◈ Episode 537. Reversal of Reversal (1)

The Reversal Magic.

In order to reverse something, you need to understand the structure of what you’re looking for. No, not just a grasp, but a complete understanding. To borrow a phrase from Marcelo.

-“My purpose in creating theoretical magic is very simple. Before the founding of Theoretical Magic, learning any new magic required an overwhelming amount of talent: you had to see it, grasp it, and manifest it, like a sutra.”

Rather than manifesting magic by intuition.

It’s easier to learn the theoretical structure of magic.

In that sense, let’s see.

In the past, when I presented Reversal Magic to the Magic Tower.

I realized how ridiculous I sounded.

‘What, you can just manifest backward?’

As I said, it’s not easy to master a magic whose structure has been revealed by theoretical magic, so to say that I should just manifest it in the reverse order was ridiculous.

‘I’m glad I realized that in hindsight.’

The limits of reversal magic.

I will reverse life.

I was the one who declared it with Grandfell’s mouth.

To fulfill his words, he naturally had to work hard. No, it takes effort. Even when he seemed to be enjoying his teatime in a carefree manner, his thoughts were not far from his mind.

‘It’s still not easy.’

Still, as you can see, progress has been made.

“Healing magic……?”

“No. It’s not like that.”

“Oh, so it’s different?”

Kinver, who had been chatting with Elsidor, spoke up.

“If it’s the work of a senior healing mage of the famed Magic Tower, then it must be something else. No other healing magic I know of has that effect……!”

He wasn’t exaggerating.

It was like cracked skin, severed blood vessels, and spilled blood.

It was as if he had pressed a rewind button.

‘Actually, efficiency is low.’

Let’s just compare them in terms of healing magic.

The efficiency of reversal magic and healing magic?

Obviously, healing magic is superior.

Of course, as Kinver was frowning.

It’s not that reversal magic is less effective at healing.

‘It’s just that the interference process is too complicated.’

It’s just that the amount of information invested in the interference process is enormous, making it less efficient. In other words, it’s beyond the capabilities of even the me of not too long ago.

However, the understanding level is 70%.

Grandfell’s personality, which became clearer and clearer in the process of reaching the 70% level, also included Grandfell’s talent. Reversing a wound of this magnitude meant that I could manifest without much effort.

In that sense, it made me think.



If I ever come to fully understand you, Grandfell, maybe we can overcome the limits of reversal magic? Of course, if that day ever comes…….

I laughed inwardly.

‘I can’t imagine how bad your pride will get.’


I held Gwicheol lightly.

At this moment, Gwicheol was constantly telling me.

To use him.

To cut them down.

But I didn’t listen to Gwicheol’s voice.

I listened to the desperate screams.



Didn’t our Claudi’s Lord declare it? As the head of the family, I will wipe out the Claudi family’s sins in hell. To do that, we must listen to what the sin is. I must cleanse the sins of House Claudi from Hell, and to do so, I must hear what those sins are.

‘And then I must find the tail and cut it off.’

But it was Elsidor and Kinver, who would never know.


The two newcomers accelerated.

Soon, they were fending off the wraiths that were charging at me.



This isn’t going to be easy.

I didn’t even think about slashing their sides.

I thought it was just a common monster in the First Gate, Hell Village.

The wraiths were strong, but they were too strong.

Kinver breathed harshly.

“Damn it, it began……!”

“Get back, scum.”


Eons of time.

Those wraiths had been living in hell, unable to die, only waiting for their day of revenge. No wonder Kinver, a mere player who had never entered the anomaly realm, lacked the ability to fight back.

Of course.

“I’m stuck.”

Elsidor was different.

‘It’s great, I knew it early on.’

Agentress, leader of the Elves.

I learned something through him.

You’re quite elite among the elves.

Among the elves, Elsidor had exceptional fighting power.

As if that weren’t enough, he’d just awakened as a Blood Elf.


Like a thunderbolt.

Elsidor’s red sword energy sliced through the wraiths.

But then, Elsidor’s pupils widened.

It was inevitable.


The sword aura passed right through them.

Elsidor was under my command.

A message flashed to me.

[Elsidor is not a tagger. cannot attack].

[Kinver is not a tagger. Cannot attack].

Just simple rules.

‘So I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised.’

Dungeons, labyrinths, and curses.

It’s no wonder there are different rules for different kinds of things. In this little hellhole, there was already a rule of Tag’ in place.

But not in a friendly way.

“You may step aside, Elsidor, Kinver.”


“They wish to speak to me.”


“It is I who greet them.”

I’m just being a dick, I’ll do it.

You’re just trying to keep all the coolness to yourself, Grandfell.

Lorenzik looked at me with concern.

‘I’m sure you’re making assumptions.’

He must have gotten used to Grandfell’s way of speaking, and to my way of walking, in the course of writing that strange holy book. I returned Lorenzik’s glance with a smile.


