Chapter 118 – Demon Castle (4)

◈ Episode 118. Demon Castle (4)

[Demon Castle of Hunting].

Once the location of the rift was known, players flocked to it.

Some of them arrived at the rift faster than Ho-yeol.

Wasn’t that Ho-yeol who always acted consistently?

“I assure you. If it’s Ho Yeol, he’ll come to this Hunting Demon Castle one hundred percent of the time! How can you be so sure? Can’t you just look at his patch history?”

There’s something I’ve been eating as a player.

I know the difficulty level of the Rift.

It was enough to look at the patch history.

“Is Ho-yeol the kind of person who puts off difficult tasks for anyone? I think it’s impossible. How many times have we seen him take the initiative to go into rifts that others wouldn’t dare?”

And indeed, he was right.

News of other rifts arrived one after another.

[The Demon Castle of Rhyme].

Even in [The Demon Castle of Indulgence].

The news was that Ho Yeol hadn’t shown up.

The players waiting in front of the [Demon Castle of Hunting] already had their mouths watering.

‘This is a big deal.’

A big picture unfolded in their minds.

At this moment, how many huge forces were moving?

The Knights of the Lionheart, the Shadow Mercenaries.

The paladins of the Goddess Church.

Even the Magic Tower, which had actually started its first outside activities!

‘Actually, it would be great if we could take a film of their activities alone.

Yes, even if we could only capture their exploits, it would attract a lot of attention.

But that wasn’t enough, there was still a lot of excitement.

“Aren’t you looking forward to seeing Ho-yeol leading the force?”

That’s attention.

That’s views.

Regardless of whether you’re a NetTuber or not.

If you were an Arcana player, it’s no wonder your heart was racing.

Who would have thought? That a single player would lead a force of this magnitude to conquer the Rift.

And in the midst of all the anticipation.

Ho Yeol appeared.

With only two allies.


Expectations quickly turned to questions.

The watchers couldn’t help but panic.

-Is it true? Only three??? Lol??

-No, this isn’t the same story as in the [Broken Dimensional Rift].

-So that was a bug or something, and this is a regular update…….

Tens of thousands of troops gathered in the [Demon Castle of Rhyme].

The number of troops gathered in the [Demon Castle of Indulgence] was 100.

I knew the scale.

“……Something’s a little different than I imagined.”

Of the three Demonic Rifts.

The most difficult of them all, the Demon Castle of Hunting.

It was natural to expect that more power would be put into it.


Only Ho Yeol and the two shadows approached the rift.

But as they got closer, the doubts melted away like snow.

“Wait a minute, guys. Is that……?!”

Marcelo, the chief of the Magic Tower, standing tall and imposing.

Kichi, the leader of a famous and infamous group of Shadow Mercenaries.

It didn’t take long to recognize them.

-Wow, that’s an epic combination!

-Does that mean three is enough?

-Isn’t that practically an All-Star?

Their levels and skills were never officially revealed.

They’ve been around since the days when Arcana was just a game.

They were the best of the best.


-Wait, what is that?

It’s enough to steal the spotlight away from them.

There was a group of players who exuded a tremendous presence.

The players who were watching the scene said in amazement.

” …… Wow, it’s no joke.”

“Even if you look at it roughly, it’s incomparable to before…….”

“Ho-yeol, it seems like your equipment level has increased tremendously!”

Ho Yeol had equipped three more unique items.

The level of his equipment had definitely increased from before.

But it wasn’t an awe-inspiring increase.

It was an eye-catcher.

An overwhelming presence.

[Aesthetics: Medium]

It was all thanks to the increased Aesthetics stat.

However, there was an effect of the [Aesthetics] stat that even Magic Tower was unaware of.

The world’s attention poured in.

No matter how many eyes are watching.

They could only admire it, not know the truth.

In the midst of it all, Ho Yeol opened his mouth.

“Let’s begin.”


Ho Yeol’s cloak fluttered at the same time.

It was like fluttering wings.

His appearance was like that.

It could be called a judge from the heavens.

And each of them.

Fear? Hesitation? Concern?

Nothing, just a confident stride.

Ho-yeol, Marcelo, and Kichi enter the rift.

The players, who were mesmerized by the sight, came to their senses.

“Well, let’s do it too!”

It was a great scene to capture.

The players who were about to enter the rift stopped at that thought.


A message.

It was the rift’s information that made me realize reality.

[Demon Castle of Hunting]

[Recommended Level: Lv.850]

[Rift Collapse : 23.0%]


An 850th level rift.

words that come to mind when

If you touch it, you die.

Or the saying about shrimp in a whale fight.

‘No matter how much you want to trade views for lives…….’

As the players hesitated, time passed.

Ho-yeol’s goal was to crush the demon.

He didn’t have much time to think about it.

“Wait a minute……. Yeah, I’ll put on some buffs and take some deep breaths!”

they couldn’t know


“My pathetic life…….”

