◈ Episode 520. We had a lot in common (1)

Black hair.

Black pupils.

Plain clothes.

“I didn’t find anything today either…….”

Sunrise Warrior.

He looked at the hand that sifted through the rubble.

A body that had become a transcendent.

At least it shouldn’t even have gotten a scratch.

“Sloppy big brother, if we leave it like that, will it get better?”

The wound was bad enough that the Lightning Child was concerned.

How long he’d been traveling through the vast ruins was anyone’s guess.

Anyone could see that.

Warrior said.

“Shut up. You don’t even want to help.”

“Huh? You mean me?”

“If that’s the case, why did you follow me?”



The Lightning Child leaps down from the tree with a swift landing.

He quickly searched the ruins.

He was humiliated even if he thought about it, but he couldn’t help it.

“Cut me some slack. I don’t want to get caught and dragged back to the natural world.”

The reason why he can deal with nature and its own lightning without much effort.

It was because the boy was a half-breed between human and spirit.

The Sunrise Warrior opened his eyes.

“Are you talking about your ridiculous father again?”

“No, I’m not lying!”

His father was Zeus, the Spirit King of Lightning.

The Lightning Child retorted, as usual.

The Sunrise Warrior was not listening.

“You’re so young, and you’re so stupid.”

Perhaps it was because he’d been told he was transcendent all his life.

“If you were my brother, you’d be…….”

The Sunrise Warrior was far from lazy.

The sun rises a little earlier than on the Arcana continent.

The Eastern Continent, where the sun set later, was his home.

“……I could have done a little better.”

But now, he had neither blood nor home left.

Tectonic shifts caused by the rise of the Demon World. The Eastern Continent collided with the Arcana Continent. The Eastern Continent, a tiny island compared to the vast Arcana Continent, had disappeared without a trace.

The Lightning Child said in disbelief.

“How in the world could this happen in a single day?”

Regular Update.

While the Sunrise Warrior does not know the exact name of the culprit.

He had an idea of its existence.

He continued speaking without falling into emotion.

“The world is ripe for it.”

The Zero Mountains disappeared overnight.

No trace of the Eastern Continent is to be found anywhere.

If I let my mind wander, I might be plunged into a never-ending cycle of anguish.

Let us remember the Master’s teaching.

-“Before you train, clear your mind of troubles.”

The Sunrise Warrior stood once more.

He moved his scarred hand.

Suddenly, he felt a vibration in the stillness of the earth.



At first, I thought it was the roar of a Great Monster.

Why a great monster and not just any monster?

It was because of the current situation on the Arcana Continent.

[Legends are stirring on the Arcana Continent].

Even if they can’t see the system messages.

They are still transcendent.

They could feel it with their keen intuition.

“See, something wasn’t right earlier!”

After all, I should have stopped by the Spacetime Social Hall, right?

A telepathy that a top guest had entered the Spacetime Social Hall.

The Lightning Child planned to follow suit and enter the social hall.

If only the Sunrise Warrior hadn’t struck the candle.

-“What right do we have to come and go as we please?”


Sunrise remembered his every move. He remembered all of his deeds, even the slaughter in Antonium, the capital of the Empire, under Oxidin’s brainwashing.

-“Huegh……. Huegh…….”

That’s why he came here, like a man on the run.

He sought out the traces of his homeland to atone. The Lightning Child had used his spirit to bring news of distant Antium to the sunrise warrior.

“Brother, do you still care? Oxidin, that guy was suppressed without doing anything, and Grandfell Claudi……. What the hell, he’s not even the one to hold you accountable, and even if you ran into him in a social hall…….”

Sunrise Warrior interrupted.

“We already made a mistake once before.”


Oh, we formed something called the Transcendent Alliance with Oxidin, didn’t we?

Grandfell Claudi…….

Anyway, he showed us mercy.

I can understand his reaction, then.

“No matter what, three times is a bit much…….”

Well, then.

