◈ Episode 123. It’s Not Stiff, It’s Sturdy

Woof, woof, woof.

Maybe I’m nervous.

I’m still hungry.

Feiyan Lot, Senior Mage of Spirits Magic.

She looked back at her memories beneath her covered robe.

She recalled the words of Cleodia, an adept mage.

-“The stares will sting more than anything else!”

Indeed, she was right.

The glares from the Rift’s entrance were no joke.

It was understandable, considering the influence of the Magic Tower.

“……How did things get this big?

Feiyan felt a surge of excitement.

She had been thrilled when her application was accepted.

‘I didn’t expect you to say that.’

There will be no limit to the number of people on the tower!

I never imagined such a development.

Could it be that Chief Lee was taking the purpose of this trip seriously?

Adept mages, even apprentice mages.

It was as if the entire Spirit School had come to explore the rift as a group.

‘Maybe it’s because I’m nervous, but I’m getting hungrier.’

Well, well, well.

The weight on my shoulders was never light.

Aren’t you a senior among mages like newborn chicks and sniveling dogs?

If only this were the continent of Arcana.

At least she could have shown her seniority…….

‘Even I’m trembling from the strangeness, dammit.’

But this was the world of adventurers.

Feiyan, you can’t even take care of yourself.

Of course, whether she knew it or not.

“Wow, this is a rift.”

” ……It’s strange~”

“But why do I recognize their outfits?”

“Because they’re adventurers, silly.”

The little chicks were actually quite excited.

In that sense, Feiyan couldn’t help but look up to them.

She recalled Klee’s advice.

-“But you shouldn’t worry too much, even if the stares are stinging. They won’t come too close, especially if you have Mr. Lee by your side!”

When I first heard that, I thought.

-I was like, “What the hell?”

I didn’t understand right away.

But it’s better to see it once than to hear it a hundred times.

The moment they entered the rift.

Feiyan understood what Klee meant.

‘……Isn’t everyone really just watching from afar?’

Feiyan looked at them coldly.

Even from a third party’s point of view, such a sight would be rare.

Even with their robes, they couldn’t hide the spirits they had summoned.

It was bad enough that the mages of the tower had appeared in large numbers.

They summoned spirits in groups?

That’s enough to cause a stir in the continent of Arcana.

I wondered.

‘So far away that you can’t even hear them.’

The adventurers within the rift were keeping a certain distance between themselves.

‘You’re not afraid of the Fire Drake, are you……?’

There was no mistaking…….

Those eyes were clearly directed towards Ho Yeol.

‘You mean all those adventurers are watching you, Chief?’


Feiyan swallowed dryly.

He glanced at Ho Yeol.

‘……Are you really an extremely powerful noble in this world?’

Just like the rumors that were floating around amongst the little chicks.

Are you really the heir to a great family……?

But Feiyan’s thoughts didn’t last long.

“……, wait. What?”

Higher Fire Spirit.

Because of the news from the Arcana Continent that Fire Drake had brought.

In fact, Feiyan had already guessed it to some extent.

Entering the Demon Castle Rift.

She was the one who had contributed to the destruction of the Demon King.


But this was far beyond her expectations.

The news from the other spirits was no different.

Reports of victory came from all over the continent of Arcana.

Fire Drake spoke in a feverish voice.

“It must be because the new World Tree is having a positive effect on all life.”



The World Tree?

That alone was enough to surprise the little chicks.

But Feiyan was surprised in another way.

She knew who had sprouted the world tree.

‘Chief Lee Ho-yeol……!’

A split second.

Heads spinning.

Then the current changes in the Arcana Continent.

‘You mean it all came from the hand of Chief Lee Ho-Yeol?’

The sprouting of the World Tree.

The crushing of the Demon King.

It was all done under his plans and procedures.

A glance.

Feiyan looked into Ho Yeol’s eyes.

‘You’ve accomplished so much, and you don’t show any embarrassment.’

Ho Yeol’s expression didn’t change at all.

Why is my heart racing?


Thanks to this, my poorly built body was stirring.


Rummaging through her robes, Feiyan shoved something into her mouth.

A bewildered voice came from one of the little chicks.

“The Quernberg Machine Tower? It started moving?”

“It’s not just moving. It’s apparently hunting demons.”

“…… Oh, it’s hunting demons, that machine tower?”


“Are you okay, Senior Feiyan……?”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.”


I almost choked on it.