Kichi muttered and looked away.

She’d been dragged out, but she hated this.

Not the last time, not this time.

Because the balance calculation didn’t match.

‘……I can’t do this, it’s self-defense.’

Lee Ho-yeol, you made me do this.

Yeah, because of the situation…….

‘Let’s also think about jumping.’

But Kichi’s impure thoughts were just thoughts.

It was because of the two men beside him.

The co-chiefs of the fucking Magic Tower.

Marcelo said calmly.

“I don’t think it will take long.”

Kichi was appalled.

“…… Is that really what you’re going to say to the Demon King?”

Well, it’s just words.

What could she not say?

Why, to keep herself attached to the Yusra Kingdom.

She spat out a lie that wasn’t even in her heart, but she was a skilled liar.

Marcelo’s words could not have been more sincere.

“We’ll be done before the tea gets cold.”

……Of course, Ho-Yeol did the same.

No, he poured another cup.

We’ll be done before it gets cold.

Isn’t that the kind of comment that makes a demon castle look like a sand castle?

Kichi sighed quietly.


I made up words that didn’t even exist in order to cling to Yusra Kingdom… … .

It wasn’t enough to see through the lie, but rather it was the Ho-yeol that was being used.

Now that the man was squinting at her.

“You have to expect what to expect. in my arms.”

Kichi had no choice but to give up the charade.

Instead, she rolled her head the other way.

‘So I’m not going to get my share of those little buggers.’

All I have to do is rip the head off a demon or an executive and I’m done, right?

A moment of targeting.

The turn of Kichi’s eyes.

The change in demeanor was enough for Marcelo to recognize.

‘An accomplished assassin.’

If she’s that good, the Lord must have brought her along.

That was all Marcelo had to say about Kichi.


The demon castle was closing in.

At the same time, a booming sound assaulted his eardrums.


It was a sound from above.

Soon, an airship emerged from the dark clouds.

Marcelo was not surprised.

He had guessed it from what Ho-Yeol had told him.

But Kichi wasn’t.

“Well, what is it? Is that……?”

The leader of the Shadow Mercenaries.

It was natural for Kichi to be well versed in the rumors, legends, and information that circulated on the continent of Arcana.

But she had never heard of a flying machine.

“How can something that big fly?”

Outside the rift, in the world of adventurers.

I’ve seen something that looks like an airplane.

That was an object that rose from the continent of Arcana.

A nonchalant voice spoke to Kichi.

“An Airship.”


“Indeed, the pinnacle of dwarven technology.”



I didn’t know what an airship was, but I knew what kind of race the dwarves were.

One of the incoming commissions for the Shadow Mercenaries. Every once in a while, they’d get a request for equipment made by dwarves.

‘But how come you don’t seem the least bit surprised, either of you?’

No, of the two men, Lee Ho-yeol in particular.

His reaction was as if he had seen this coming.

‘…… Eh, no matter what.’

Kichi was self-conscious.

I’d been caught off guard.

I’m giving him too much credit.

‘Well, it’s not like he’s looking into the future.’

What’s happening on the continent of Arcana.

How can he know from this side of the world?

But what Ho Yeol said next stunned Kichi.

“As I heard, you have not forgotten your past oaths.”

……As I heard?

What, were they really expecting this?

What’s with the old oath anyway?

What the hell, I’m scared.

Kichi couldn’t help but look at Ho Yeol’s eyes again.

Yeah, even if I can’t figure out what it is.

‘I’m glad I gave up on that stupid idea early…….’




The pinnacle of dwarven technology.

Upon sighting the airship.

Quest windows flashed.

Two of them.

[Class Quest: Extermination of the Akshans].

Exterminate the Akshans and the Demon Hunters.

Last of the Demon Hunters.

Uncover the truth about the Holy War.

─Train your weakened body. (Repeat)

─Identify the forces that participated in the Holy War. (Ongoing)

●Encounter a saint of the Goddess Church. (Successful)

●Determine the true identity of the Goddess Church Saintess. (Successful)

●Hunt down a demon disguised as a Goddess Church Saintess. (Success)

●Determine the original sin of the Magic Tower. (Success)

●Verify the Pact with the Dwarves. (Ongoing)

Holy War.

The dwarves, it seemed, were involved in the events that led to Akshan’s destruction.

I had news from the continent of Arcana, thanks to Hiel.

“I knew it.

The dwarves had disappeared from the continent.

They reappeared after the activation of the Quernberg machine tower.

They have begun to lead airships to hunt demons on the continent of Arcana.

From that news, I was able to make a guess.

‘The Dwarves, like the Magic Tower, are indebted to Akshan.’

I glanced at the quest objective.

‘It’s not just a promise, it’s an oath…….’

Apparently, the Dwarves broke their oath in the Holy War.

Maybe they’re trying to honor it now.

Even if it’s a demon that stands in their way.

Evidence of this is shown in the following quest window.

