Chapter 115 – Demon Castle (1)

◈ Episode 115. Demon Castle (1)

The Dwarves are back in full swing.

The activity is, of course.

They’re hunting down demons on the continent of Arcana.

Or, in this case, wiping them out.

Hiel spat out the ghastly words with an air of nobility.

“The flames pouring from the airships burned the demons without leaving a trace.”

Quernberg Machine Towers, the ultimate weapon.

I felt the same way when I first saw the machine tower in the Rift.

The technological prowess of the dwarves is nothing short of phenomenal.

To be recognized by a machine tower that was actually worth a hundred words.

One word would be a more fitting description.


“The resistance of the demons grew as well. after the emergence of the New World Tree. They seek to wrest the momentum of the changed Arcana continent back into their own hands.”

I was stunned by Hiel’s next words.

……The Demon King has begun his rampage on the continent of Arcana.

All three at the same time.

“Although the three demon kings did not join forces or solidarity with each other, their respective strengths reached their peak. The dwarves’ flying boat was also blocked in front of a demon king.”

The counterattack begins.

Activate the Quernberg Machine Tower.

The seeds of the World Tree are said to have sprouted.

The continent of Arcana is still in the hands of the Demon.

As you can see.

only three Demon King have made a move.

The winds of counterattack on Arcana have died down.

But I knew.

that this was the first time since the Cataclysm

since the Cataclysm.

‘They’re going to lose.’

But you see.

You made a mistake.

The Demon King, three at a time.

This has become an epic event.

An event that could shake the continent of Arcana!

From the days when Arcana was just a game to now.

Players were able to get involved in these events somehow. I vaguely remember……. I vaguely recalled a memory from many years ago, well over a decade ago.

‘Back in the days of the Empire’s wars of conquest.’

It was a big deal back then.

Including me, stuck in Akshan.

Every player in Arcana was given a quest.

The Empire or the other side.

You would join your chosen faction, contribute, and be rewarded at the end of the quest. So you’re telling me I’m not getting my hopes up for nothing.

‘One, maybe, but three? Definitely. This one.’

I was convinced.

The next regular update would feature the Demon King in some way.

Of course, like I said, there are three Demon Kings.

There’s no telling which one it will be.

I also didn’t know what level the Demon King would be.

The only thing we can be sure of is that it will be much stronger than Decarabia.

Decarabia had descended from the Frost, summoned from the real world.

No matter how shitty it is, it’s still not as bad as Arcana, which has already fallen into the clutches of the Demons.

A demon king on the Arcana continent might actually unleash a real demonic force.


“Demon King or demons. It doesn’t matter.”

Naturally, I was not the least bit intimidated.

“The pride of Grandfell Claudi Arpheus Romeo is, paradoxically, most exalted in the presence of a demon.”

“One such Demon King, or three. It doesn’t matter.”

The setting of the Grandfell?

Sure, there’s an influence.

But even without that setting.

You mean to tell me that I’ve been diligent in my endeavors.

Even more so than you have been trying to claim the continent of Arcana!

Kingdom of Yusra and Frost with the [Authority] feature enabled.

Magic Tower.

And Muon, the holy land of the Goddess Church.

That’s a sure thing… …….

No, the evidence was empowering me.

The unwavering head.

The straight back.

My broad shoulders.

That I might not cower.

I finished my sentence nonchalantly.

“Because to me, you’re just prey.”

There’s something about a contract that works.

Hiel bowed to me, sincerely.

“I will live up to the name I have been given.”

……I understand the sentiment.

I think it’s best to stop mentioning the name.

Especially if I don’t tell anyone else his full name.

I’m not the kind of person who cares about such things.

I went straight to the task at hand.

It sounds like a lot of work, but it’s simple.

‘Once you’re in the rift, clear it and get out.’

With only a few days left until the next regular update.

Even if there’s only a small amount of experience to be gained, it’s worth every penny. Plus, this rift has some pretty cool items that you can use.

[Poisonous Spore Shelter].

A poisonous plant that can be used to make poison.

Rare medicinal herbs growing among the poisonous plants.

Yes, as usual, what I must do has not changed.

