Chapter 219 – Happening……?

◈ Episode 219. Happening……?


The branch leaders handed over the report.


Official website.

After uploading the urgent update history.

At the time of 01:14: 58 seconds elapsed.




Player, Lee Hoyeol.

First reported sighting in Utah, USA.

Sent a group of asteroids back into space after entering the atmosphere ( possibly a Meteor Strike). Afterward, it manifested a portal with the words, “These are simple wishes.”

An eyewitness account is attached below.


“It was like pressing the rewind button.”

“It was like watching fireworks……? I guess to a child’s eyes it might look like that. By the way, what’s a meteor strike, isn’t that what it is?”

“That’s right. The final skill for the Mage class that was only in the concept stage, back when Arcana was just a game. It’s a wonder that the skill even existed at all…….”

“I’m surprised you even bothered to retort.”

“It’s too early to be surprised, let’s move on to the next one.”



Easter Island, South Pacific.

Anomalies spotted offshore to the west.

Presumed to be an energetic cloud manifested by a Tower Master.

This was followed by a violent energy collision for approximately one hour.


“From the time of the energy collision. General Manager Yusra Branch Lee Hoyeol was probably battling Tower Master. What the hell was going on inside that thing…….”

“There are observations from the outside.”

“The entire surrounding ocean evaporated and then froze again……? Wait a minute, through a cloud of magic power that thick, with that kind of impact? So, what was going on in there?”

“It must have gone back and forth between a fire hell and an ice hell.”


The branch leaders click their tongues and turn the pages.

“The magic cloud slowly cleared and the situation ended. The rest of the interview is exactly as you saw it. As always, Yusra General Manager Lee Hoyeol reveals the full story of the incident.”

The interview flashed on the monitor.

“Tower Master had lost consciousness and woke up.”

“No way, I can’t believe he was in that state.”

“I didn’t expect him to be more specific than that. If it was me, I would have just let it go. It must have been an internal matter of Magic Tower. …….”

“It means that they will take responsibility for the incident. As chief.”

“To begin with, people like us cannot fathom it.”

Yeah, how could I follow that confidence?

On screen.

Hoyeol declaring, without wavering.

-“However, there is nothing to worry about now.”

“Wow, that’s the most reassuring thing I’ve ever heard.”

“You shouldn’t be reassured. We should be alarmed at our failure to help.”

“By the way, did everyone understand what he said next?”

“What did he say next?”


-“Because this is the end of class.”

The class is over, out of nowhere.

What class is he talking about?

Hoyeol’s last words.

The world’s attention was once again drawn to Hoyeol.


-What kind of class is this?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Hoyeol trained Tower Master???

-Naturally, there’s more to it than that?

-The only thing that was properly revealed was the behavior of the two of them.

What is true education?

That’s just plain frothy, Grandfell……!

Of course, I’ll admit it. As I formed the circle, my power increased dramatically. It’s true that I was able to overwhelm the tower master.


-It’s not enough to defeat Sword Saint, now Tower Master???

-If this is not a combination of civil affairs and military affairs, what is it?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-If we continue like this, he might be training dragons next.

Just keep it simple.

It’s a great way to get the most out of your time.

No matter what, this is a serious bubble……!

Especially that comment at the end.

What, I’m going to teach a dragon a lesson?!

‘Not too long ago.’

On a lucky day, blessed by the Sirens.

I witnessed it on the continent of Arcana through the [Telescope of Evil Eye]. An Elder Dragon, the fearsomeness of Eunaxus! Dragons, that’s just a different weight class.

Dragons can rip through dimensions.

At this point, I don’t have the slightest intention of fighting a dragon.

Some people are so serious.

“The world is in an uproar.”


I tilted my teacup.

You really do sound like someone else, Grandfell.

However, his attitude is actually not wrong.

It’s not because of me that the world is in an uproar.

It’s because of you, the tower master.

I drained my teacup neatly and rose from my seat.

‘I don’t want to be the only one who suffers anymore.’

Now, it’s time to pay back the favor.



. . .

The top floor of the Magic Tower.


I couldn’t see my face, but I could guess.

