Chapter 215 – Be as wild as you want

◈ Episode 215. Be as wild as you want

『Your worst enemy is coming to your side.

A new boss monster, Magic Tower Master, will be added.

The appearance area is the entire Earth.”』

The shocking news spread at a rapid pace.

The most puzzled of all was AAU.

A new boss monster, the Tower Master?

If that’s true…….

Yoon Soo Gyeom swallowed dryly.

“It won’t be an exaggeration to say that it’s the worst enemy.”

Since the days when Arcana was just a game, mages have been treated with respect.

Regardless of your level, you could join a prestigious guild just because your class was a mage.

It was natural.

A mage was worth a fortune.

Some capable of more, depending on their abilities.

Including the cost of being one of the noble classes of the day. The difficulty of raising them was extreme, but the rewards of raising them were certain to be great.

“It’s the way the arcana is set up.”

One only had to look at the Empire.

It was an empire that could be said to cover the vast continent of Arcana. Compared to the countless soldiers, the number of mages in the empire was a drop in the bucket.

“It was a setup for balance. The Magic Tower.”

Mages were the ones who could tip the balance of the Arcana continent.

So in the days when it was just a game, the tower served as a shackle to keep them from going on a rampage.

But now that Arcana is a reality.

The mages in the tower weren’t NPCs, so the setting couldn’t last forever.

At first, that alone was enough to make my heart skip a beat.

I still can’t get over the day the Magic Tower appeared in real life.

“It was a total emergency, man.”

“You worked overtime every day until the Magic Tower officially announced its position, right?”

“Thinking about it now, I should be grateful.”

Magic Tower that surpasses nuclear bombs in terms of risk alone.

I didn’t realize that such a Magic Tower could be a reliable support for humanity.

It’s all thanks to their chief, Hoyeol.

In that sense, this update was even more shocking.

“Have you heard anything from the Magic Tower?”

“Not really, but we’ve heard from players who were staying in the tower as apprentice mages, and the elder mage, Yugweed, is going to give his opinion on the incident!”

“Whew. First of all, doesn’t that mean that everyone in the Magic Tower has turned around?”

In a burst of sighs.

Sung Hyunjoon and Yoon Soogyeom exchanged glances.

They were both wondering the same thing.

Sung Hyunjoon’s mouth twitched.

“Why, it’s not Hoyeol this time?”

Until now, it was Hoyeol who had revealed the attitude of Magic Tower to the public.

He’s the real deal, the chief, the player.

There was no one else who could perfectly fulfill the role of a link between the real world and the Magic Tower like Hoyeol.

Sung Hyunjoon’s eyes widened.

“……Do you mean to tell me you’re anticipating an emergency update and moving ahead?”

“No, I’m not.”

“What? Do you have a point, senior?”

“There must be a reason why Tower Master has turned into an enemy of the players, and I think that Mr. Hoyeol must know it. No, I can’t believe you don’t know.”

“……Because he’s belong to the same Magic Tower?”

“Yes, I’m sure Yugweed knows.”

Yoon nodded with confidence.

But Yoon’s assurance was short-lived.

The lobby of Magic Tower.

Elder Yugweed appeared in front of the reporters.

-“I didn’t expect the master of the tower to be so hostile.”

Sung stuttered at her declaration.

” …… You mean you didn’t even show a hint of it?”

It was an AAU that could not be expected that Tower Master would be floating in the magic sphere in a state of slumber.

But even if they couldn’t predict it exactly, they could make a close guess.

“Still, it’s a reaction you were expecting, right?”

“Yeah, judging by the calm voice……. She’d even noticed that he’d gone missing. Damn, I wish I knew what the hell was going on up there.”

“Exactly. There’s no telling what kind of setup might have been realized.”

Hadn’t I witnessed it countless times before?

A few lines of settings that were added to keep the Arcana continent’s power balance in check, only to have them boomerang into reality.

In that sense, further speculation would only make my head hurt.