I just need to be good at it.

In that vein, I might as well take stock of the resources at my disposal.

With a suitable level of 350, the [Poisonous Spore Shelter] should be enough……. would be an ideal level to explore the power of Hiel’s transformation into a {Unique Spirit}.

“Hiel, can you open the way?”

Above all, at this level, I can deal with unexpected situations on my own without [Natural Enemy] activated.

Even the screwed-up Demon Hunter class didn’t waste 390 levels.

By the way.

“I will open the way for you.”

……What the hell, this.

I was stunned by the sight before me.

He hadn’t done anything spectacular.

Hiel had merely waved a graceful hand across the thin air.




The plant-type monsters [LV.300-LV.350] that had filled the area were crushed to dust.

They returned to the soil……!

To be honest, I was expecting it.

Senior Mage Feiyan had been making a lot of noise, and I had just learned that the {Unique Spirit} was a spirit that transcended the ranks.

However, great expectations lead to great disappointments.

So I had moderate expectations.

But this is more than I could have ever hoped for.

Hiel spoke up.

“Before I was given a name, I could only bestow blessings. After I was given a name, I had the ability to withdraw blessings.”

Hiel was a forest spirit.

“I’m sure it’s a plant-specific ability, but…….

Even with that in mind, it was a powerful ability.


The growth of Hiel is satisfying in itself.

I was able to add a new concept to that {Nature} and utilize it as a [『Anomaly』].


A passing grade, even by Grandfell’s high standards.

But I shut my mouth at his next response.

Seriously, it made me want to hide in a rat hole.

“Hiel Chrysiad Four Seasons Leaf. It lives up to its name. I can be a warm spring for them, or a harsh winter, only you can decide that.”

How loyal and reassuring.

Damn that, name sense…….

I’m overcome with an intensely uncomfortable feeling.

But of course, I didn’t hold back.

I said shamelessly.

“The time will soon come to unleash that power, Hiel.”

If this is the kind of power he has, he will soon face a great challenge.

Hiel will be useful in the battle against the demon.

And to forget the past.

In the end, there’s only one thing to do: live in the present.

I walked down the path he’d blazed.

And then…



Frost, a living hell, was full of life.

As in the past, the streets were lined with blood and corpses.

It was crowded with adventurers.

“Of course, the landscape is unfamiliar.”

The Citadel of Frost.

By procedure.

Harkon, acting lord of Frost, looked down the street for a moment.

He’d never thought he’d be looking out over Frost from the Adventurer’s World.

“I’m getting used to this.”

Yes, even the unfamiliar scenery was getting used to.

His stiff body was having a hard time adjusting.

Harkon rolled his shoulders unnecessarily.

“… … I want to run away right now.”

Wielding a sword was more to his nature.

He was sitting at his desk, scribbling with a quill.

No wonder he was sore.

“Because if I can’t handle it on my own, I’ll leave the work to my lord.”

He couldn’t afford to put Ho-Yeol through that again.

In that sense, Harkon almost admired him.

He knew what Ho-Yeol’s daily routine was like, having watched it once.

Mornings, sword training.

Afternoons attending to the affairs of the Yusra Kingdom.

Nights and early mornings, studying in the magic tower.

And Frost was full of adventurers.

Adventurers brought him news from the other world.

Every day brought news of Hoyeol’s exploits.

Every day was still a good day.

Only a few hours.

No, every few minutes, they’d talk about him.

“I assure you, he leads a more tiring life than the Emperor himself.”

Ho-yeol and the emperor.

Harkon had seen them both up close.

He wasn’t the only one who agreed.

The Kingdom of Yusra.

The Golden Crown Tavern, on the front corner of the Golden Palace Square.

It was Rockid who took the front seat with the best view of the TV screen, because he was so big, and all you could see behind him was half a screen.

“Hey! Get out of the way!”

It’s a good thing I have Kichi, the leader of the Shadow Mercenaries. Even Rockid, who was not doing anything, he pretended to listen to the words of the leader, Kichi.

But today, Rockid was alone.

” …… I can’t get rid of that thing.”

“Are you crazy? How can you talk to that monster?”

