Chapter 552 – Karma (3)

◈ Episode 552. Karma (3)

It’s a holy relic.

‘That would make sense.’

You recall the Shadow God’s words.

-“Through Karma, the gods would awaken and use the holy relics that lay dormant in the treasury of the Pantheon. The relics contain almighty power that cannot be accessed through mere karma.”

I thought this was a very unfair effect.

It was not an item that even the Gods could easily handle.

At the same time, I began to realize that the situation in the Pantheon was starting to make sense.

‘The Pantheon hasn’t completely collapsed.’

If it’s in such a state of crisis that it can’t transmit its voice, it can’t afford to pay attention to reality. At the very least, it can afford to deliver the Holy Relic to Guyver.

‘Unless that’s the case.’

The God of War, whom Guyver serves. It’s possible that only the God of War could have a hand in the crisis, though I don’t know the details.

‘To know properly.’

Rescue the saintess, Freyja.

Through her, we learn the dynamics of the Pantheon.

It was best to activate the [Heavenly Demon Reign] and see it with my own two eyes.

In that sense, let’s be grateful.

[Karma: 4,781]

Karma was rising in real time, higher than it had been when I’d fought the prototype in the Shadow Corridor. At this point, I could swear by it.

I was like, Is this a buggy item, Grandfell?

Are you sure we’re allowed to use it……!

If you’re so tempted, stop wearing the Six Sight Brooch right now.

I was tempted to stick it in the back of my inventory.

Like I said.

‘……damn it.’

I will bear my weight.

This was me, I declared.

Then I had to bear it.

Karma, literally.

I had to face the karma that was brewing inside the Six Sight Brooch.


And most of all.

‘If I don’t trust you, who can I trust?’

Grandfell, you said it was okay.

I wouldn’t have told you anyway.

Let’s bury the nonsense for a moment.

This is a battlefield.

Morale is of the utmost importance.

I must be as shameless as ever in this moment.


The army of the Pantheo froze in place.

Everyone is staring at the scene in bewilderment.

As always in such situations, I pursed my lips proudly.

“Will they finally recognize it?”

……I vowed to myself.

You always exceed my expectations.

Yes, it was the Grandfell style of speaking this time too.

“The true master, not the illusion of a god.”




Park Minjae spat out a weak laugh.

Wasn’t this why he was running around uselessly with his feet off for nothing?


The Pantheon and the Goddess Church.

Plus a player alliance led by the Bohemian who could compensate for their weaknesses. We decided that they were an unprecedentedly strong opponent, incomparable to the Heavenly Unity.

So we literally put on a live show.

In front of reporters, in front of cameras.

I mean, I went on a rant to undermine their power.

Enough to make them think they had done something.

But then.

“It was all an illusion.”

A gap that renders all their efforts meaningless.

Rather than being happy for the General Manager’s victory, it was more like…….

I felt a bitter taste in my mouth.

Park Minjae reflected on the cause of his subtle feelings.

“You’re so high up now that I can’t reach you.”

I wonder how long he’s known.

What a sudden reversal.

AAU was also confused.


“So he already knew the gods’ voices were cut off?”

“Isn’t that why the order was changed? If the Voice of the Gods was cut off because of the General Manager……, what else could have happened to cause the General Manager to be away in the first place?”

“That, and those soldiers turning around was all part of the plan……?”

It’s beyond confusing and creepy.

In the meantime, Park Minjae didn’t forget his job.

He turned to the control room and said.

“I think it’s all over, but it’s not over yet.”


“Oh, Mr. Branch Manager. Even the last variable, the army of Pantheon, has turned around. Muon must have been neutralized, the player alliance over there must have been cut down early, and the only remaining force is…….”

Except for Hoyeol, who is holding his ground.

The only ones moving on a battlefield where everyone else has stopped.

It was only the Chosen Paladin, Guyver.

“Even though he’s on the Paladin class quest, what can he do by himself? If the General Manager snaps his fingers, he’ll be crushed to a pulp…….”

He’s not wrong.

The Branch Manager.

More than anyone else in this room.

Park Minjae was familiar with the Arcana Continent’s biography system.

Objectively comparing players and their power?

It was not difficult for Park Minjae.

“They’re right, but it’s the players, especially the Rankers, who are more familiar with the Arcana Continent’s Biography than we are.”


Those who feel flattered for a moment but keep their mouths shut.

“Remember Guyver’s ranking? Guyver was a specialist in Arcana Continent Biography who never once broke into triple digit rankings, even though he was nurturing a class that was, in some ways, exhausting.”

In other words.

“Do you really think that Guyver, who should know the system of Arcana Continent Biography better than anyone else, would risk his life in such an obvious fight? No matter how many status abnormalities a person has, it is rare for a status abnormality to be life-threatening. There must be something to it.”

Park’s prediction was soon realized.

“……, Mr. Branch Manager, what about that sword?”


An information window I’ve never seen before.

[Relic: Heavenly Sword Excalibur]

[Rank : Mythic]

[Restriction : ???]

[Effect : Dominates all weapons of enemies and allies].

[Description : A holy relic that was kept in the treasury of the Pantheon].

It was a Mythic-ranked item.

Guyver has only one gaze.