Shaking off his thoughts, Yoon Soogyeom said.

“Okay, for now, let’s just think about the crisis at hand.”

The circumstances of the Magic Tower?

That was nothing compared to the crisis in front of us.

The mighty mages of the Arcana Continent.

The pinnacle of those mages, the Tower Master.

Because it was a situation where an enemy of humanity appeared.

“Damn it, it wasn’t that long ago that the dragon soared.”

Harsh words came out of Yoon Soogyeom’s mouth.

It meant that there were no answers.

Most importantly, Tower Master didn’t appear in the rift.

He just came out of the Magic Tower.

He had jumped straight back into reality.

As if to remind us of that fact.

The update also made it clear.

It says the area of appearance is ‘all over the Earth’.

“Does the tower master intend to fight east to west?”

“The only thing that can keep up with that kind of mobility is…….”

“Among the players, there’s only Mr. Hoyeol.”

AAU tries to think on their own feet.

But they’re wrong from the start.

Tower Master didn’t even need to appear from the east.

He didn’t even have to show up in the west.


A loud warning beep.

The front monitor automatically switched.

It was a sudden beep, but no one panicked.


I’d heard this exact same beep recently.

It was.

At the moment the dragon flew from the top of the Zero Mountain Range.

Park Minjae, the branch manager, spoke up.

“Holy shit, it’s a transmission from the Another Spaceship.”

His voice trembled strangely.

“A cluster of asteroids is falling toward Earth.”

“That’s ……?”

“Circumstantial evidence indicates it’s a meteor strike from the Tower State.”


The Transcendent was such a being.


You’re doing it very grandly, my boss!

Also, reading magic books.

It was one of the things I never missed a day.

Thanks to you, I know it well.


The magic of that meteor shower in the sky.

Crazy, 10 Meteor Strikes in a row.

Even if it was part of a plan.

You’re trying to blow up the planet, what the hell?!

Meteor Strike.

It was a magic that most mages didn’t even know existed.

You’d recognize it by the way it manifests.

Search for an asteroid floating in space, not even in the sky. This means that it is a magic that must be interfered with by pouring in enough magic power to cause it to fall, and then reach the manifestation process.

I don’t know how many people have that kind of manifestation power, so I’ll take your word for it.

In order to manifest a Meteor Strike, you must have a ‘circle’.

I opened my mouth.

“Are you celebrating your escape?”

He spat out an appreciative comment about the great magic, the Meteor Strike.

“But the fireworks are misdirected, Tower Master.”

I can’t believe a nuke like that is a firework.

The bluff is real…….

But I don’t say things I can’t keep.

Manifesting 『Reversal Magic』.

I stared at the retrograde Meteor Strike.

Yes, reversed, shooting straight up into the sky.

Grandfell was right, this is starting to look like a fireworks display.

Suddenly, I hear a voice.

“What the……? Meteorites backwards?!”

“Wait. It’s Lee Hoyeol!”

“What?! Where?!”

“Mom, I think it was fireworks, not meteors!”

Citizens sticking their heads out of windows and looking at me.

As you can see, this was a densely populated urban area.

I’m trying to sound calm, but I’m genuinely feeling dizzy.

‘I’ve been struggling with all my might, digging all kinds of wells, and if that’s not enough, I’ve been growing my own elixirs, eating them, and forming circles……!’

What if I had gotten a rat on my leg while struggling?

At this moment, I wouldn’t even be able to navigate to the Meteor Strike.

No wonder.

What if I had manifested it?

It was a strange magic, manifested by someone else.

‘Generally speaking, it is impossible.’

But if I were a Transcendent, it would be a different story.

[Transcendent: Your transcendent achievements are enough to be called a Transcendent. – Current Achievements: Circle (1,000% increase to all magic manifestations) / Incomplete Quick Sword / None / None…….]

Manifestation is a concept that encompasses all stats related to magic.

This includes the ability to navigate and the ability to interfere.