“Okay, let’s just settle for being nice today.”

“Ma’am. I need to see this on the big screen.”

The whispered voices of the players.

The icy stares in the back of his head.

But Rockid didn’t have the presence of mind to care.

“The more I look, the more I see…….”

Cranky, dirty, cranky, and more cranky.

Rockid’s personality may have caused division, but his skills never did.

Colosseum winner, giant of the underworld, fighting machine……. These titles were a testament to his skill.

“You must be crazy.”


A massive gulp.

Being recognized as a madman, even by the king of the world, was naturally favored. Rockid watched the video of Ho Yeol play on the screen.

A fighting machine.

He imagined the battle with Ho-yeol like a machine.

He set the conditions of the battle just like in real life.

‘Requesting an executive assassination. The target is Lee Ho-yeol.’

First, before the battle, Alkari.

I’ll need to take all sorts of potions from the old man.

I’ll need all sorts of elemental resistance potions, and the best of them.

It’s going to cost us a fortune before we even get started.

‘Sure, even if I increase my magic resistance.’

It won’t completely offset the damage.

Besides, Ho Yeol was no mere mage.

You’re only as good as your knowledge.

Rockid knew Ho Yeol’s sword skills.

“Ugh. Damn.”

No matter how many times he imagined the battle.

He couldn’t see a way to beat Ho-Yeol.

What bothered him the most was his attitude.

That arrogant expression, full of confidence.

That arrogant look of confidence.

He hadn’t shown his full power yet.

“But neither are you.”

Unlike the Arcana Continent, the world of adventurers had many restrictions.

On the continent of Arcana, great power meant freedom.

In this world, power brings unnecessary attention and responsibility.

I didn’t have to be taught it, I could tell by looking at it.

-“AAU will be in contact with Lee Ho-yeol as soon as possible…….”

He enjoyed the attention of others.

There’s a limit to that.

For a moment, Rockid imagined it.

In a vivid picture.

What if the woman was talking about himself, not Ho-Yeol?

Then his tongue slipped out of his mouth.

“You must be tired.”

Even Rockid felt the weight of Ho-yeol’s burden.

Those who knew Ho-yeol better than the Rockid felt the same way.

So when Ho-yeol’s letter arrived in their hands, they couldn’t help but be excited.

“…… Sounds good to hear!”

Knights Harkon and Lionheart.

“You said it was too peaceful, my friend, for that to be the case.”

Kichi and the Shadow Mercenaries.

“May the Goddess be with us every step of the way.”

Talim and the Goddess Church, Muon.

“This is the news I’ve been waiting for.”

Even Magic Tower, who learned of Ho Yeol’s intentions through the parchment.

Their reasons for moving were different, but there was no hesitation.

The content of the letter didn’t matter much.

It was a matter of time before they knew it.

Arcana continent, the strongest knights.

The darkness of the Arcana Continent.

Arcana’s biggest religion.

The pinnacle of the Arcana Continent.

Each one a giant power.

And they would be so intimidated by a mere letter?

That’s impossible.

Even if the contents were related to the Demon King.




It’s Thursday again.

The world is shocked by a regular Arcana update.


A new Rift, “Demon Castle,” is added.


The Demon Castle has arrived in the real world.


New Rift, ‘Demon Castle’ is now available…….

New Rift, ‘Demon Castle’ is now available…….


Three of them.

The world reevaluated the AAU’s announcement.

-“This is the end of the predictable threat.”

It was.

This was an unexpected, out-of-the-box update.

Not one, not two, but THREE.

It was beyond the realm of the predictable.

But the world was about to find out.

“…… Hold on, what about that?”

It was as if they had anticipated even this ridiculous situation.

With a straight face.

Ho Yeol had shown up.

And he wasn’t alone.

Same time.


Kingdom of Yusra.


And a movement from a magic tower.

The world was shocked once again.

” ……, could it be because of player Lee Ho-yeol?”

An unimaginable development.




It’s not just about hunting.

The demon is out in full force.

What we need is a clear victory lap, not a dirty hunt.

That’s why I sent this letter.

That’s right.

Today I am.

No, I mean we.

crush the demon king