His gaze was fixed on the Infinitely Deep Darkness.

An unexplained aura enveloped his body.

The gazes of the Holy War Alliance, those who have awakened the sword aura, is perplexed.

Nam Taemin spoke up.

“That’s not sword aura, but…….”

“It has more pressure than sword aura.”

Hisagi interrupts Nam Taemin.

What he meant was simple.

Just when everyone thinks it’s over.

That maybe, just maybe, this is a watershed moment.


The horse carrying Guyver begins to change shape. As if overlaid with illusion magic, it takes the form of a greatsword and charges toward the Commander in Chief.


Leonie’s vision flickers.

[Death aura is felt].

Again and again, dozens of times, hundreds of times during the battle.

It was a [Berserker] crossing the line of fire.

A Berserker who had entered the realm of anomalies could smell the scent of death.


And somehow, that scent was coming from Hoyeol.

Is he……?

In disbelief, she focused her senses on the tip of her nose.

But it was a scent that could not be mistaken.

Even the system that doesn’t lie was professing it.

[A massive, unmistakable scent of death].

Suddenly, a question arises in her mind.

An incomparably massive death?

Is it because this man is great?

Or does it mean something else?

If only I had been more adept at navigating the realm of anomalies…….

If I had stepped into it a little earlier…….

I’d have a better idea of what it meant.

I’m not sure I would’ve been able to find out. ……

My mind wanders, but I shake it off.

I scold myself.

Stop thinking and start moving, Leonie.

Worrying doesn’t belong to the Berserker.

Leonie whispered.

“I’m going.”

“Going? Where, all of a sudden?”

“To save him.”


Taemin and Hisagi looked at each other in confusion.

There were moving steps following Leonie.

It was Jesse Heinness, the Archmage.

“Come with me, Ms. Leonie!”

A back-and-forth glance.

A nod.

No further conversation was necessary.


Leonie unsheathed her twin swords.

Jesse drew her staff.

Nam Taemin and Hisagi slowly raised their greatswords and spears in response.

“……What is it, this?”


No matter how hard I tugged on my grip, it wouldn’t budge.

It wasn’t that their bodies weren’t listening.

The weapons weren’t listening.

As if it were alive.

It was refusing to move.

“Hey, Hisagi. Is this also a status abnormality?”

“I think so.”

“Is it the same for you?”

“……Yes, the staff is heavy as a dumbbell.”

Realize the importance of experience.

It was only after I experienced it that I started to see the reason.

The soldiers of the Pantheon, for some unknown reason, changed their minds and turned toward Hoyeol. This was the reason why they could only stare at him, unable to do anything.

Meanwhile, Guyver was rushing forward.

The player’s knowledge was rushing in.

‘We can’t cause this kind of status abnormality widely.’

Not necessarily us.

Someone has to mitigate the attack.

We can’t afford to lose the Commander-in-Chief to an unknown status abnormality.

The moment Hisagi opened his mouth.

“All armies advance!”

The King of Yusra read the tension on the battlefield and made his own decision.

Hakuna shouted.

His judgment was unbelievable for a man so far removed from the battlefield, past and present. But it wasn’t just Hakuna’s remarkable growth that was surprising.

“Your Majesty……!!!”

“Sword, bow, weapons are immobile!”


At the sound, the onlookers reached for their own equipment.

But none of them could use their weapons.

Marcelo checks his inside pocket for his battle weapon.

It didn’t even stir in his pocket.

So it is.

All the weapons that existed on this battlefield were lying down.

Guyver’s vision flashed.

[The Heavenly Sword Excalibur absorbs the power of the weapons].

In front of the mythical King of Arms.

What the words meant was simple.

Leonie’s focus wavered.

Even the best of his forces might not be able to cope with the status abnormality that dominated the battlefield. The message that flashed across her mind’s eye might not be an illusion.

[I can feel the unstoppable energy of death.]

“Holy shit……!”


Perhaps it’s Karma.

It didn’t take me long to figure out that the absurd status abnormality that dominated this battlefield was the power of the Relic. The fact that Guyver holds such a holy relic in his hands.

‘It’s really on a different level from someone else, right?’

So, this is a Paladin class quest?

What a ridiculous item, a holy relic, as a reward.

I’m starting to resent the Akshan for this.

However, even a holy relic has its limits.

Is it really possible to control all weapons?

What do you think, Gwicheol?

I reached for my waist and touched it.

The sound of Gwicheol heartbeat came to me.

The Ego Sword.

A living sword.

It thinks for itself.

It changes form to escape Excalibur’s control.

I slowly lifted it up.


There was nothing that got in the way of the process. that is……. It was a trick. So every time I lifted the sword an inch, Gwicheol was transforming into a new form.

[Sword that cuts through illusions: Illusion Breaker]

[Sword of Devouring Shadows: Shadow Slayer]

[Sword of Destruction: Destruction Sword]…….

The appearance of Gwicheol changes from moment to moment, like a hallucination.

How it looked in the eyes of others.

I didn’t have to think about it.

I didn’t have to think about it, because the system’s objective message was telling me.

[The legend, ‘Heavenly Sword vs. Demonic Sword’ echoes.]

……Sound like a Demonic Sword, really!!