‘What’s going on, anyway? Is the Quernberg machine tower moving?’

Feiyan knew on a common sense level.

Just that it was a machine tower built by dwarves.

But it’s not enough that it’s moving, it’s also hunting demons.


Feiyan wiped the crumbs from her lips and thought.

‘……Yes, no matter how great Senior Lee Ho Yeol is.’

It’s impossible for you to shake up the Arcana Continent by yourself. Moreover, isn’t this world cut off from the Arcana Continent?

‘Even if we don’t know who activated it or for what purpose.’

The Quernberg Machine Tower is advancing.

It must have had some effect on the news of the victory.

“That’s right, Chief Lee Ho-yeol is a human being.

Yes, that was Feiyan’s common sense.

No matter how extraordinary one’s abilities were, an individual was an individual.

There would be a limit to their influence.

Of course, that common sense was quickly shattered.


The moment Ho Yeol called out that name.

A spirit appeared from thin air.


Everyone, including Feiyan, was a mage of the Spirit School.

That’s why they could recognize it.

“……Senior Feiyan, what is that spirit?”

Small in stature.

But the aura it exuded was not small at all.

It was.

That was the {Unique Spirit} that transcended the ranks.

At the adept mages’ question, Feiyan nodded.

“That’s right. It’s a Unique Spirit.”

“……Unique Spirit!”

“Senior Lee Ho-yeol was the contractor of the Unique Spirit?”

I was stunned.

Those little chicks that won’t stop chirping.

It’s so surprising just by looking at it.

If they knew the truth about Hiel sprouting the World Tree and becoming a {Unique Spirit}, how horrified would they be? However, I had no intention of telling them about Hao Yeol’s deeds.


‘They say it hurts to know.’

… … Actually, I’m doing this because I’m afraid the chief will criticize me.

Of course, Feiyan’s smugness didn’t last long.

Soon, Hiel brought word.

“Leader of the dwarves, Chainwalker Hardrock. I conveyed Hoyeol’s wishes to him. Also, there is a message from Chainwalker Hardrock that he delivered to Hoyeol.”

Hiel hadn’t said a word about the message.

Feiyan felt a chill run down her spine.

Wait, the leader of the dwarves?

‘……Why is Hiel with the dwarves?’


Quernberg Machine Tower.


Chief Lee Ho-Yeol.

A moment.

Words that mesh together in her head.

At the same time, an exclamation point on Feiyan’s face.

“……No way!

Soon, Hiel’s words of catching people continued.

“Firstly, Chainwalker thanked you for not forgetting your oath and activating the Quernberg Machine Tower, and secondly, for acting on your own behalf in the face of the Demon King…….”

……Okay, wait a minute.

What the hell am I hearing right now?

Horror crossed Feiyan’s face beyond the exclamation point.

It had to be.

It meant that this all started with one person.

It all started with Ho Yeol’s hand!


Spectacular, huh?

During the Crushing of the Demon King, we had entered different Demon Rifts.

It was the first time I’d seen Feiyan’s Fire Drake with my own eyes.

She’s not a high-level Fire Spirit for nothing.


A body as huge as a cargo truck.

If it had wings, it could be mistaken for a Hatchetling Dragon.

Worst of all, every time it exhales, it sparks.

It makes me feel hot just looking at it.

With a fire drake like that.

There are about two dozen summoned spirits.

Each one had different properties.

They’re hot, they’re cold, they’re glowing, they’re…….


To avoid getting caught in the middle of it all. The mages, including Feiyan, all took a step away from the group of spirits.

Of course.

‘……I’m tired. I really am.’


It’s a good thing our Grandfell didn’t retreat in front of the spectacular surroundings of the Spirit Legion, I suppose.

I’m glad I brought my [Warmth] Buff, too, really.

Thank you again to [Jewel Box Filled with Warmth].

[Warmth keeps the body in optimal condition.]

Siberian high pressure.

The [Warmth] buff protects against the bitter cold of the Frost.

The fire elemental affinity effect on my Hankerchief.

Thanks to this, I stood tall among the spirits.

‘Well, it was worth it.’

Indeed, more is better.

It was worth the effort to find the rift with this many people.

Even I had some news from the new continent of Arcana.

Big news, of course.

Anything that could be called an event was something I’d heard about through Hiel.

‘Nothing surprising,’ I thought.

Well, then, it was her turn.

I summoned her.

