◈ Episode 535. The Weight of Each (1)

I’ve felt it before.

‘You have a tendency to be overly correct.’

The Claudi family’s mistake.

I don’t know the details, but I can guess. Not because I’m perceptive, but because if you can’t guess from that field of Lycoris Flowers, you’re not perceptive enough.

‘Isn’t it unfair?’

Even with the karma of the Claudi family raining down on him, our Grandfell didn’t flinch. I searched for the energy that was closing in.

Why do I say energy?


As you can see, it had no form.

A mass of energy, united by nothing but desire.

I couldn’t think of anything else to describe it.

I called them energy.

[Sin screams at you.]

You couldn’t whisper enough, now you’re screaming at me?

But there was no time to grumble.

I went straight to manifesting magic.

Without adding any interfering processes.

I only focused on increasing the density and purity of the magic power.


The magic power emitted was enough to make my hair stand on end and form an aura around me. If Senior Vangrit, a master of pure magic, saw this scene, he would surely spit out his admiration.

‘It’s all thanks to the enhanced magic power.’

No complicated interference is required.

Pure magic relies heavily on the natural talent of its manifestor. It’s the wildest form of magic, if you will, and because of that, nothing beats it when improvisation is required.

Why, even now.

[Coward, coward, coward, coward, Claudi].

The energies can’t penetrate my magic aura.

They’re just whispering, aren’t they?

I spat out at the clumps of energy.

“This is no time for pointless grumbling.”

[Sin chuckles at your words].

“The opportunity to come face to face with the head of the family does not come often.”

[Sin pauses at your words.]

“I’m telling you to express yourself.”

[Sin lunges at you.]

……Even if you say the same thing!

I don’t have to think too hard to figure out Grandfell’s intentions. Whatever misdeeds the Claudi family has accumulated over the years, you have a terrible sense of propriety.

You want to take responsibility for it.

‘Since they mentioned the House of Claudi.’

It was clear he wasn’t going to take it lying down.

Of course, neither did I.

The 30% of Grandfell we still don’t know.

If I could find a trace of the Claudi family in hell, I’d find it…….

‘Surely, it will help me understand you.’

So say something.

Complaints, dissatisfaction, resentment.

Anything is good.

‘If you know anything about Grandfell’s dark history or anything, you can tell me……!’

I waited for the whispers of the energies, releasing only defensive magic. Somehow, the energies seemed to be taking too long…….

[Sin rears its head before you.]

What, is the rebellion over already?

The system that doesn’t lie said so, so it must really be over……. I stared at the mass of energy that lay flat on the floor.

‘……That leaves a nasty aftertaste.’

I am not worried that these energies and resentments will come back to haunt me.

The resentment was clearly trembling.

As I said, being a demon hunter, I recognized them immediately.

‘They’re terrified.’

It was clear that even though they had gone to hell in a handbasket, they couldn’t shake the fear that had been imprinted on them by Claudi. That’s probably why my mouth feels so squeaky.

‘The horrors that demons cause are not this bad.’

Unless you’re a high-ranking demon king.

No demon can terrorize the dead.

I’m sorry to say this to you, Grandfell.

‘…… Are you becoming even more suspicious of your family?’

Fortunately, Grandfell’s feelings didn’t seem to be too different from mine. As I release my magic, I address the trembling souls lying flat on the ground.

“If you will remain silent.”

[Sin listens to your words in fear.]

“I will go to deeper and deeper hells and beyond.”

[Sin doubts your words.]

“For to everything there is give and take.”

[Sin cringes at your words.]

“It means that I will cleanse my family’s karma.”


I turn on my heel and make my way toward the First Gate once more. Lorenzik had said there were several of these gateways in Hell.

‘If you think about it using arcana common sense…….’

The more gates you breakthrough.

Energies with stronger resentment will emerge.

Then there will be those who, like those energies, will not lie on the ground and tremble in fear, but will rush toward me, toward Grandfell, toward Claudi’s family.

‘I must face them.’

Only then will I be able to face the secrets of Claudi’s family, and through him, the third of Grandfell that I do not know, and my original purpose, our Akshan seniors.


I froze, reaching for the doorknob.

I don’t know what to think.

I can’t do this because it makes me uncomfortable.

I added through gritted teeth.

“So you may get up.”

[Sin is silent at your words,]

I’ve been so considerate, and now they’re silent?

I couldn’t tell if they were still frozen in place because they were still reeling from the horror that had been imprinted on them, or if they were overwhelmed with gratuitous mercy.

‘Well, whatever. I’ll just make myself comfortable.’

I shrugged it off and opened the gate.

[Hell, you’ve entered the first gate.]

By the way, did everyone keep their promise? As much as I stalled at the gate. I’m sure Elsidor and Kinver didn’t waste any time, either, for they have quite a bit of karma to accumulate.



I gasped, my mind wandering.

The entrance message.

And the messages that followed.

[The Festival of Hell Town finally begins.]

I wonder if that’s the name of the town.

By the way, the festival……?

There’s a festival and a hell of a place to live.

[Soon, the game of tricks begins.]

What, you’re going to play a game?

I thought it was a quest, so I checked the message, and sure enough, it was.

But I couldn’t be happier.

……Damn, I’ve been looking into this since I was on Hell Festival and all.

A quest that ends with the death of a trickster.


[Sin whispers that you are the trickster.]

