◈ Chapter 48. But, hiding is useless (2)

I wasn’t really trying to be sneaky.

I just did what I was supposed to do.

So I don’t brag about my accomplishments.

But hiding the truth is also a bad idea.

It’s not the attitude of an aristocrat.

“It’s just a tired personality, after all.”

I looked at my phone and picked up my teacup.

I sipped.

“What a pity.”

What a bland sentiment.

If I were my old self.

Tea time is a nightmare.

I mean, it’s a reaction that would have kept me awake at night with my heart pounding.

It’s explosive, no, that’s not it.

It was literally a nuclear explosion.

First, the video of the battle with the Great Evil released by Gaon.

“I didn’t realize that was being recorded.”

It was originally for the purpose of analyzing the monster’s patterns.

It was a waste of time for me to be caught on camera.

I could still see the look on the reporter’s face as he was mesmerized by my words.

“You just have to believe.”

I sounded like a priest.

How is that easy to believe?

I have the authority of the Yusra Kingdom.

That I had accomplished great things in the kingdom, built enormous relationships and influence based on those things.

How great is that now?

If you had a journalistic eye.

You would have noticed.

I saved Yusra Kingdom from the Great Evil.

Being the hero of a world-class message.

So it’s only natural that you don’t believe it.

Great Evil, the Seven Deadly Sins of Greed.

He was a level 650, demonic monster.

“In the end, it was just a lowly demon.”

I’m speaking shamelessly now.

If it weren’t for the help of the Knights of Lionheart, Gaon and Berserker……. I would never have managed to find him in the vast golden palace, or even if I had, I would have been too exhausted to fight him properly.

But only me knows the true story.

Besides, the editing.

I look strong in the video, even to myself.

I actually feel like I was watching a superhero movie.

So yeah, it was all good.

…… Except for one thing.

“F*cking black history.

This guy’s chuni is always a problem… … !

[Time to correct your mistakes, nameless king].

It’s time for Hakuna to make amends, too.

When will I ever get the chance to make amends for my black history?

Most disgraceful of all.

That video is all over NetTube and other portals.

What does that mean?

It means that the haters are sending me tweets.


A message with a link to a video.

It was my nemesis, Lee Yerim.

-Yeol-ah How come you’re getting cooler and cooler?

-But how long are you going to stick with the chuni concept?

-No, it’s okay to keep doing it, it’s going well.

No. 2, Lee Ji-yoon, sent not one, but three messages.

It’s nice to see that you’re getting thicker and thicker^^ A-Rang thinks her uncle is like a prince! She asks me several times a day when she can see him.

Big sister, Lee Eun Hye.

……Yes, she’s a good sister.

I’m sure she didn’t mean it that way.

‘……Ah Rang, please don’t think about seeing your uncle for a while.

Attached photo.

Arangi smiling at me on TV.

I feel like I just revealed a black history to my nephew.

This embarrassment is hard to describe.

Of course, I don’t show the slightest bit of embarrassment.

A stiff posture.

I calmly and reverently replied.

-All thanks to my sisters watching over me.

Damn, manners and formality.

It’s only natural to be polite to your elder sisters.

Soon after, Wensu replied.

-Sisters, this guy is crazy.

…… Im dead.

I was the one who was getting tired of talking.

But it was a relief.

Next, a long message from my older sister.

-I think your mom and dad were relieved to see you this time, even if they didn’t say so, because I could tell they were worried.

Anyway, thanks to my pride, I won’t let them worry about me.

I’m a filial son for today.

From now on, they’ll only have to worry about me.

I was about to pour oil on the raging flames.

“Why, the Shinhwa Guild.

The Shinhwa Guild was paying dearly for pissing me off.

Hiding behind the press must be paying off.

“But it’s not enough.”

Of course, bombarding comments from netizens isn’t enough.

“If it wasn’t for that interview.”

I wouldn’t have to suffer this humiliation.

I slowly sipped my tea and sharpened the blade of revenge.

I will return this humiliation many times over…….

* https://pindangscans.com

The fight between the broadcasters was in full swing.

