- September 25, 2023Episode 160 Familiar Faces (3) Pedo and Hebe make their appearance. Pedo with his two heavy Jamadhars, and Hebe with…
- September 24, 2023Episode 159 Familiar Faces (2) Tsutsutsutsutsuts...... Efebo's face melted away at a tremendous rate, and he dissolved into the water.…
- September 24, 2023Episode 158 Familiar Faces (1) [Whoosh-grrrr-] Suspended from the ceiling with an unpleasant breath, this must be Ephebo. He is…
- September 23, 2023Episode 157 How to Keep Your Night Shift Employees Safe (3) Vikir let out a light sigh. '......What the hell…
- September 23, 2023Episode 156 How to keep your night shift employees safe (2) < Introduction door > -This orphanage provides the following…
- September 22, 2023Episode 155 How to keep your night shift employees safe (1) "That's what happened. I'm sorry." Vikir turned around and…
- September 22, 2023Episode 154 The Drinking Game (3) ...Bam! The female supervisor in charge of the girls' dormitory opens the door and…
- September 21, 2023Episode 153 Drinking Game (2) ◎○○○◎ ○◎◎◎○ ○◎○○◎ ○◎○◎○ ◎○◎○◎ A white castle was built on the checkerboard. Led by…
- September 21, 2023Episode 152 The Drinking Game (1) "He, help me. Vikir. Please, just once!" The budding Tudor, the wannabe superhero, always…
- September 20, 2023Episode 151 Not Brother, But Uncle (2) "Now, wait!" Saint Dolores stopped Vikir in his tracks. "Aren't you being too…