Magic draining away.

Still, it’s not much of a problem anymore.

My [Magic] stat is nearing 400.

Soon, Hiel emerges from among the spirits.

… … Yes, if nothing else, the exterior stands out.

That too, very much.

I wondered if it was a little too fancy for someone who had just been reborn as a {Unique Spirit}, but I let it go. It’s not like a dog with dirt on it is a tree…….

After all, it was a spit in my face.

‘By the way.’

The leader, Chainwalker Hardrock.

He and his fellow dwarves have been dealing with some demons of their own.

From what I’ve heard from Hiel.

The number of demons they had driven out was not small.

Hiel’s serious eyes met mine.

“Yes, sir. Everything was going as you expected.”

……No. Well, I expected it.

I just didn’t foresee everything in that much detail.

What kind of telepathy do you have, Hiel?

Of course, I can’t deny it.


Feiyan pounds her chest in amazement at Hiel’s words.

She pours herself another drink.

“Yeah, you expected it, everything?!”

“Hey, shut up.”


The Adept, Apprentice mages looked even more surprised than she did.

Really, I blame it on my fucking tired personality…….

I can’t deny this burdensome overestimation.

“I see.”

I replied nonchalantly.

The height of shamelessness.

All the while, an uneasy feeling creeps up on me.

‘……Hiel, you can’t be serious.’

Did she say the same thing to the dwarves?

I looked at Hiel.

It’s as if she doesn’t bend to anyone.

Upright neck and back.

Noble, shining eyes.

Unflinching in the face of a fire drake.

What on earth is that mirror-like appearance?

……No, thank you.

It won’t make any difference now.

It didn’t matter what illusions Hiel had instilled in the dwarves.

Beyond physical exhaustion.

Even if it meant turning to dust.

I, Grandfell.

I’m going to fulfill the hype.

In that sense…….

[Teffern Fence]

[Recommended Level : Lv.450]

[Collapse Rate : 3.8%]

It would be a shame to pass up a rift like this.

I looked at Feiyan and the mages of the Spirit School.

It’s been a long time since they’ve been reunited with their contract spirits.

“You’ve been through a lot on your own, Nyx.”

“Gnome, how come you’ve gotten so much bigger? Maybe you’ve been enjoying my absence? No one to feed you, right? Tell me the truth!”

“……Sylphid. No matter how nice it is to see you, will you please stop blowing your hair in the wind?”

Just looking at them.

I suddenly remembered a passage from an animist book.


“The most important quality of an spirit mage is the ability to commune with the spirits… Spirit magic is different from other magics at its core. It doesn’t start with the power of magic, but with the recognition of the presence of spirits…….


The purpose of the tower was accomplished.

It is in the nature of Grandfell to be procedural.

It would not be strange for him to order you to return to the tower immediately.


I looked at the quest window.

Weight of the Chief (repeat)▲.

●Proceed with the exit tower successfully. (repeat)… … .

To allow them to retain their essence as spirit mages.

That’s also the goal of a successful tower and the weight of the chief.

I said to Feiyan.

“We have accomplished our goal, but we will delay our return for a while.”

“That’s ……? Yes, we will!”

Feiyan didn’t understand the words, but she was inwardly pleased.

Even if it wasn’t his first time summoning a Fire Drake.

This would be the first time she would have time to properly interact with it.


I looked at Hiel.

Like I said.

It’s like looking in a mirror right now……!

I don’t think we need a deeper connection.

I said to Hiel.

“Go, Hiel.”

“As you wish.”

We had a lot of work to do besides communicating.

Utilizing Hiel’s {Nature} abilities.

From exploring the possibilities for new 『Anomalies』

to understanding her power without [Natural Enemy] triggered.

“Time to see the results of my diligent well-digging.’

The opponent of [Teffern Fence] is a monster.

I can’t think of a more appropriate opponent than the [Teffern Scarecrow].

Let’s get right to it.


I immediately raised my sword.





Feiyan wondered if she’d seen something.


Senior Lee Ho-yeol drew a sword?

A mage draws a sword……?

At first, she thought it was just a magic item in the form of a sword.

But it wasn’t.

What is that swift movement?

He always kept his spine upright.

Was I mistaken in thinking you’d be stiff?


Movement as fluid as water.


A swift, decisive slash through the air.


The Scarecrow of Taffern, falling at the same time.


A few syllables came out of Feiyan’s lips.
