Chapter 258 – Leave it to me

◈ Episode 258. Leave it to me

A newly opened system, [Legends].

Its effect is to materialize the legends you’ve learned.

Materialization does not mean that I will transform into a real Dark Dragon.

In the Grandfell style of speaking, you can omit the subject as if you were eating a meal.

I’m looking straight at the subject.

That’s right.

It’s not me who materializes as the Dark Dragon.

It’s a legend that comes from me.

It’s because I materialized the legend with my own will.

I don’t have to turn around to confirm it.

It feels certain.

‘Actually, even if that’s not the case.’

Agentress’s pupils reflect my reflection like a mirror.

Dawn’s jacket gently fluttering.

A huge black figure writhing behind it.

That is my legend materialized, the Dark Dragon.

‘This is why I can’t put it into words.’

Even if I explained it a hundred times, would you understand?

It would be quicker to show it once.

But when I finally realized the legend, I was stunned.

Even though it was a dark dragon, it was too big……!


I’ll be honest with you.

I was not pleased to see the message that I had mastered the legend of the Dark Dragon Lee Hoyeol. I was ashamed to see that it was a legend. I wondered if I could use it properly.

‘Because it seemed like it would be plausible.’

As I always say, I’m good at identifying subjects.

Furthermore, the battle with Frostnax in Hidden Piece [Snow Mountain of the Ice Dragon] ……. No, I was the one who realized the difference in weight between dragons and humans through discipline.

‘I probably would have lost even if [Natural Enemy] had been triggered.’

Even though I wasn’t in perfect condition, I hadn’t been able to do much damage to Frostnax when I attacked with Eunaxus. If it weren’t for Senios’s strategy book…….

I might have crossed the netherworld in a few moves.

‘It’s not just combat power.’

The situation is no different from another perspective.

Unlike the dragons who seem to move in and out of the Arcana continent and reality at will.

To manifest a portal, I have to pour in a huge amount of magical power to the point of magical exhaustion.

Even that would have been impossible if the structure of the connector had not been imitated.

So, I gave up my expectations early on.

I only look good on the outside.

The legend of the Dark Dragon was brought to life.

I thought it would be even more plausible.

But then.

‘…… This is a little different from what I expected.’

First of all, let’s get one thing straight.

It’s not wrong to say that it’s plausible.

As I said, the materialized Dark Dragon was huge.

More than Eunaxus, of course, more than Frostnax.

No, even among all dragons.

It was smaller than the Dlack Dragon that had just materialized behind me.

Which is why Agentress, who calls Eunaxus a lizard, is so surprised.

It goes without saying.

Its gaze would be as high as its size.

Indeed, it’s a Dark Dragon that looks down on everything.


The legend of Lee Hoyeol, the Dark Dragon, lives up to its name.

“I’ve never seen or heard of a lizard like that!”

Somehow, it seems like I don’t even have time to think about it anymore.

Everything that’s been going right up until this point has gone wrong.

Agentress says with open hostility.

It’s not hard to answer, but I don’t want to.

‘No matter what, I’ll tell you in my own words…….’

That’s my legend.

The Dark Dragon.

I’m proud to say that………!

So I’m borrowing from Grandfell style of speaking.

I said casually.

“Are you not watching?”


“It is what you are seeing.”

As if in response to my words.

The materialized Dark Dragon moved.

It flaps its unusually massive wings once.

It creates a tremendous gust of wind.

‘……It’s a surprise.’

Once again, I did not become Dark Dragon.

The legend that originated from me became Dark Dragon.

I have control over it.

I can’t control its every move.

To put it in simple terms…….

It’s like having one more loyal alter ego.

Unlike Hiel, Diend, and Gwicheol.

An ideal that has been materialized.

Anyone can recognize it.

Inexcusable to anyone.

A massive alter ego.

“I will check one last time.”

After all the shame and kindness I’ve shown you.

Agentress, I hope you understand.

I’ve been forced to take responsibility for my words.

“I believe this has restored our relationship.”


Is it because the words came out of his own mouth?