Who would be the first to point a camera at Lee Ho-yeol?

It’s hard to put into words how hot Lee Ho-yeol is right now.

Just by showing Lee Ho-yeol in an angle alone.

You’re guaranteed to get at least 20% viewership.


“It’s not even close to the actual viewership…….”

“Who would want to crawl into that tiger’s den?”

“It would just make me even crankier.”

Who would want to step up to the plate?

Lee Ho-yeol was difficult to interview.

He was actually strong enough to defeat a level 650 monster by himself.

Not only that, but he also expressed his discomfort in public, unlike anyone else.

Today’s Arcana, PD Hyun Yong-seok.

Also known as the ratings maniac, he had no choice but to step down this time.

“It wasn’t that long ago that Jongjin almost died on a helicopter ride. I can’t send him to the edge again. I’ll put up with him this time. Jong-jin.”

Even Hyun Yong-seok said that.

Not to mention the situation at the other broadcaster.

Let’s give up on Lee Ho-yeol.

They weren’t the ones sucking their fingers just because he made that judgment.

It was a passionate reaction, but not as passionate as Lee Ho Yeol’s, and in a completely different way than Lee Ho Yeol’s…….

at least we were guaranteed a viewership.

“So what’s the reaction from Shinhwa Group headquarters?”

Shinhwa Group building.

The photo line set up was packed with cameras and reporters.

In fact, it was the Shinhwa Guild that had been publicly targeted by Lee Ho-yeol.

The Shinhwa Guild was nothing more than an affiliate of the Shinhwa Group.


One of the reporters who had been practicing firing off flashes muttered.

” It’s not normal, anyway, Shinhwa.”

“Yeah, well, I didn’t think they’d go toe-to-toe.”

“Anyway, normal people like us can’t keep up with the players’ heads, can we?”

Baek Yi Seol, the master of the Shinhwa Guild.

She gave a straight answer to Lee Ho-yeol’s interview.


[BREAKING] Shinhwa Guild’s Baek Yi-seol, “Lee Ho-yeol, I will come to you.”


Even looking at her again, I couldn’t help but hold my tongue.

Alas, I loosened my mouth.

The anchor, who was familiar with the script, said to the director.

“Didn’t you just admit it cleanly? The ones who hide meanly and roll their eyes are all their own. Well, in fact, everyone who knows knows this, but… … .”

“They could have gotten away with it if they wanted to. Why, look at our station alone. The Shinhwa have got a tight grip on the people in high places.”

“Yeah, well, there was a lot of chatter in the press about how they were being criticized.”

Now that public opinion has turned against them, they’re going head-on.

“What, there’s a corner of the world that believes this?”

The anchor muttered, and the director interjected.

“Oh, you’ve never seen Ms. Baek before, have you?”

” ……, yes. I’ve never seen her in real life, have you?”

“Well, no wonder, you should check it out later.”

“What? Check out what?”

“You’ll see where that confidence comes from.”


I’ll see.

Answers that didn’t resolve the question, but only made it bigger.

But the doubt didn’t last long.

“Uh-oh! It’s here!”

Click, click, click!

Baek Yi-seol appeared in front of the photo line.

A baptism of flashes.

But Baek Yi-seol didn’t bat an eye.

A coat draped over her shoulders.

An unconventional outfit from the bottom.

But even more gorgeous than that.

Baek Yi-seol.

Where does her confidence come from.

You’ll know it when you see it.

The anchor realized the moment he saw her.

‘…… is more than a beauty.’

She was seductive.

There’s something about her that draws you in.

It made him forget about his job.

The director pouted at the mesmerized anchor.

-What are you doing? You’re out of your mind!


The anchor finally regained his composure and spoke up.

“Yes, I’m in front of the Shinhwa Group headquarters!”




Magic Tower.

Even at the portal, Baek Yi-seol’s surroundings were crowded.

Even if the reporters left, the Netubers followed.

For them, it was a big rice cake that could attract viewers.

I mean, I could see the angle.

