Chapter 420 – Goodbye Nouvelle Vague (2)

Episode 420 Goodbye Nouvelle Vague (2)


The abyss. A vast void.

The blackened vision makes the passing of the mass of water bubbles only audible.

Vikir and Aiyen’s gulper eel shook violently before emerging into the center of the deep sea.


For a moment, they thought they were in the wrong current because of the violent currents churning in all directions, but this was actually the only one that was working.

Compared to the other currents, which are initially stable, this current 3021 is violently churning and unstable, but it eventually becomes the safest route.

Soon, the faint light from the gulper eel’s skin began to illuminate the surroundings.

The pitch blackness brightened a bit, and through the transparent skin, they could see the outside of the deep sea.


Nouvelle Vague was completely submerged.

Shrouded in flames and steam from the volcano’s interior, the Nouvelle Vague looks precariously close to exploding at any moment.

This is probably because the Gate of Good and Evil in the ceiling of Nouvelle Vague is preventing the volcano from erupting.

As a result, the Nouvelle Vague currently resembles a champagne bottle that has been shaken to the limit.

The moment the top cap, the Gate of Good and Evil, is destroyed, an enormous explosion and rising current will occur.

The explosion and the seawater that flows into the resulting cavity is heated by geothermal heat and expands, creating a primary pillar of fire and a secondary pillar of water on a massive scale.

It will start in the deepest strata of the sea floor, penetrate the seafloor, and rise up high, passing over the surface of the water and into the air, very high up.

“And it will be powerful enough to create extreme weather on the surface.”

Aiyen nodded at Vikir’s words.

She was currently tugging at the fishing hook and rope hanging from the lip of the gulper eel, keeping it balanced.

In other words, it is the role of the coachman who drives the carriage.

Vikir was about to grab the line, too, when Aiyen, who had a good sense, felt something.

“I think there’s something attached to the eel’s tail.”


Vikir looked back.

Sure enough, there was something dangling from the tip of the gulper eel’s tail.

It was dark and the current was too strong to see exactly what it was.

…… But even without looking too closely, the thing started to move closer and closer to Vikir.

Pulling on the eel’s tail, the creature slowly approached towards him.


Vikir’s eyes widened.

It was Marquis de Sade holding the gulper eel’s tail!

He even had a sady at his side.

Next, Marquis de Sade grabbed the gulper eel’s body and crawled up to its mouth and crawled in.

“Puh-ha! The water pressure almost crushed my bones. Pushishishishi…… But after being in solitary confinement for a long time, I’m starting to get used to it.”

“Greetings, Night Hound. It’s shameless, but I’d like a free ride~”

Marquis de Sade laughed heartily.

Even Sady, who has lost her mind, also lies down like a mollusk and laughs.

The gulper eel was already large enough to carry a dozen people, so adding Sady and Sade wouldn’t cause much trouble.

“I’ll give you a ride if you behave.”

“Oh no. I feel sorry for the young fellow. I don’t think I can stay quiet.”

At Vikir’s words, Marquis de Sade shook his head with a sad expression.

It didn’t take Vikir long to realize why he was saying this.


Something was furiously chasing after the gulper eel as it slowly drifted along the current.


A terrifying sound began to emanate from beyond the blackness.

At first glance, it sounded like a ship’s bellows, but it was far too high-pitched for that.

Could this be the voice of the legendary Siren?

Even the eels that had been swimming around twisted in pain.

This unidentifiable sound filled the void of the sea floor.

Vikir sensed that the creator of the sound was near.

“I think it’s Orca.”

Marquis de Sade smirked.

Then, beyond the transparent flesh of the eel’s body, something massive emerged.

A body with a black luster, white spots clearly visible even through the darkness.

Muscles packed tightly throughout, powerful dorsal fins, forearms and legs bared beneath a tattered coat of fur.

Orca. He transformed into a strange body and once again blocked Vikir’s path.

” ……Are you a member of the Killer Whale (Orca) type Beastman?”

Vikir spoke to himself in a low voice.

Just as D’Ordume had transformed into the form of a saltwater crocodile earlier, Orca had a similar constitution.

He grasped the chain and club at the end of his long tail, which had slipped out of his coat, with a clawed hand.

“SADE! You’re never going outside!”