Or maybe it was the surprise of Dark Dragon.

Agentress remained silent, unable to retort.

‘Dragon and elves, forced reconciliation successful.’

For some reason, Agentress’ expression reminded me of my childhood.

I can’t help but see myself in his face.

Back then, I also used to force hugs and force reconciliation.

‘Thanks to you, I understand that feeling.’

I can’t help it.

This is an emotional rift that’s been going on for thousands of years.

I don’t have the confidence to slowly recover from that deep rift.

That means this is the best I can do.

And in the future, won’t this all be memories?

Just like I’ll remember my fight with Wensu.

‘Agentress won’t know, but Eunaxus will be happy.’

In that case.

From now on, all I need to worry about is the Dark Dragon on my back.

First, let’s check the remaining magic power.

It’s a completely new, open, and unique system.

‘First of all, there is no magic consumption.’

Now that it’s materialized.

We need to find out the limits of the effect.

Most importantly, we need to find out why.

Why it’s not just plausible.

As good as a real dragon.

No, better than a real dragon.

This means that I need to find out if it’s actually a Dark Dragon.

…… Actually, I have a hunch.

‘My legend is not proportional to my strength.’

I’d say the more widely echoed a legend is, the stronger it is…….

Let’s look at it from that perspective.

Where did the legend of the Dark Dragon Lee Hoyeol come from and where did it go?

When I think about it, it starts to make sense.

‘It started with a dragon’s mouth…….’

And not just any dragon’s mouth, either.

An earth dragon, who lived contemporaneously with Eunaxus.

It came from Khudanax dragon cry.

Thanks to its thunderous voice.

In front of All Dragon, my other name, Dark Dragon, became known.

It came to the dwarves through Hiel.

From the dwarves to the Emperor.

Through the Emperor, to the Empire, to the Arcana Continent.

Terrible enough, but it doesn’t end there.

A completely different world.

A world of adventurers, and my home.

Even in the real world, there was no shortage of stories about the Dark Dragon.

Perhaps even more so than the Arcana continent.

Reality is safe compared to Arcana, which has been overrun by demons. As if that weren’t enough, in reality, isn’t there a science that can transmit any news to the world in an instant?

For example, like breaking news or social media……! This means that there are at least hundreds of millions and billions of times that the story of the Dark Dragon has been told.

So when the [Legend] system opened up.

The Dark Dragon is in real time.

It’s not weird to see it grow stronger without limits.


It’s a legend that circulates in two completely different worlds.

Yes, the legend of the Dark Dragon Lee Hoyeol.

It has become a legend as [『Anomaly』] as its name……!

‘I understand perfectly.’

To summarize.

The Dark Dragon was the materialization of all the overestimations and rumors surrounding me. Of course, even if compared to a real dragon, it wouldn’t be inferior. I become aware of it all over again.

‘I’ve really opened up something huge.’

The [Legend] system, it’s no joke, right?

Of course, it’s quite effective.

There was no way it would last that long.

[The ‘Dark Dragon Lee Hoyeol’ becomes a legend and disperses].

It was just that the duration had run out.

Really, as long as you keep your mouth open.

I poured out my feelings in Grandfell style.

“A legend becomes a legend only when it wanders the world.”

A day of restraint is a day of restraint, Grandfell.

Anyway, this makes it clear.

That [Legend] is an ability with endless possibilities.

I can’t be satisfied with just one opening.

Right now, I only have the Dark Dragon Lee Hoyeol.

Who knows what other legends I’ll be able to unlock in the future?

In short, it’s a versatile ability.

Let’s see.

I think I’m done with the new abilities…….

After organizing my thoughts, I looked at Agentress.

Shall we head to our destination, Sisley?




Agentress appeared from the portal.

Behind him, Hoyeol steps out.

Obviously, it was just as planned.

He’d brought an arrogant human to Sisley.

Agentress was neither pleased nor relieved.

He was just trying to suppress his rising emotions.

The reason was simple.

‘It was bearable.’


And Mother’s blessing.

He could stand two humiliations.