[Demon King, Flauros vs. Dwarves].

Demon King and Dwarves.

Who will win?

The Demon King and the Airship.

What symbols are left behind?

It’s all up to you.

According to your accomplishments, you will reap the rewards of victory.

─Join the factions and lead the war to victory. (Ongoing)

●Join the side of the Demon King, Plaurus. (Select)

●Join the Dwarves. ( Select )

─Current Accomplishments: 0p

To the Dwarves, airships were like magic towers.

They risked their airships to fight the Demon King.

The proof could not be clearer.

“As I have heard, you have not forgotten your past oaths.”

A decade and many years.

The demon hunters of Akshan may not know.

Because I didn’t get attacked.

There was no such thing as a grudge, let alone suspicion.

I blurted out shamelessly.

“I will no longer doubt your pride.”

And, of course, I made my choice.

[Faction selection complete].

[You have joined the Dwarves].

[The Demon King, Flauros, has turned against your faction].

A stirring in the Demon Castle.

Indeed, it’s different from when we were fighting Decarabia. It’s such an overwhelming feeling that it wouldn’t be strange for someone of average mental strength to go into a coma.

But there are no weaklings here.

Not even Marcelo and Kichi.

Do I, the Grandfell Under Heaven, feel intimidated by the demon?

『The pride of the Grandfell Claude Arpheus Romeo is, paradoxically, most exalted in the presence of the Demon.』

Because it could never happen.

Marcello and Kichi.

And I went straight to battle.

As I emphasized, what was needed was an overwhelming victory.

I had no intention of exchanging blows.

That’s why I was prepared.

I reminded myself of the effects of my current buffs.

[For one hour, all magic power is slightly increased].

[Slightly increased magic regeneration for 3 hours].

[Massive increase in magic regeneration for 30 minutes.]…….


When I say good herbs, I mean you’ve consumed enough of them to fill your stomach.

Add to that the effectiveness of the magic items and equipment in the Magic Tower.

[Mark of the Gale]

[Rank: Unique]

[Limit: Lv.350]

[Effect: Increases the destructive power of all magic you cast by 100% for 1 minute. – Cooldown: 24 hours]

[Luxury – Thunderstruck Branch Wand]

[Rating : Unique]

[Limit : Lv.380]

[Effect: When casting elemental magic, increases its destructive power by 30 percent at the cost of 30 percent increased Mana cost].

[Luxury – White Outer Wings]

[Rank : Unique]

[Limit: Lv.350]

[Effect: When worn, stores the attribute magic the user manifests. The number of stored magic is proportional to the color of the outer wing and reduces M. Atk. consumption by 30% when manifesting stored magic. – Current number of stored attribute magic: 100]

As evidenced by the item’s effect.

I was thinking of using a hundred attribute magic.

On second thought, that’s an incredibly ignorant method.

‘Even if we skip the assimilation with the effect of the wings…….’

You can’t skip the process from interference to manifestation.

It’s something most mages wouldn’t even attempt.

It’s a trick I can only pull off because of Grandfell’s talent.

But this is my power, my best.


With a surge of magic.

My white wings flutter like wings.

I recall the stored magic of my wings.

I call upon the stored magic.

The assimilation process is omitted.

However, I do not forget to utilize the [Aesthetics] stat during the interference process.

……A true story.

The magic drains away at a terrifying rate.

However, it does not falter.

It’s weak, it’s temp, and if that’s not enough.

[Skill, “Natural Enemy” is triggered].

I can’t even show the slightest sign of trembling in the presence of a demon.

That’s who I am, that’s who Grandfell is, a human.

Marcelo, recognizing my desperation, called out.

“I will open the way.”

The manifestation was swift, beyond my control.

An army of ten thousand demons evaporated.

Standing among them was the Demon Corps Commander, Etio.


But he immediately fell to his knees.

“Seriously, it’s my fault!”


Kichi’s secret weapon had sliced through his leg.

Beyond the fallen Etio.

I could see the Demon King, Flauros.

I did not hesitate.

[‘Evil-stained ceremonial robe’ was chosen as the sacrifice.]

[Skill, ‘Exorcism Ritual’ is activated].

[Invite the demon, Flauros, to the ‘Ritual’].





The Iron Castle, a rumbling airship.

“Damn it, thunder and lightning.”

The Iron Castle’s only weakness: bad weather.

Even the greatest concentration of technology could not defy the forces of nature.

Now, with the Demon King in front, there was no time like this. Is it because of the constant steering wheel?

“That’s it. We’re out!”

The Iron Castle was out of the thunderstorm.

The dwarves could see a panoramic view of the Demon Castle.

“…… Now, wait a minute. What’s going on down there?”

A crumbling Demon Castle, to be exact.

The sight was horrifying.

Not a demon, but a being that could drive a demon.

“Are you sure……?”

At least the dwarves who had made the oath in the past knew.

“Demon hunters, we have found the survivors of Akshan!”