“I’ve gotten my ass kicked by Shinhwa Guild bastards back in the day, back when I was still running rift! Yeah, and I’m not supposed to play with them, how’d you know?”

High and low.

Lee Ho-yeol at the top of his game.

The Shinhwa Guild on the other end of the spectrum.

Whatever the outcome.

Just watch the good stuff and eat the rice cake.

There was never a better opportunity for nettubers.

-It’s funny that this is even a topic.

What do you think Ho-yeol is, everyone?

-Is it enough to be a Shinhwa Guild Master and a conglomerate? If you put it that way, there is Yusra Kingdom behind Lee Ho-yeol.

-She don’t have any brains, meet Ho-yeol?! Is she crazy?

“That’s right. My brother Ho-yeol will make sure justice is done!”

I moderately sided with Lee Ho-yeol.

-But no matter how you look at it, shinhwa are made up by politicians;;;;

-And it’s just not going to be easy, is it?

-And Baek Yi-seol’s negotiation skills are incredible.

-The ability is not sure;;

“It’s the viewers, brothers and sisters, who make the sharpest points.”

And creating the right amount of crisis.

It was just a matter of attracting viewers.

And then collect the money with a little nudge.

“Then let’s do a cool reaction to support our Ho-yeol, eh? I’m supporting Ho-yeol, but why am I getting paid? No, I have to make a living too…….”

An uproar surrounding her.

But she only gave a small snort.

“You can talk all you want.”


There wasn’t much time for that reaction to change.

Baek Yi Seol, or rather, the succubus, moved toward the portal.

The memories of Baek Yi Seol that remained in her body helped her realize what the portal was,

and what it does.

The succubus clicked its tongue at those who followed.

‘Foolish humans.’

Needlessly troublesome.

Soon, the Yusra Kingdom came into view.

Indeed, this place had an aura of home.

Or, more accurately, a second home.

She had always been a demon born in hell.

The succubus headed straight for the golden palace.

“That’s what I’m going to get.

Lee Ho-Yeol.

He had not imagined that he would not be tempted.

Since taking over Baek Yi Seol’s body, he had grown rapidly.

Yes, in Baek Yi-seol’s memorable words…….

“You mean I’ve leveled up.”

To the point where she could defeat high-level demons.

Besides, Lee Ho-yeol was a man who couldn’t be ignored.

“What do you want?”

Unlike the woman in front of him.

It was Yessica who stopped her.

The Knights of the Lionheart were serving as the royal guard of Yusra.

Baek Yi Seol’s lips curled.

“I’m Baek Yi-seol, and I’m here to see Mr. Lee Ho-yeol.”

Yessica did not hesitate.

“Outsiders are not allowed in, please wait a moment.”

With that, Yessica left the room.

The succubus’s eyes were sharp.

“You’re naive to the point of madness.”

Lee Ho-yeol, you seem to trust him.

“They’re all the same.

The thought of Yessica’s disappointed face filled him with ecstasy.

Maybe that’s why the wait wasn’t boring.

Especially with all the chatter around.

“Looks like we’re finally here, huh?”

“Great timing for a break, please subscribe.”

“…… You want me to go in there? No, how am I supposed to go in there, you’re being ridiculous, I’m not going to get stabbed to death by the Lionheart Knights!”

And the Yessica came back.


And somehow.

The corner of her mouth lifted, just a tiny bit.

This time, Yessica didn’t argue.

“I want you to go back.”

……Wait, what?

Go back?

The succubus was dumbfounded.

It couldn’t be.

He must not have gotten the message right.

“Did I tell you correctly? Baek Yi-Seol from the Shinhwa Guild came to visit…….”

Yeshka nodded quickly.

“We have no time for meetings today. Send him back.”

He said in a cold voice.

“That’s exactly what you told me to do.”

For a moment, silence flowed between the two of them-


But the Netubers weren’t about to go quietly.

“……What, not even a refusal, but a slap in the face?”

“You said you have no time to waste, so are you saying that meeting with Baek Yi Seol is nothing more than a waste of time……?”

” Hey, brothers, this looks like Baek Yi Seol has been kicked in the nuts!”