I’m going to have to release this frustration.

The Lightning Child was feeling the earth’s vibrations as well.

“No matter what happens, I’ll just make it tingle, big brother.”


An electric current coursed through his tiny index finger like a lightning rod.

Even if the opponent was a great monster.

The Lightning Child was confident he could take it down.


“It’s not a Great Monster, it’s different.”

The vibrations felt foreign.

Clearly, it was shaking the earth.

The vibrations were subtly artificial.

Or, more accurately, …….

“……Sounds like it’s building up, not falling down.”

Indeed, the senses of a transcendent were keen.

Then an unbelievable sight came into view.

The ruins were rising up on their own.

The collapsed buildings were being restored to their former glory.

The Lightning Child could barely speak.

“What, what is that?!”

But he couldn’t finish his sentence.

For he had just witnessed a being performing an unbelievable ‘Reversal’.

It was.

“That, that, that is……!!!”

From a distance.

A majestic presence.

Grandfell Claudi, hereinafter omitted.


Let’s hope the cat just walks past the furnace.

Manifests ultra-wide range reversal magic.

Once he ascended to the Ten Thrones, there were no limits to his power. It’s no exaggeration to say that he could manifest literally anything imaginable.

Thanks to.

‘With a little help from a lie…….’

Wherever I stepped, the road was paved.

Everywhere my eyes turned, buildings that had collapsed were rebuilt.

‘So much for my struggle.’

I used it as a food source to compensate for my lack of [Magic Power].

I named them Architectural Magic and Reversal Magic.

I thought seriously.

‘Let’s see, I’ve already announced the Reversal Magic to the Magic Tower.

If I don’t have anything to present at the next regular meeting, I’ll present Architectural Magic.

What is the Arcana continent really in need of?

Isn’t this a large-scale civil engineering project?

I wonder if magic is patentable.

If there were, the royalties from architectural magic alone would be worth it…….

I, Lee Hoyeol [Claudi’s Abyss], was indulging in a moment of greedy fantasizing. Someone stood in my way, and the reason for my belated realization of their presence was simple.

Neither of them harbored any hostility toward me.

Especially the elderly.


The elder, the Sunrise Warrior, knelt before me.

“I ask for your forgiveness in hindsight.”


He drops the sword at his waist to the ground and bows his head toward me. As if he would offer me his head if I wanted it.


Of course, he wasn’t going to ask me that.

There’s something firmly wrong with you.

I wasn’t tracking the Sunrise Warrior.

-Search for Gabriel’s remains in The Ruined City, Ogratium. (in progress)

To be fully prepared.

Acquire Gabriel’s belongings.

Heading to Ogratium.

Thanks to the pride of this man.

He was just practicing his reversal magic for the sake of it.

‘It was a fuss even to me, but to others it was …….’

It’s embarrassing here too.

“Look up.”

This iron-faced man didn’t even flinch.

He shamelessly tells the Sunrise Warrior who raises his head.

“I forgive you for your mistakes.”

Liu Zunqun’s brainwashing is terrible.

I knew it from watching the Heavenly Unity.

It was enough to take over a whole country, wasn’t it?

As if that wasn’t bad enough, he’s got Oxidin’s power on top of it.

There was no way he could resist as a Sunrise Warrior.

The question was.

Why in the eastern part of the continent?

Where are the Sunrise Warrior and the Lightning Child?

The answer came without me having to ask.

“……I fled to my homeland as an atonement, though, as you can see, my homeland, the Eastern Continent, is nowhere to be found.”

The Eastern Continent.

‘I heard about it at the AAU branch meeting.’

Once again, a region that existed only as a setting in the database, was realized in some way on the Arcana continent like any other setting. However, I did say that it was speculated that it collided with the Arcana continent during the Cataclysm, so it would be hard to find any traces of it…….

‘I see you’re not going anywhere.’

For a moment, AAU’s guess seemed to be correct.

