Chapter 427

Chapter 427.

Raon closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them and removed his hands from Muston’s body. He was still stiff, perhaps because she hadn’t told him to wake up.

-What are you doing?

Rath shook his head.

-You’ve been pissed off at the bastard, and this is your chance to let it all out.

He pounded his fists into the air, as if a punch wouldn’t do any good right now.

“You can always work that out.

-Not then, not now. Now that I’m your slave, you can make me do anything you want.

‘I don’t like that kind of thing.

I shook my head, feeling a bitter taste in my mouth.

‘I don’t care how much scum I am, I can’t do as much as enslave them.

My previous life had ended in vomit.

I was captured as a child and spent the rest of my life as a leashed hound, ending up in a boiling pot.

I will take my revenge on Derus Robert, but I will not treat Muston like a slave, even if we have a master-slave relationship, because I have no intention of becoming like him.

-I find him troublesome in a strange way, but….

Rath smiles a thin smile at this.

-Not bad, I suppose. What others might call stupid, I would call human.

He muttered that he was confused, that he was sometimes demonic and sometimes human.

-Then will you leave out the jealousy that is in him?

“I’ll leave that out. But it might bother you if you wake up here, so let’s go down.’

To the half-destroyed summit and the bear sleeping on it.

If Muston woke up here, he’d have a lot of explaining to do, so it made sense to do it after they’d gotten off the mountain.

Raon looked from Muston to Sloth.

“He’s not going to wake up.

Sloth was still sleeping, balancing on the cracked, crushed floor from Envy’s energy. He even looked more relaxed.

-I told you, he’d never wake up.

Rath shook his head, as if he had no more control than Sloth.

“It doesn’t matter.

I’ll learn to deal with sloth if I make it so.

I felt confident that if I took the techniques I’d learned from Rath and Envy and reassembled them, I could create the ability to deal with sloth.

“Maybe I could specialize in recovery.

The best use of Sloth’s unique effect was, by far, the ability to recover.

If it was done well, it might be possible to obtain the regenerative power of a low-level recovery magic.

Raon smiled faintly and held up the subspace pouch. Inside, he pulled out the top-grade bedding he had received from Dorian.

-You’re going to give that sleeper a gift for nothing?

You let me sell my name, that’s enough.

-Isn’t that enough for you, too!

Rath scowled at Sloth, raising his voice.

“So you said you’d eat pineapple pizza.

He picked up the sleeping Sloth and laid him back down on the mat and pillow. He was a baby white bear, so he had no trouble picking him up.

“Sleep well. You saved my life.”

As I tucked him in for the last time and got up to leave, I noticed that Sloth’s horns were lazily emitting a heavy energy.

“Sloth? That too….

I gave him the energy.

The lazy energy that I had pushed into him to wake him up had swelled several times and returned.


Raon reached out to the sloth energy that had gathered like water droplets, and it naturally burrowed into his body and clung to his soul.

[Generates 30 points of <Laziness> emotion].

The amount of sloth he had pushed into Sloth was around 10, but it had tripled to 30 and returned. It was too much to spare.


Through the flow of laziness that Sloth had exhaled earlier, I was able to figure out how he was breathing.

It wasn’t hard to create a new trait using the flow of laziness he’d felt earlier.

“So people are supposed to do good?”

Raon nodded in satisfaction at the message that came to mind.

-That stupid hogu bastard!

Rath muttered to himself, a black sheep who does things in his sleep.

-No, this is not right, even a king needs a reward!

A pizza would be enough.

-Two games is not enough! No matter how badly you play, it’s only fair that you get dessert for the third game!

‘Be honest with yourself.

Raon looked at Rath and lowered his eyebrows.

-What do you mean?

‘Rage and gluttony, right?

-What nonsense!

* * *

Raon gave Rath his gift, slung Muston over his shoulder, and strode down Mount Sterin.

‘I suppose we should get started.’

He took a short breath and placed a hand on Muston’s shoulder.

Muston’s dazed eyes flashed a light green as the emotion of jealousy spontaneously welled up in his still-unadapted soul.

[Absorb <Jealousy>?]

The message from the top of Mount Sterin flashed through his mind once again.

‘If I absorb all of your jealousy, what will happen to Muston?

-What happens is what happens. There’s no jealousy left.

Ras answered immediately, perhaps because of the pineapple pizza he was about to eat.

-There are many sinful emotions in the human soul, and jealousy is uniquely developed in this one, and it will only go away. He will not die or become a madman, so there is no need to worry.

“Then can I give or receive sinful emotions from others?

-No. For that wretch has become your servant.

