Chapter 255 – Call It a Legend (2)

◈ Episode 255. Call It a Legend (2)

The swans on the lake are always noble.

Even in the midst of struggle.

Outwardly, they never show it.

If you suddenly ask me what I’m talking about…….

Because I was just like a swan right now.

Morning sunlight streaming into the office desk.

I opened my mouth, shamelessly.

“You’re later than usual.”

Oh my God.

I can’t be the only one scolding the sun for being lazy……?

Rather, it’s a topic that kept me up all night.

Please don’t pretend to be an early riser, Grandfell.


I start my day with green tea and reflect on last night.

I barely had a chance to catch my breath.

The training quest, which started at dawn, felt especially grueling.

‘I almost cried from exhaustion, really.’

[Tenacity: 3]

Tenacity increased by 1 point.

If only the system didn’t recognize my hard work.

I might have actually cried.

Don’t tell me grown men are tough.

‘You have to suffer it yourself to know that it is not a terrible death.’

There’s a saying that suffering when you’re young makes you a saint.

Because I also know that all this hard work turns into blood and flesh. No matter how hard it was, I was able to endure it. But what even I can’t stand is…….

“Is it the beginning of a new day?”

This shamelessness of pretending it’s nothing!

I’m outraged.

It’s not only unfair, but it makes me want to ask questions.

There are some things that are just plain wrong.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Isn’t that enough to make you a saint, Granfell?

An ordinary person like me would die of injustice.

But I’ve cried out like this many times.

“There is no need to hesitate.”

I’ve reached the stage of resignation.

No, rather than resignation…….

I’m thinking ahead.

‘I can’t wait for my stubbornness to break.’

For me.

I’m trying to think a little bit.

Just as I said, I finished a full day’s work in one day.

The [Last Adventurer] penalty should be over.

I can enter the Arcana Continent without hesitation.

I have a new goal.

This time, I planned to return to reality as quickly as possible.

In fact, the last time was an unusual case.

The effects of the Dimensional Rift and Absolute Zero overlapped, and I didn’t realize it.

I’d lost track of time.

‘Two months in Arcana time.’

Let’s see, considering the passage of time.

This time, I planned to return to real time within a day, no matter how late.

I was sure of it as I went about my daily routine.

“For me, even a moment is a regrettable situation.”

From now on, I think I can’t leave my seat even for a day.

‘Spit in my face, I won’t say who, but…….’

Just because of his pride.

It’s a lot to take on, isn’t it? It’s safe to say that my daily routine has doubled, especially since I’m also responsible for reviewing access permits.


So, like this.

I have no choice but to get up from my office chair.

Of course, before I open the portal to the Arcana continent.

I have some work to finish.

Yes, everything follows procedure.

Garnet Hall.

First, I need to return the items I borrowed.

This doesn’t mean returning all of them.

Speaking of class quests.

There’s no telling what might happen in Sisley.

“Some will be returned. Some will be extended.”

It’s just that I have a stubborn pride that won’t let me ignore the process.

Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself.

Laran, the Adept Mage, stuttered.

“Hello, Chief Lee Hoyeol! I’ll return the magic items you handed me, but I don’t think you need to extend the borrowing period for the rest of the items……?”


He opened the parchment booklet.

It shows the rental period in my handwriting.

Sure enough, my handwriting is unmistakable.


Rental period: Until the moment of death.


I become aware of it all over again.

…… Or maybe I’m just being a nuisance at this point.

I mean, you’re going out of your way to mislead people.

‘It’s all your fault, Grandfell.’

In that case, I’m being unfair again.

But so be it.

I suppose this is another mistake of my youth to bear.

I said nonchalantly.

“Yes, it is. I’ll extend the loan period.”

It’s such an obvious thing to say, but it’s so obvious.

Only I know that I froze to death on the Arcana continent. Even the dragons who watched my death in the Dragon Shrine didn’t know that I had frozen to death.

It was just a click─

There was a sound.

They said I vanished without a trace.

A death that not even the dragon knew about.

A death that was not even reported to the enemy.

I never thought I’d say it so casually.

At this point, it’s not pride, it’s just scratching.

“What? What do you mean……?”