Toward the center of Hell Village.

Where the wraiths danced.

Towards a place overflowing with murderous intent.

My bold behavior seemed to be beyond even the wraiths’ expectations. They take a step back in surprise, but shout with delight.

“There you are, Claudiiiii!!!”

“Silver hair. It’s Claudi’s blood.”

“I live for this day, and this day only……!!!”

A shout breaks through the cheers.


It’s okay.

Reversal magic seems complicated, but once you get the hang of it.

It’s also quite efficient.

If I can hold out while taking a few critical hits with my Gwicheol…….

Let’s see, even if we’re completely surrounded, we’ll be able to hold out for a few days.

‘Of course, the pain is irreversible.’

If it’s just an injury, it’s bearable.

How many times have I actually died, beyond the point of death?

I have the patience to give Grandfell the benefit of the doubt.

For that reason.

Even in the murderous intent of hell.

I could stand upright, unbroken.

“Come, original sins of the family.”


Kinver gritted his teeth.

“…… Fuck.”

I knew there wasn’t much I could do. He gritted his teeth and looked at Elsidore.

“How dare you ignore me?”

His words are a mixture of emotions.

‘……It has to be that way.’

Wicked person.

The same scum.

I could guess what Elsidor was struggling with.

Kinver opened his mouth cautiously.

“What have you done to deserve this?”

Kinver and Elsidor.

With the weight of their sins upon their shoulders.

The wraiths rushed toward them.

Even Elsidor could not answer that question.

He knew nothing.

‘Agentress, would you have guessed?’

Never had he resented his young blood so much.

But their anguish was short-lived.

For Lorenzik spoke.

“It’s not your sin, Commander.”

“……What do you know, old man?”

“It is the sins of the family that He is bearing.”


Kinver recognized the word.


‘Surely, he called him Claudi, not Lee Hoyeol.’

All this time, I’d thought it was just one of those nicknames.

Was it a family name?

If so, my mind naturally wandered.

‘You’re a player, Commander……?’

Is it possible for a player to have a family, to be the head of such a family, to be the head of a great family whose blood has been passed down for so long that it has accumulated such a huge amount of karma?

”Even if you calculate the time difference between the two worlds, it’s impossible.”

It was beyond common sense.

But Kinver didn’t think much of it.

Even though.

‘Even if there is something I don’t know.’

There was nothing false about the man I’d seen over the years.

That’s all that matters.

Kinver turned to Lorenzik.

“Then you can’t just suck your fingers like this, can you? If he die, that’s it, it’s sins by blood. What era does it mean that he has to pay for the sins of his family alone? So is there no way, Lorenzik?”

Lorenzik looked at Kinver, who was grinning.

An adventurer, so clueless.

Lorenzik spoke up.

“And you, are you sure of your words?”

“What do you mean…….”

“House Claudi.”

Elsidor’s ears perked up at the words.

“Do you truly believe that the weight of original sin, passed down through their silver hair, can be washed away without consequence?”


What the hell kind of sins.

At this point, Kinver couldn’t simply respond emotionally.

Kinver bit his lip until it bled.

Then he looked at Hoyeol.

” ……What are we to do then?”

Lorenzik replied calmly.

“Believe me, the same as always.”

Elsidor gritted his teeth.

“Damn it.”

Even through the elf’s vision, he could not see the situation.

There were too many wraiths surrounding Hoyeol.

But one thing was clear.

‘Are you sure you’re okay?’

If it were your magic.

you wouldn’t have even allowed them to approach.

Hoyeol was making no response.

Elsidor’s grip on his sword tightened until it dug into his flesh.

‘Are you truly willing to bear this sin alone?’

Elsidor’s gaze turned to the spirits.

‘They will not fathom your will.’

As he had said before they were banished to Hell, the wraiths had ignored their own sins and blossomed in their resentment of others, even to the point of inviting them into Hell.

‘To my shame, I do not know.’


What sins your family has committed.

But one thing is certain.

Even if you have sinned.

they have no right to ask you to pay the price.

‘But then, why are you like that?’

He sees his reflection in the wraiths.

He sees himself in a murderous rage.

Elsidor’s hand shook violently.



There were voices to the elf’s sensitive ears.

It was the voice of the wraiths.


It was calling out to Claudi, just as it had a moment ago.

The voice was different than before.

If it were simply a voice filled with joy, now.

“Claudi, my lord and savior…….”

It was sobbing with grief.

……What has happened in a split second?

Elsidor leaned in closer to listen.

“Lord Grandfell…….”

“My young lord.”

“My poor Lord Grandfell.”

It was an obvious ‘reversal’.

“Why was someone like you born into the Claudi family? Why did you never leave the Claudi territory? Why…….”




Hey, Grandfell.

Say something.

These guys again.

“Why don’t you blame Claudi?”

What’s wrong with you all of a sudden……?