◈ Episode 538. Reversal of Reversal (2)

I cast a reversal magic, and a reversal unfolds.

‘I don’t know why, since you’re silent.’

Regardless of Grandfell’s silence, I could see a change in the wraiths that had charged at me with murderous intent. With a thud, each of them dropped the blades in their hands to the ground.


And then they laughed, not mirthful laughter.

It sounds like a deep sorrow.

The voice trails off.

“My poor young lord…….”

At those words, I felt myself relax.

‘Of course.’

The runaway of the [Heavenly Infant Solitude]. And [Blackening], I inwardly thought that through those experiences, Grandfell might not be as merciful as the settings in my Dark History Notebook.


So I did it, just in case.

The many [Blood Grown Lycoris Flowers] that bloomed in Claudi’s territory.

I wondered if there were a few Lycoris Flowers sprouted by Grandfell among them.


‘You couldn’t have done that.’

It seemed not.

The wraiths who had wielded the secret weapon against me were wracked with guilt.

One after the other, they gave me the title of Young Lord.

Soon, their cries turned to pleas.

“Please, young lord, don’t try to bear the sins of the Claudi family on your shoulders. You are not……. Even if you have Claudi’s bloodline, you are……. Don’t……!!!”

Grandfell remained silent, but I could guess.

‘So that’s what it was.’


You were the one who couldn’t hate even those who had fallen to hell with a grudge against the Claudi Family. I thought back to the young Grandfell I’d witnessed on my quest through Spacetime.

‘Of course, who could hate you?’

With hands like a fern.

Except you’re too concerned with how you dress.

You’ve been well-mannered, cute, intelligent, and…….

Anyway, it’s impossible for you to be hated by others.

It can’t be.

‘I understand why the wraiths fell to their knees.’

Isn’t that why they’re all begging you?

“Even if you told to be Claudi’s lord…… You don’t have to take the blame for Claudi’s sins, young Lord. No, you shouldn’t go down that path. We don’t want you to go through that ordeal……!”

Get the hell out of this Hell right now.

‘Cause you’re scaring me that much.’

Me, Lee Hoyeol.

Even after giving up the class quest, the meeting with the Akshan seniors.

I feel the urge to escape this hell.

‘You’re just scaring the crap out of them, aren’t you?’

Actually, I wasn’t even trying to be stern.

I’ve been able to stand brazenly in the face of so many trials because I had a very large buff stake in [Blessing of the First World Tree], which has a deceptive effect.

‘Because instead of getting a buff, I got a nerf.’

But even with [Blessing of the First World Tree].

It couldn’t offset the curse of the Claudi family from Hell.

A journey to Hell with no one to trust.

I don’t think we’ll be able to break through the next gate, let alone the palace.

Confidence was low.


“I ask you.”

You know that, don’t you, our Grandfell’s temper?

Why, once he takes on a burden.

he never lays it down with his own hands.

Even Claudi’s blood.

The position of the head of the family.

He didn’t take it on, he was born with it.

Finally, I opened my mouth.

“Lead me to the tail.”

The quest objective was not forgotten.

-Survive the festival in Hell Village. (Ongoing)

●Become a tagger and play tag. (Ongoing)

1. Kill all participants. (Optional)

2. Die (Optional)

3. Survive and cut off your tail. (Optional)

The House of Claudi.

At the insistence of Mr. Grandfell.

To reach the next gateway.

I had to find the ‘tail’ in Hell Village and cut it off.

The wraiths of Hell Village sank deeper and deeper into grief.

Still, they can’t resist.

“I will do as you say, young lord.”

He rose to his feet and led me somewhere.

Somewhere, by the way.

I’ve been feeling this since I first stepped foot in the Spacetime Social Hall…….

‘You have a knack for throwing cold water on things, don’t you?’

Somehow, when we show up.

Why does the festive atmosphere turn into a funeral home?

I’m walking down the street, not feeling sorry for myself…….

Suddenly, the question came to me.

‘The wraiths are remembering the Grandfell I know.’

Here’s what I know about Grandfell.

I was referring, of course, to the Grandfell in my dark history notebook. He was just so shameless and noble and yet so compassionate……. Anyway, I was referring to the Grandfell that I can’t even describe in words.

‘……What then is the Grandfell of the Blackening moment?’

It’s so foreign even to me.

There was no distinction between friend and foe.

Grandfell that didn’t show the slightest hint of mercy.

‘Is it the effect of black magic?’

It was too strong to be called simply a blackening influence.

It’s more than that.

It’s when you can’t control the black magic.

‘I don’t know, but you’re not Grandfell, are you?’


Is there a ‘trigger’ for this side of Grandfell to exist?

Could it be that the reason lies in the 30% that I don’t yet know about?

‘Anyway, you’re like an onion, a man like you…….’

This was the moment when I swallowed a sigh.

“Our poor little Grandfell…….”

The wraiths paused.

[Gate 2 – Sealed]

So, that’s what you mean by a tail?

A gateway large enough for two or three adults to pass through.

A leash was tied to the entrance. The leash must be the ‘tail’ the quest refers to. A third option was in front of me, to cut the leash and enter the second gate.

‘There are two others, but one option.’

Why hesitate when there’s only one option?


Just as I was thinking, someone grabbed me by the hem.

“You must not go……! Beyond that door, there are even more painful trials and truths awaiting you, our young lord!”

If this was the usual Grandfell.


He would have spoken harsh words just because someone had grabbed him by the hem of his robe.

But not now.

The Grandfell I knew would spew cold words at vassals who showed genuine concern for him.

‘I’m not without compassion.’

“Still, you have nothing to fear.”


“You can trust me.”