You might be quite embarrassed, I understand.

However, this personality is also enough to explain the situation in detail.

And not in a friendly way.


With a feather pen, I restate the rental period.

This time, please, be a little more modest.


“One day should be enough.”

“……, yeah!”

And that’s it, except for one piece of equipment.

I’ve returned or extended my borrowing period.

If anyone asks me where I put the other one, I’ll tell them…….

I have no choice but to say, without a trace of embarrassment.

“As for the white wing, we’ll follow procedure.”

“Ah, yes, but that……. It’s the first time I’ve ever had a missing item, and the procedure says I have to give a reason for it…….”

It’s not that hard, Laran.

You were going to do it anyway.

Even if you weren’t, it’s a procedure.

“There should be no exceptions to procedure. Excellent work, Laran, adept mage.”

How could I refuse?

“Thank you for your understanding!”

I said, turning to Laran, who bowed his head.

“I have come to pass on the White Outer Wings to one who uses it more skillfully than I do, and who needs them more than I do.”


You never follow the rule of six, Grandfell.

You have a way of making a big deal out of a little.

Well, technically, you’re not wrong.

“I know it’s a bit presumptuous of me to ask your opinion on the subject of Adept Mages, but……! I can’t think of anyone in the entire Arcana continent who can better utilize the White Wing than you. I’ve heard about it from Chief Marcelo!”

I’m embarrassed to hear such high praise, Marcelo.

It’s actually an effect of the White Wing, customized for me.

But now, unlike in the past, I don’t have to rely on it as much.

It’s not a magic item that I desperately need.

‘As I was saying.’

Not for me.

It’s a item that Eunaxus, who has lost his wings, desperately needs.

So I said that without mincing words.

“You’re not wrong about that either.”

“It is.”

“But the wings will be most valuable to those who have lost their wings.”

” ……who has lost their wings?”

“I mean an old dragon who has lost his wings.”

A dragon out of nowhere.

Laran’s eyes widen at the mention of an old dragon.

I can understand her surprise.

But I continue on, just as brazenly.

“Starting with this, we may be able to resolve the stalemate in the Dragon Magic War.”


I’ll give you credit for that big mouth for once, Grandfell.

Magic Tower and Dragon.

We should be able to get along now, we’re on the same side.

Why, the white wings are a symbol of reconciliation.

Moreover, if there is such a cause…….

‘……Couldn’t we just move on?’

Maybe I can get off the hook for losing the item.

It’s not for nothing that people say you can repay a thousand debts with words.

Surely, there’s a little more to this than a simple loss?

‘Well, even if I can’t get over it.’

Integrity and innocence.

Wasn’t it me who earned like a dog and didn’t even spend it?

Even if it is a magic item that sounds expensive, there is no reason to worry about compensation.

With that, I strode out of Garnet Hall with a lighter step.

‘Now I just have to wait for Harkon.’

If you ask me why I’m waiting for Harkon in the Magic Tower.

It’s because the access point is in the Crystal Hall, in the Magic Tower.

That’s right.

This was the first time I was given permission to use a connector.

Because it was Harkon, the Commander of the Lionheart Knights.


Harkon’s eyes shone brightly.

“I understand what you mean.”

Although the words were spoken in a benevolent voice, those eyes were full of the power of a wild beast. It had to be that way. Because the woman he was facing now was not someone he could completely trust.

“I’m glad you noticed.”

Long black flowing hair.

Although we occasionally make eye contact.

Soon, she’s looking away.


As if that weren’t enough, she smiles smugly.

If someone is watching this scene.

they’d say the woman was intimidated in front of him.

But Harkon knew better.

‘That’s a great way to handle people’s gaze.’

This was the worst criminal in the history of the Empire.

The leader of the Shadow Mercenaries.

Harkon stared at Kichi in silence.

There’s a huge bounty on her head.

Enough to buy several small kingdoms.

How could a mere mercenary leader have such a bounty on her head, if you ask me.

‘It is enough to just list major incidents.’

Assassinating nobles, killing for hire, robbing treasure…….

That’s not even part of the Axis of Evil by Shadow Mercenary standards.

Before the Empire unified the continent.