‘Why is the lizard……?’

But the third humiliation.

A dragon behind him.

Agentress still didn’t understand.

The dragon wasn’t an illusion created by magic.

But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a real dragon.

How could he be sure?

‘I’ve never seen a lizard so black and huge …….’

But there was one thing that stood out to him, and that was its wings, which were so huge that if you ever saw one, you’d never forget it.

Its gaze, looking down upon all things, was unmistakably that of a dragon.


The same gaze that made him feel inferior.

Agentress frowned.

Ever since the news of Claudi’s return.

What had happened between the man and the lizards?


‘While that was happening…….’

What the hell were Agentress and his people doing?

Agentress on the verge of exploding.

What drove him even more mad was the reaction of his own kind.

‘It’s foolish to be happy.’


Everything is so weak.

How can anyone be happy in this situation?

They were just happy to be back in Sisley.

They didn’t recognize their mother’s blessing when it was right in front of them.

He relied on himself for everything.


Agentress bit his lip.

‘……Is this also my mistake?’

So much so that staying too fully in Sisley became a poison to his own kind? Agentress was unable to calm his agitation.

Hoyeol spoke up.

“As expected.”

Agentress muttered to himself.

‘If it were you, you would recognize it.’

What a perfect land Sisley is.

Sisley is too perfect to be compared to the lowly Arcana continent. It is the land chosen by the World Tree, Mother, and no matter how high those expectations may have been, Sisley is more than…….

“It’s exactly what I expected.”

……angry feeling!


The head, Agentress told.

At this moment, it’s show hostility.

As long as the Mother’s blessing exists.

Agentress and his kind could not defy him.

‘……It is an unnecessary act that will only increase his vigilance.’

But his heart was screaming.

Though he could bear the insult to himself.

This was the Sisley they had chosen, the one their mother had planted.

He could never bear to insult his Mother.

In the end, Agentress could not stand it.

“Do not insult Sisley with your insolent tongue.”

Even if they had failed their mother’s expectations.

It didn’t change the fact that their mother had taken root in Sisley.

It didn’t change the fact that she was buried.

“You know nothing of Sisley.”

Agentress glared fiercely at Hoyeol.

Hoyeol’s gaze.

It shifted from Sisley to Agentress.

Then, he spoke softly.

“I am not the one who does not know.”


“You do not hear it.”

What is it that you hear?

“The demon sneers.”


A sneer?

More like, a demon in Sisley?

I couldn’t understand what he was talking about.

Sisley is an unknown and hidden land.

Only Agentress and his kind know of its existence.

And the lizards.

How could an inferior demon set foot in Sisley?

That’s how he felt when he looked at Hoyeol.

Hoyeol spoke.

“It was an illusion.”

“What do you mean by illusion?”

“Sisley is not your land.”

These are the most shocking words.

“It was always the devil’s land.”




[Hidden Piece, you have entered Sisley].

At the same time, a message pops up.

[Skill, ‘Natural Enemy’ is triggered].

The presence of the demon that touches my entire body.

As a demon hunter.

I was sure of it.

Sisley’s demon was no ordinary one.

The evidence emerged as a message.

[Class Quest: The Tree of Good and Evil].

At the brink of extinction, the World Tree bore fruit for seeding. However, against the will of the World Tree, the fruit was divided between good and evil, instead of coexisting together. Last Demon Hunter. It is only you who can find the sinner who has separated good from evil.

─Train your weak body. (Repeat)

─Enter Sisley, the land of the elves. (Success)

─Confront the primordial evil that has taken root in Sisley. (Ongoing)

I see.

The Tree of Good and Evil was not the beginning.

Evil tainted the World Tree from the beginning.

‘Primordial evil. What a name.’

But it doesn’t matter.

If the roots are wrong.

All I have to do is correct it from the root.

‘Who am I?’

I am.

The Last Demon Hunter.

Owner of the knowledge of all the plants of the Arcana continent, including the World Tree.

And finally, the owner of the Hidden Piece, the Garden of Elegance.

There’s no better expert for this complicated situation.