Rath shook his head, warning him not to be greedy.

“I see.

Raon nodded and decided to absorb the jealousy. All of Muston’s jealousy, that is.

Woof, woof, woof!

Raon felt the enormous energy of Muston’s jealousy rush through his grasp with a liberating sensation, as if the spirit deep within his body was making a direct appearance.

“What a sheep.

This was jealousy enough to summon an envy, so I didn’t think it was normal, but it was more than I expected.

My breath caught in my throat and my head felt dizzy from the energy.

“But you can’t just take it.”

Using a ring of fire, I melted away the turbid energy of jealousy, allowing only pure emotion to enter my soul.

Qi Yi Yun!

The jealousy energy absorbed by Muston seeped into Envy’s still-unawakened power, drenching a larger area in green.


Raon sighed and checked the message that popped up.

[Emotion of Jealousy is generated].

[50 points of emotion of jealousy absorbed].

Fifty points at a time. Considering that Envy’s power hadn’t awakened yet, it was a ridiculous amount.

‘This is why Envy popped out.’

To accumulate fifty points of Jealousy by himself, Muston was in some ways the strongest talent on the continent.

“I wonder what we can do with this.

Raon smiled and pulled his hand away from Muston’s, and the green glow in his eyes subsided.


Muston fumbled, looking at his hands and feet.

“Why am I here?”

He shook his head, not knowing why he was here.

“You, you!”

Muston’s eyes widened at the sight of Raon. The malice that always lurked in his eyes was nowhere to be seen.

“Raon, did you… huh? Huh?”

He blinked several times in a daze as he realized something was wrong. Each time his pupils were revealed, his emotions changed rapidly.

“Why would I want you. No, why would I….”

He shook his head in disbelief, perhaps because jealousy, the strongest of Muston’s emotions, was gone.


His face turned as red as an overripe apple as he realized what he had done.

“Mmm, I’m sorry, no, I’m sorry!”

Muston immediately bowed his head and dropped to his knees.

“I’m sorry for arguing and insulting your master all this time!”

Without any hesitation, he apologized for his behavior.

“I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t help it, my heart was boiling like it was going to burn!”


Raon snickered as he looked at Muston with his head in his hands.

“Why is he doing this?

I haven’t even said a word yet?

-It’s a simple thing.


-That idiot has known all along that there was something wrong with his behavior, but he used the emotion of jealousy to rationalize it.

Rath sneered and threw up his hands.

-The thorn of conscience stabbed deep in his chest, but he ignored it with the armor of jealousy, and now that the armor is gone, without leaving a shred of iron, all that remains is for his conscience to be stabbed.

He muttered to himself that it was natural for him to be like this, since the jealousy that protected his mind was gone in an instant.

“Dao, when I return, I will also beg the Light Sword for my sins!”

Muston lifted his head. His eyes were clear, without the slightest hint of mist. I wondered if it was possible for a person to change like this.

“I guess I don’t have to kill you, huh?

I was about to slit his throat and dispose of his body if he didn’t comply, but seeing him begging for forgiveness made me stop thinking about killing him.

“Then why am I here?”

Muston sat up and looked around. He was awake, but in a place he didn’t recognize.

“You don’t remember any of this?”

“No. I don’t remember anything!”

Muston dropped to one knee and bowed his head like a knight honoring his lord.


He swallowed dryly, not realizing he was on his knees and what this was all about.

“Don’t react like that, answer me like you normally would.”

“Yes! Okay… eh? Eh? Eh….”

Muston creaked like a malfunctioning wooden doll and rolled his eyes.

“What’s wrong with him?

-“I told you before, Envy is rough on his men. The master-servant pact you and that wretch made was a wolf pact, designed to make him unworthy of his master.

Rath frowned, as if to say that he would be stuck with that for the rest of his life.

“Make yourself comfortable.”

“Yes! Stretch, easy, comfortable, what’s comfortable?”

Muston nodded quickly, straightening his back stiffly. His posture and expression were obviously uncomfortable.


Raon shook his head. It was unlikely to be a quick fix.

“Let’s head back.”


He gestured and walked off toward the lower castle first. Muston followed behind, bending at the waist and knees as if he were a goblin.

“Please, take it easy.”

“Yes! Stretch out, get comfortable…. This is comfortable….”

He broke down again and creaked. Looking at him like that, I realized that Envy was indeed a vicious demon.

“Do as you please.”

Raon waved his hand dismissively and headed forward.


Muston moved in that position, as if he was really comfortable with his bent back.

They had been walking for about four hours when they saw a scouting party from the Guangfeng Clan and the Haibun Clan coming from the other side.