Since the Warring States period, the Shadow Mercenaries have been the big fish in the underworld.

Harkon dared to bet.

‘Before the rise of demons. The closest thing to demons there was.’

In the past, the evil deeds of the shadow mercenaries were comparable to those of the demon. However, at this moment, the reason why Harkon was talking to Kitsch was simple.

Harkon reflected on their conversation.

-“May I ask you a question?”

-“Yes, of course!”

-“Do you regret your past?”

-“Suddenly? Hmm, if you mean do I regret anything…….”

Kichi’s voice could not have been more bitter.

-“……Yes, I do regret it. More than ever.”

Harkon thought of Hoyeol.

‘If it’s a scene, it’s definitely……’

He wouldn’t dwell on their past.

There is no mercy for demons.

Because it is an infinitely generous sir for humans.

Why, look at his decision to allow the Shadow Mercenaries to join the Holy War.

It was safe to say he trusted them.

So Harkon nodded.

“Very well. I’ll give you a chance, Kichi.”

“……Are you serious?”

“Of course.”


Kichi turned and locked eyes with Harkon.

“You must be more concerned about the safety of the Empire and the Emperor than anyone else……. I’m sorry for asking you too much, Captain Harkon!”

“No, I have been assured by Sir that Antonium and His Majesty are safe. Wanting to see it with my own eyes may be mere greed.”

“I will get it back, even if it’s only because of your consideration, Captain Harkon!”

Harkon’s reason for granting Kichi the opportunity to enter the Arcana Continent was simple. Kichi’s purpose for entering the continent was to help Hoyeol and the Holy War Alliance.

Harkon added to Kichi.

“I hope you get that request back.”




“A clear violation of procedure.”

I looked at Kichi, who had appeared in the Crystal Hall instead of Harkon.

If it had been the usual Grandfell temper tantrum.

I’d have sent Kichi back in a heartbeat.

” ……I apologize for not meeting the deadline.”

But Kichi’s purpose was certainly valid.


Purpose: Access to the Shadow Mercenaries Hideout / Obtain the Request Ledger


Why, because there was a smell coming from the request ledger.

‘A request from the Great Evil.’

Thick demonic smell.

If only the procedures were followed.

So much so that it was adopted before Harkon’s application.

According to Kichi’s explanation.

It was said that the request was one that had been written down in the ledger for a long time.

Kichi laughed awkwardly.

“It seems that the previous leaders accepted it very much…….This was a request that was always being carried out as a top priority. Of course, I haven’t been successful so far.”

If we can confirm that it’s a request ledger.

I felt like I could get a lot of information about Great Evil.

Especially since Harkon had made a concession.

Never mind the formalities, Grandfell.

Sometimes you have to be flexible.

I struggled to open my mouth.

“I’m afraid I can’t betray Harkon’s pride.”

I turned to Kichi, who bowed her head.

“You have four days, Arcana time.”

Because I planned to return to reality within 24 hours at the latest.

By then, I’d have to summon the magic to manifest a two-person portal.

‘Raymond Sean, you sneaky bastard.’

It’s a one-way trip, bitch.

There was no logout feature on the machine.

So keep that in mind, Kichi.

If you’re late, I’ll leave you behind.

We’ll meet at the main entrance to the Antonium.

I watched as Kichi laid herself down on the connector.

Soon, a portal glow emanated from the connector.

Kichi was nowhere to be seen.

I quickly channeled my magic and manifested the portal.

“Still, I’m getting used to it.

I walked straight through the portal.

And there it was.

Messages emerged from the darkness.

[You have entered the Arcana continent, where legends stir].

……The entry message has been changed?

From a continent headed for destruction.

To a continent where legends stir.

While I was gone.

I wondered if something had happened.

I soon realized.

[Legendary system opens].

……Could it be that the stirring legend is about me?

[Acquire the legend, ‘Dark Dragon Lee Hoyeol.’]

But, what?

Dark Dragon Lee Hooooooyyyeeeeeeol?!

……Who the hell told you I was a Dark Dragon?!

I’ve been trying so hard, and here I get a stab in the back……!!!

No, more than that…….

[Your legend becomes reality].

That strange legend is coming true, what kind of terrible thing is this?!