‘Maybe this…….’

Maybe this will help me in the future?

If AAU’s information is backed up by Sunrise, who is from the Eastern Continent.

Maybe we can get something from the traces of the Eastern Continent?

‘To do that, we need to maintain good relations.’


I’ll start by helping the kneeling Sunrise Warrior to his feet.

I meant to say sweetly.

Of course.

“Get out of the way.”

……It didn’t come out like I thought it would.


The Sunrise Warrior stood up straight and opened the way with the Lightning Child. I looked at his hands. They were in a state of disarray as if they had just sifted through this vast ruin.

‘So when will you find traces of your hometown?’

I clicked my tongue and summoned my reversal magic.

As I said, reversal magic and architectural magic were as familiar as breathing.

Like a rewind.


The buildings were rebuilt.

“What, what?!”

It was the Lightning Child who was more surprised by the sight than the Sunrise Warrior. A person who deals with lightning would be more knowledgeable about magic than a warrior who deals with the sword.

“What kind of magic is this?!”

I’ve never heard such an honest reaction before.

‘Because in the Magic Tower, everyone was purified and evaluated.’

In fact, 『Reversal Magic』 had not yet been accepted as an official school of thought at the Magic Tower. The reason was simple. Because no one has yet understood or manifested it except me and Marcelo.

‘You can build a school of thought, but no one can learn from it.’

It’s a process of interference that feels pedantic.

He seemed to know everything.

Sunrise just looked puzzled.

‘Of course, I don’t want you to know.’

It’s nothing to me.

Whenever others freak out and overestimate me.

I can’t help but feel my cheeks burning and my conscience tingling……!

But thanks to the silence of the Sunrise Warrior.

I was able to shamelessly manifest my reversal magic to the end.

And I was able to witness it.


A distinctly foreign building.

[You have discovered traces of the Eastern Continent, the ‘entrance of the shrine.’]

A building style not seen on the Arcana continent before.

An intricately constructed wooden building came into view.

A series of messages.

[Achievement, ‘Lorenzik of the Eastern Continent’].

Lorenzik of the Eastern Continent.

Did they name it after Arcana’s greatest romantic explorer for being the first to discover the Eastern Continent? Either way, the effect was kind of nice.

[Achievement: Lorenzik of the Eastern Continent]

[Effect : Slightly increases the stat, ‘Luck’, in the Eastern Continent]

[Duration: Permanent]

‘Grandfell calls it superstition.’

Why, every time I invest a stat in Luck.

I’ve gotten my fair share of benefits.

Instead, I glanced at the Sunrise Warrior.


I was hoping for a bit of color after all the favors I’d done for him, but for some reason, his expression was grim.


And then he clicked his tongue, did he just……?

My reversal magic must have reversed something wrong.

That was the moment when I cringed under my iron skin.

The Sunrise Warrior picked up the sword from the floor and opened his mouth.

“I’m afraid that building is the symbol of a Shrine that disappeared without a trace from the Eastern Continent during my time in my homeland.”

“A Shrine is a place where gods are worshipped, brother?”

“No, not a god, to be precise.”

I was dumbfounded by Sunrise Warrior solemn words.

“It’s a Youkai.”

A Youkai.

As soon as I heard the word, I could picture Gabriel’s deeds in my head. Why Gabriel, a demon hunter, had suddenly died in the eastern part of the Arcana continent, far from Akshan.

The reason must be tied to that Youkai.

A demon hunter’s sense of smell.

The quest objective flashed.

The objective had been refreshed.


-Search for Gabriel’s remains in the ruined city of Ogratium. (Ongoing)

●Hunt down the Ogratium Yokai, the ‘the Great Monster of the valley where the blood never stops flowing, the cruel Godkiller, eight-headed killer mother snake.’ (Ongoing)


Your full name is too long, like ‘who’?

Who himself opens his mouth?

“What a cheeky name.”

tl/n: Yamata No Orochi