They weren’t the only ones moving around, and it seemed like they were all looking for Muston.

‘Luckily, no one seems to know.

The barriers had been set up, the distance was great, and since Yan Bi hadn’t revealed her true strength, it seemed that none of them had sensed her presence.

Hua ah!

A gust of wind blew in just before the group of light winds reached them, and in an instant, a sword spirit appeared. He frowned as he looked at Muston, who was standing in an awkward position.

“Muston, what the hell are you doing!”

For almost the first time in his life, the sword spirit yelled at Muston.

“Where the hell have you been, do you realize how much people have suffered because of you!”


Muston cleared his throat, not at Gum Gui, but at Raon’s glare directly in front of him.


Gum Gui noticed the change in Muston’s eyes and gaped.

“What, what’s wrong with him?”

“Hey. Looks like you beat him up even harder than last time.”

“He’s completely deflated.”

Buren, Marta, and Lunan’s eyes widened at the terrified-looking Muston.

“How hard did he beat her?”

“Turned him into a rag.”

“Did you have a crush on him the moment you met him?”

“He took a beating like that, and he’s still alive.”

The other inspectors and scouts looked at Muston and shook their heads in disbelief.

For now, the bandages were torn from his body, revealing a gaping wound, a cracked forehead from a fall from the sky onto his head, and a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth.

Until, in the eyes of others, she was dead. No, she looked deadly fangirlish.

“Muston. Talk to me. What the hell happened to you?”


Muston didn’t answer, even when Gumkiss asked.


Raon sighed and turned away.

“Mr. Rectar asked you a question, you should answer it.”

“Sin, I’m sorry, Master, I’ve done everything wrong, I’ve let you down so far, I have nothing to say!”

Muston fell to his knees and began to beg for forgiveness.


The snowfield falls silent.

Everyone’s eyes narrowed, not at Muston, but at Raon.

They looked at him as if to say, “What kind of beating does it take to turn someone like that?

“It’s our rabid master!”

Remer, who had arrived late, whistled as he approached.

“You’ve got a knack for training mad dogs! How many did you fan this time?”

“I didn’t pan….”

Raon shook his head, but no one believed him.

“The king of violence!”

“The one who holds the leash of a mad dog!”

“The devil. No, a demon.”

“A demon!”

Not really.

* * *

Raon went straight to Frost’s Branch after returning to the Lower Plane.

He wanted to restore his body with sleep, but he couldn’t because of the double-duty demon who was pushing for pizza.

“Yuya, can I have three pineapple pizzas and five pineapple cookies here?”

“Pineapple pizza and cookies….”

Yu’er raised her eyes and nodded.

“Are you sure you don’t have any of the ingredients?”

“Not at all!”

I asked hopefully, but Yu Yu shook her head firmly.

“I know Master Laon likes pineapple, and Grandpa has made sure to stock up on the ingredients!”

“Uh, yeah.”

Raon bit his lip. This was his last hope, but it seems he has no choice but to eat pizza.

-This is why the king is so fond of that shopkeeper!

Rath gestured toward the kitchen like a king praising a knight.

‘Damn. I’m a total foodie now, thanks to that blue pig.’

-Who’s the pig!


After eating so many strange foods because of Ras, most people are now starting to misunderstand his tastes.

Recently, he even brought a curry made with fish head and asked me to try it.

“It’ll be ready in a minute, just wait.”

The toddler smiled broadly and headed for the kitchen.


Rath smiled with satisfaction as he watched the toddler ruffle her bangs.

-It’s soothing to see the pineapple girl!

He chuckled, as if the worst of his memories of Mount Sterin were fading away.

‘She sure does make me feel better just looking at her.’

Raon nodded. The toddler was always cheerful, but seeing his grandfather made him even more so. It made him feel better.

“But now we must return.

He had taken more than he needed from this place, and it was time to return to his family.

“An unexpected harvest.

The reason I came here in the first place was to learn from Sloth how to use Sloth.

I thought that would be enough, but Envy gave me the power of Jealousy, and Sloth gave me Sloth and its breath.

It wasn’t just a mere gain, but a jackpot that would be hard to get again even if I died and woke up, so I naturally smiled.

“I’m sure I’ll get something back.

The events at the Aryan House had gone beyond a simple promotion mission.

If it was Glenn, who was sure of his reward, he would give me a plaque and a wound, and I was already looking forward to seeing what I would receive.

“I’m sure he’ll serve something pretty good this time.

Rath wrinkled his nose as he watched the toddler bring out the pineapple pizza.

-In the eyes of this king, you are a pig, a honey pig who only looks for the honey barrel!