Am I making an extremely cold expression right now?

I can’t help it.

Because what came into my field of vision was a cat.


It sticks out its tongue and eagerly licks the fur on its front paws.

It finally realizes my cold stare.

It looks at me and opens its mouth.

What comes out is a meow-not a sound, but a human word.

“Thanks to someone, my body was cut to pieces. It briefly changed form to one best suited for recovery. There is no form better suited to hanging out all day.”

Neither I nor Grandfell answered.

I think I’ve said it before.

Cat cuteness doesn’t work for me, or for Grandfell.

That didn’t loosen my grip on my demeanor one bit.

“Tower Master, I have an answer you need to hear.”

Again, no respect.

Fortunately, he didn’t argue with me.

Anyway, I’m glad he’s not a jerk.

“An answer, I suppose, is what you deserve. In that sense, I have nothing to say, even if I had a cat’s mouth, for, as you may have guessed, my plan has failed spectacularly.”

Even if there are ten mouths, shouldn’t there be anything to say?

Indeed, that’s what I’ve heard from Marcelo.

You’re arrogant.

Of course, this side is no less selfish.

“It was a radical intervention process.”

Look at that.

Pointing out the obvious.

I continued, as if validating myself against the tower master.

“If you wanted to be even remotely close to a successful manifestation, you needed a broader understanding of what you were searching for. But perhaps the biggest mistake of all was overlooking the consciousness left behind in the body.”

Tower Master’s cat ears perked up.

” ……You’re so stubborn. I almost regret having once been curious about you, even if just for a moment. “Do I have to thoroughly reveal my secrets to be relieved of my integrity?”

Of course, I didn’t let that stop me.

I told you.

I didn’t bring tears to the Magic Tower for no reason.

“……what a nag.”


My lecture ended only when the Tower Master brushed off his erect ears with his front paw. Of course, he didn’t just spit out harsh words. I took pride in not sparing praise when it came to things that deserved praise.

“Still, your meteor strike was impressive.”

I learned from looking over his shoulder.

High-level magic manifested by a Tower Master’s body!

I couldn’t say that I could use them at this point.

You don’t need to manifest them to know that.

It’s extremely draining.

Even Tower Master himself would spew blood out of his mouth from the recoil.

‘But the important thing is that I have it in my head.’

Even if it’s not now, it will be later.

I assure you.

Of all the magic I can manifest.

The destructive power of the Meteor Strike was by far the strongest.

‘And when you add in the anomaly?’

The destructive power would be beyond imagination.

Tower Master’s cat’s tail flicked.

“That is indeed a comforting compliment, Chief Lee Hoyeol. Looking back at the memories I have of you in the body, I don’t recall any of your magic being effective, and now you’re not even good enough for verbal assaults, and you’re turning on us.”

Then he purred like a real cat.

“This has further dried up my tattered consciousness.”

A tattered consciousness.

I was going to ask him about that.

I opened my mouth, undaunted by Tower Master’s stern look.

“What happened in the space of consciousness?”

Tower Master was a transcendent, too.

There is no need to explain what 『Space of Consciousness』 refers to.

There must be a space of consciousness similar to a spacetime social hall.

It must exist in the cone hat.

Tower Master slowly opened his closed eyes.

“I was paying a price.”

“A price.”

“It must be the punishment for breaking the rules of an archmage that even I cannot fathom. How many generations has it been passed down? If it were a crime to try to stop an ugly plan, it would be a sin. okay.”

An ugly plan.

Appears in the Magic Tower quest.

You mean the Archmages’ conspiracy?

I didn’t have to ask.

The tower master spoke plainly.

“I was on the verge of not even being able to send a telepathic message to my disciple, but……. As you can see, Chief Lee, it was thanks to you that I was able to survive, albeit in my cat form, and I must formally express my gratitude.”

Anyone who hears this will think I returned consciousness to the cat’s body.

I wanted to do something different, but

There was something I needed to ask before that.

So what exactly is this Archmages’ scheme?

“Even if it’s you, Chief Lee Hoyeol, who understands my secrets and even the magic structure I’ve never seen before. You couldn’t have guessed their ugly plan.”