I’m the last to arrive, and I’m a trickster!

The three men noticed my entrance.

As soon as I made eye contact with them, I said.

“I’m not late.”

This is no time for excuses, Grandfell.

“Because the main character appears last.”

Aww, not the time for pouting……!!!


Nasrow, Senior of Illusion Magic.

“According to Master Marcelo, there are currently two prime suspects. Skal and Guyver. Two adventurers with the most power among the adventurers.”

Two for one.

Paired with Nasrow was a Senior Enchantment.

Kiko Armin.

Kiko’s shoulders slumped as she looked at Nasrow.

‘Why did you choose this combination……!’

To be honest, I wasn’t relieved.

Of course, it didn’t mean that she doubted Nasrow’s skills.

It just meant that Kiko didn’t believe in herself.

Kiko spoke up, her voice shaky.

“With such an important job ahead of us, what if I hold Senior Nasrow back? No matter how much I think about it, I’m not much help in the heat of battle…….”



Nasrow stroked his chin, his face serious.

“This is Skal, the adventurer who gained control of the dragon, the winner of the Dragon Magic War. We can’t overlook the Guyver side either, given the nature of adventurers, who are growing at a rate we can’t imagine.”

He smiled, a relaxed smile that contrasted with his words.

“But there’s no reason for Master Marcelo, who has enough knowledge to theorize all magic, to make up such a meaningless combination, is there?”

“……That’s true, though.”

“And doesn’t Senior Kiko have magic tools? Being able to manipulate magic tools without any restrictions is a tremendous talent, Senior Kiko.”

The words were not meant to be comforting.

“They say that false modesty is deceitful.”

Seniors don’t get along well enough to comfort each other.

And Kiko knows it.

The look of envy on Nasrow’s face softened her heart.

‘My talent.’

Most magic tools have restrictions on their use.

The more powerful the magic tool, the higher the limit. For example, an Ice Mage cannot fully utilize a Fire Mage specialized tool.

Kiko, however, was free from such restrictions.

‘…… That’s why I got my Senior position, and that’s why I’m protecting Garnet Hall.’


Kiko clenched her fists and vowed.

The timing couldn’t have been better.

Soon, the target appeared.

“There he is, our first target.”


Guyver, adventurer, and Chosen Paladin. Nasrow recited the information he had gleaned from his illusion magic, and the depth of the information was mind-boggling.

“After suffering a grievous injury to his body, a flesh defect, Guyver stepped back from the front lines of the erosion of the Arcana continent. But his ambitions were not dampened, for he was apparently working diligently beneath the surface.”

Kiko frowned.

‘He was working underwater, how did you know that?’

Because he was basically talkative Nasrow.

He never forgets to explain things.

He shrugged his shoulders and smirked.

“Before Guyver entered that building, I cast a mild illusion spell on an adventurer who appeared to be part of his entourage, and asked him a few questions in the illusion.”

Or if he had cast the higher-level illusion, Dreaming.

“Actually, there might not even have been a need to ask.”

It was not yet confirmed that Guyver, that man was an anonymous adventurer who had poured out disrespectful remarks towards Chief Lee. But soon, the corners of Nasrow’s mouth drew a strange parabola.

“It’s not finalized yet, so I couldn’t bother you, but the way things are going now……. Maybe, it wasn’t necessary to go back.”

Kiko nodded softly at that.

Without gathering more information, her suspicions of Guyver could not be further confirmed, for the building he had exited was one that was all too familiar to both of them, a building that had fallen from the Arcana continent into the adventurer’s world.

The White Walls.

A citadel that glowed with its own radiance.

Muon, the Holy Land.

Kiko gulped in disbelief.

“No way, the Goddess Church is involved…….”

It’s not incomprehensible if you try to understand. It was Guyver, the Chosen Paladin. Similarly, given the way Miss Jesse Heinness, the Chosen Archmage, is treated in the Magic Tower…….

Naslow adds.

“His visit to Muon might not be a big deal, after all, isn’t the Goddess Church a religion of inclusion, even if the denominations are different? It’s not out of the ordinary to have tea and a chat, to see how they might bring the will of the gods to a world that’s become so hideous.”

But the voice was even colder.

“If only you hadn’t mentioned Chief Lee.”

Nasrow twiddled his fingers as he watched Gaiver leave Muon. If this were the past, if this were the continent of Arcana, he would not have endured this.

“For now, I think we should return, Senior Kiko.”

“What? Don’t you think we should investigate further……?”

“Uh, no. With the Muon involved, this is no longer a case we can pursue alone. It’s grown to the point where the whole Magic Tower needs to respond.”

“I see…….”

Magic Tower, the entire organization needs to respond.

The meaning of those words was simple enough to explain.

Kiko, who was still shaking, whispered in a low voice.

“I hope you choose wisely, Goddess Church.”

Maybe, just maybe, it would cease to exist.





Back in the Magic Tower, the two of them paused.


The Goddess Church, which they had watched with nagging suspicion.

Its core figure was waiting for the Tower Master in the Magic Tower.

He was waiting for Marcelo.

What kind of trick is this?

Nasrow asked, hiding his emotions.

“What brings you to the Magic Tower, Talim Eber?”


“The leader of the Paladins of the Goddess Church?”

Talim opened his heavy mouth at his question.

“I, Talim Eber, wish to formally request help from the Magic Tower.”