact on the legend being forgotten.”

Of course, the legend of the Dark Dragon was still a great legend.

The problem was that the opponent was a demon.

People who forget fear because they don’t understand the subject.


Nash and the Emperor were silent for a moment.

The man who spoke clenched his fist in determination.

Then he spoke, his voice steady.

“I’m not trying to deny the legend, nor am I saying we won’t rebuild the empire. I’m just asking your majesty to take a step, even if it’s only a small one.”

Nash swallowed a sigh.

It was unfortunate, but not unreasonable.

No, in a way, it was a very sobering thought.

Finally, he made a comment that would change the Emperor’s mind.

“Your Majesty, just as you brought the Dredsen into Antonium. Perhaps we should start with the people we rescued and bring them into Antonium. They’ve survived the worst of times, and they’ll adapt quickly to the new environment.”

Silence followed.

‘……Indeed, was I too hasty?’

It was the moment when the emperor broke the silence and opened his mouth.



Darkness fell over the palace.

It’s midday.

And given the number of windows in the Imperial Palace of Antonium.

This couldn’t be happening.

Nash muttered under his breath.

“……Maybe they’re back?”

The Dwarves’ Iron Castle?

It was the first possibility that came to mind.

It didn’t take long to realize it wasn’t.

No matter how big the dwarven airships were.

it wasn’t big enough to block out the sun.

So what the heck…….

What could possibly block out the sun in the sky?

The answer to that question was soon realized by everyone.

It was.

A gigantic being that cannot be revealed even if it is not revealed.

It doesn’t ask to be known.

It doesn’t cry out.

The one and only thing that everyone could not help but notice.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, that’s……!!”

Yes, it is.

A legend.

No, a living legend.

“My God.”

A Dark Dragon was crossing the skies over Antonium.