Tower Master paused.

“Please don’t be surprised. Archmage, they…….”

His tongue stopped licking the cotton bat, and he spoke seriously.

“They are aligned in purpose with the demon.”



I wasn’t surprised at all.

“They truly desired the destruction of the continent of Arcana, for one purpose and one purpose only. To indoctrinate new vessels to carry on the Archmage’s knowledge.”

Why did the Archmages wish for the destruction of the continent of Arcana?

I had an idea, even if I didn’t know why.

There’s a reason why Arcana is the way it is.

Because powerful people like you, Archmage, wished for its destruction.

The continent probably collapsed without any resistance to the demons.

“I had guessed.”

The Tower Master’s hair stood on end at my casual answer.

” ……You’ve been guessing?”


He wrinkles his nose and spits out an exclamation.

“Indeed, you don’t smell like a liar. I guess that’s why all my hard work wasn’t worth it, Chief Lee Hoyeol. I would have liked to be of some use to you, my gracious benefactor, It’s a shame.”.”

If you wanted to help.

You don’t have to worry about that.

Now that Tower Master has returned to the Magic Tower.

‘You’d better be prepared.’

I was planning on leaving quite a bit of work to you.

From now on, I have to be very busy struggling.

Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m going to do it right away.

‘Cause it’s not good to mess with someone who’s in recovery.

Should I go back soon?

I turn to leave, but then stop.

No, I must ask one more question.

Thanks to my reversal magic.

Tower Master’s consciousness returned to its original body from the cone hat.

So what happens to Jesse’s class?

Before that, is it okay to keep wearing that ominous cone hat?

Tower Master yawned lazily.

“I thought you were worried about something.”

He licked his cotton bat again.

“What a foolish thing to worry about, Chief Lee Hoyeol.”

He said something unexpected.

“Isn’t it obvious that those old men won’t be speaking to my disciple for a while? Everyone, including me, has felt your presence, Chief Lee Hoyeol. What kind of a madman could face you and still harbor a black heart?”

……Wait, that means.

Does that mean the archmages were scared of me?

Okay, this is getting a little scary.

Me, no way.

More than I thought.

Have you become much stronger?




If being unnecessarily sincere is a sin, it is a sin.

Before a day had passed.

I was back to my normal routine.

That is to say.

I traveled to the Kingdom of Yusra to take care of some overdue paperwork.

I found the office.

Along the way, I ran into an unexpected person.

The official number one ranking in Arcana.

Skal, the Dragon Knight.

As he entered the office, he spoke.

“How nice to meet you, Lord Lee Hoyeol.”

……Hey, Mr. Skal.

What is it with you and the way you talk?!

What kind of greeting is so formal that it can be safely said that it came straight out of the Middle Ages? Anyway, Grandfell is ruining a lot of people.

I swallowed hard.

I checked the quest window.

[World Quest: Evil Dragon Hunter]

You hunted a clan of evil dragons.

The legends of the mountain range are calling you.

Reach the top of the Zero Mountains. (Ongoing)

If you are a Dragon Knight, Skal.

You must know something about the World Quest.

It was me, I thought.

‘Well, even if he doesn’t.’

With the appearance of the Zero Mountains.

The dragons are in full swing.

Skal and I need to put the pieces of the quest together.

“Have a seat.”

At my invitation, Skal sits down.

However, he looks a little restless.

I was going to offer him a cup of tea to see if we could get along.

If you’re in such a hurry, I can’t help it.

“I’ve heard the story.”

Enoch said.

There is something you must tell me.

Skal has been waiting for me outside the Golden Palace since yesterday.

‘Well, I didn’t mean to spoil the surprise.’

I would have talked to him anyway.

I have to say that the timing is bad from Skal’s point of view.

I felt sorry for myself, so I spoke more generously than usual.

“You can tell me what you want.”

As if he’d been waiting for me, he poured out his story.

Just as I’d guessed.

It had something to do with dragons.

……By the way.

What did you just say, Skal?

Who came back to the Arcana Continent?

The Great House?

‘That can’t be right.’




note: Is it time for the Arcana Continent arc or the Grandfell Family arc?