It means that Grandfell’s vision, which was already phenomenal thanks to the strange setting, is 1,000 percent brighter. In that sense…….

Maybe me and Grandfell are just anomalies.

『Settings』 and [System].

Two completely different concepts, but we’re using them in a clever way.

By the way.

It is impossible to be swayed by the tower master forever.

I channeled my power and traced the tracks of his magic.

Since I searched for Meteor Strike and identified the magic power, I was able to pinpoint the location without difficulty. Without delay, the portal appeared straight toward those coordinates.


Suddenly, a voice from the back of my head stopped me in my tracks.

Someone had the courage to say it.

The voice became a signal, and cheers poured in.

“Hey, thanks……. Really……!”

“Please win, Hoyeol!”

“We’ll cheer you on with pride!”

……It’s the first time I’ve ever heard that in person.

Of course, I had a lot of confrontations with players.

I never had to deal with the general public.

Maybe it’s because I’m conscious of that fact, but I feel a lot of pressure on my shoulders.

Is it pressure?

I hope not!

I shamelessly recited.

“What a simple wish.”

Yes, they are.

There was no way this pride could feel like a burden.

No wonder my shoulders felt so heavy.

It’s the jacket that’s flapping all the while…….




By the way, there is no such thing as commercial morality, Raymond Sean.

Even if it’s an emergency update, it’s the common courtesy to announce the level in the logs, even if it’s a transcendent that makes the level meaningless.

‘But you can still guess, right?’

Stepping out of the portal, I looked up.

And then I realized.

It was as if I was taking advantage of the Circle’s abilities.

The Tower Master did not need a battlefield.

He could create the battlefield himself.

To the naked eye, it looked like an ordinary sky, land, mountains, and forest.

The area would be thick with magic power.

It didn’t take me long to recognize it.

It’s not real.

Everything was a mass of magic.

Everything I could see was an illusion.

It’s a truly amazing manifestation of magic.

‘With all due respect to Naslow.’

Senior Naslow in Illusion Magic.

‘I’m sorry to say that his illusion magic is on a different level.’

If normal illusion magic is about fooling the target, this is about fooling the world. After all, I was using my two legs to hold onto the mass of magic like it was the ground.


“Is this illusion magic again?”

Who am I, Grandfell?

Back when I had just awakened as a player, somewhere around level 100 at best.

I’m the one who sneaked into a magic tower where a regular conference was being held without an invitation. I am the one who saw through Tower Master illusion magic.

That’s why I can talk about it so casually.

“Tower Master, I’m surprised you haven’t improved.”

I don’t know what he’s up to.

I don’t know.

But Tower Master.

Or, more accurately, the malice in his body.

I saw it clearly in the 10 Meteor Strikes.

So I have no choice but to be sincere.

I align the sixth sight brooch.

I straighten my clothes and check my buffs.

[Natural Enemy] hasn’t triggered.

Just like it said in the update.

The body of the Tower Master has been determined to be a boss monster.

[Sixth Sight Brooch 2/6]

[Set item effect applied].

[Set effects currently in effect: 2/6]

[1. Increases all base stats by 2 points].

[2. Increases all damage dealt by 10% when attacking a boss monster].

[Without [Natural Enemy], even a 10% power increase is valuable. Of course, I can’t forget about the Blessing of the First World Tree, which supports my low magic power compared to Tower Master.

And Tower Master’s body.

You don’t have any magic equipment like me, do you?

You must have walked out of the magic sphere naked.

Even if you put aside the fluttering jacket of dawn.

I’m not often seen in the Magic Tower.

I’m covered in Epic-grade items that aren’t even found in Magic Tower.

And finally.

Even the greatness of the anomaly that I unintentionally felt thanks to the high-ranking demon king.

Against the worst enemy of all, the Tower Master.

There was a rational and complex calculation behind going it alone.

But it didn’t end there.

Suddenly, there was magic in the air.

A portal that slowly manifested.

An unexpected ally appeared.