Although the wraiths were mute, their emotions were palpable, as if they were touched by the words of a man who was not only responsible but also confident.

Of course, I, Lee Hoyeol, was unimpressed.

‘How many times in hell have you already pretended to be cool?’

Trust me.

You can trust me.

I’m the main character.

Anyway, that one foam is amazing.


When the lord said that, the wraith that had been holding onto the hem of his clothes loosened its grip. His shoulders shook as if he was trying to suppress his emotions.


But my habits are not for others.

Grandfell’s gaze fell to Dawn’s jacket, now wrinkled.

The wraiths are still talking, whether they realize it or not.

“If it is truly the will of our young lord, we will no longer hold you back.”

Well, well thought out.

‘I’m not usually stubborn.’

If they kept holding on to him, we would have argued endlessly.

This was the moment I was relieved.


Not so fast.

The noise pierced my eardrums.

A festival in a hell village.

‘……It’s a flower kiln, right?

The centerpiece of the festival procession was a flower kiln, and the wraiths had set it down on the ground. I tried to put things into perspective with my experience.

‘Normally, in a procession like this…….’

Would I have been so humiliated that I would have blamed my vassal……?

If so, what the hell……!

You’re thinking of burning me in that burning flower kiln?

‘It’s a big deal, really!’

Even if I didn’t have a seizure, I’m sure Grandfell would think the same thing.

But fortunately, my fears were nothing more than hysteria.

Until the wraiths opened a path to the flower pots.

And then, as if on cue, I’m stunned.

It clicked.

The doors to the flower kiln creaked open.

No one is inside.

The wraiths opened their mouths.

“Even when I was falling into hell, even when I was burning in fire, even when I was mingled with all sorts of wraiths, even when I was left with nothing but thoughts, I never let go of this. But…….”

Peeking through the open door of the flower kiln was a jewelry box.

“If it’s for you, young lord, I’ll pay you any amount.”

The wraith approached me with the jewelry box.

The jewelry box flashed before my eyes as it opened.

I swallowed back a sigh.

‘……You know what? I’m sorry for the trouble, Diend.’

It’s a piece of a familiar item.

[The Shining Six-Sight Brooch].

Three pieces of the Six-Sight Brooch.

[Six-Sight Brooch 3/6]

[Six-Sight Brooch 4/6]

[Six-Sight Brooch 5/6]

Because it’s in Hell.

I searched the entire Arcana continent.

I couldn’t find one!!!


Marcelo turned to face Hakuna, the King of Yusra.

“You’ve grown, Your Majesty.”

“Not really.”

“You know I’m not one for empty words.”

Marcelo’s assessment was accurate.

Even to the keen eye of a Tower Master, Hakuna had grown remarkably.

And helplessly.

‘The growth potential is unbelievable for an arcanians. Even compared to adventurers, they are not far behind…….
No, more than an adventurer.’

Or the opposite.

‘And the ability to disrupt chaos.’

Marcelo surveyed the view of Yusra from the Golden Palace. Considering that Sir Hoyeol was responsible for a great deal of the kingdom’s affairs, the progress of Yusra was remarkable.

‘The most amazing thing is…….’

was the fact that Seoul had become a land of anomalies.

There was definitely a strange wind blowing in the Magic Tower.

But the Kingdom of Yusra was still calm.

It was the same as it had always been.

Marcelo had a moment of anguish.

‘…… is not like me, who has hit a wall.’

How was Hakuna able to grow so much?

No matter how much he thought about it, there was only one answer.

There can only be one answer: [『Anomaly』].

‘How did he reach this state?’

An insight worthy of the father of theoretical magic.

Marcelo was about to fall into deep thought.

Hakuna’s voice brought him back to reality.

“It’s remarkable growth, perhaps because it was reborn.”


The word jolted Marcelo awake.

He thought of ‘someone’.

Now that I think about it, ‘she’ was also achieving remarkable growth.

‘……I wonder if this is related.’

For a moment, Marcelo’s face hardened.

It was only a moment.

Yes, more than a speculative thought.

A tangible change was in front of him.


Gleaming plate armor tickled his vision.

A great army entered the Golden Palace.

They were paladins of the Goddess Church, followers of Talim.

Hakuna spoke.

“So the Goddess Church has been completely split in two. We, the Holy War Alliance, have decided to support the forces of Talim Eber among those Goddess Church, and…….”

The voice at the end was bitter.

“In this situation, the whereabouts of my benefactor are unknown.”

Marcelo held his tongue.

If he knew what kind of situation Hoyeol was in as well as Hakuna, who had a deep connection to him……. even he could not easily predict what kind of grief he would feel or what kind of behavior he would exhibit.

But the well-meaning secret did not last long.

“Your Majesty!”

A man rushed up to the king.

He was one of the former Inazuma Guild members who had fled to the Kingdom of Yusra. The player recognized Marcelo and, for some reason, breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thank goodness. Tower Master Marcelo is with us!”

“What’s going on.”

“That, that’s the holy land of Muon……!!!”

Muon, the Holy Land of the Goddess Church.

『Freyja, a saint who had a conflict with Talim.

Has seceded from the Holy War Alliance.

Adventurers who are forming a strange alliance with the Goddess Church…….』

The news that put an end to all doubts.

“The Goddess Church and the Bohemians, they have declared a true holy war!!”

“……A true holy war?”

“A war against the infinitely deep darkness, that is, against him, the Commander-in-Chief!!!”

I’d guessed this was coming.

Marcelo and Hakuna’s eyes widened.

Their gazes became even colder.

“Hey, hey, hey. Did I say something wrong……?”

Enough to make a player break out in a cold sweat.




[Class Quest: Paladin, Lighten the Darkness].