Orca’s hissing voice was clear even in these murky depths.

In the midst of this hopeless sea, Orca had met his match.

The worst of all fears had come true.

Marquis de Saad chuckled.

“On land, maybe, but underwater, it’s suicide to take on that old man.”

“……What do you propose?”

“Well, shamelessly, I’d like to ask you what you think?”

Marquis de Sade was secretly indicating that he would follow Vikir’s lead.

Vikir said plainly.

“You owe me a debt. How will you repay me?”


Marquis of Sade laughed wordlessly, then held up three fingers.

“The people of the Sade family will repay a favor threefold, and our enemies three thousandfold. You owe me one life, so I will repay you with three.”


“Give me three names of those you wish to kill. Whoever they are, I will kill them for you.”

Marquis de Sade narrowed one eye at the end, saying, ‘If only we can get out safely to the ground.’

Vikir nodded silently.


With that, Vikir tied Sady’s whip around his waist.

Then he tied the other around Marquis de Sade’s waist.

“Hold on to these.”

Vikir placed the middle of the whip in Aiyen’s hand.

Sady, immobilized by the after-effects of the demonization, asked.

“Are you going to out?”

“There is no other way.”

Vikir said, looking into Aiyen’s eyes.

Aiyen looked back at Vikir with uneasy eyes.

“I’d rather go out, Husby.”

“You drive the eels, it’s safer that way.”

“I don’t want to be separated again. How did we ever get back together…….”

“It’s important to hold the line.”

Vikir spoke in a serious tone, and Aiyen bowed her head deeply.

Then she looked up, biting her lip so hard it bled.

“Never. I will never let go.”

“That’s enough.”

Vikir stood up.

Then, through the mouth of the gulper eel, he threw himself into the deep.

To cross the final gateway to the surface.

* * *

The pressure of the water at 10,000 meters was beyond his imagination.

Even Vikir’s stats, the protection of the River Styx, and his body, which had reached the Supreme Realm, could not withstand it.

‘I can see why the demons didn’t cross this place until late in the War of Destruction.

A pressure that would crush an entire body just by being present.

It’s like hundreds of elephants on an egg.

‘This is why the Marquis de Sade asked for help.

Vikir glanced sideways.

He could see Marquis de Sade, with a whip tied around his waist, gasping for air.

Just then.


An invisible pressure began to distort the front.

A tidal wave. On the surface of the water, it would have risen to enormous heights, but under the sea, it was completely invisible.


A vision swirling with a roar.

Orca in the shape of a killer whale passes in front of him.

ssaeaeg- ppeoeog!

Suddenly, his vision blurred red.

Vikir squinted, but it didn’t stop his face from being crushed.

His skull felt like a grain of sand, the impact shattering his nose, cheekbones, and front teeth.

It was like taking a full-swinging warhammer to the center of the face.

‘……Is it a drop of water?’

Orca was scooping up water from the distance with a wide, raked hand and throwing it back.

It flew like a cannonball, aimed at Vikir and Marquis de Sade.



Vikir stretched out his sword and sliced the flying water droplet diagonally.

Additionally, the orca’s location was detected based on the direction and angle of the water droplet flying.


Decarabia on the chest narrowed its eyes and shot out a red light.

For a moment, the surroundings were illuminated.

“Oh. You can do that?”

[You think so little of me.]

A radius of a dozen meters lit up with the haughty glare of Decarabia.

Then he could clearly see Orca’s figure in front of him.

Dressed in a warden’s uniform and coat, he held a club in his hand.

It looked like a half-and-half killer whale and a human.

“Get lost!”

Orca swung the club in his hand.

A massive tsunami erupted, crushing the space around them.

But Vikir was confident.

“If I know the direction, I can stop it.”

The mana ebbed away, revealing Decarabia’s true form.

Red Inverted Pentagram. Wailing Wall.

Although it consumes a lot of mana, its defense is a solid shield.

It blocked all of Orca’s ranged attacks.


If anything, Orca’s attacks only made Aiyen’s gulper eel go faster and faster.

Vikir and Marquis de Sade, connected by whip rope, also rose upwards faster and faster.

“……These bastards.”

Orca eventually changed his attack method.

Close combat. The most primitive and surest way to attack: lunging in with a club and beating them down.

And that’s what Vikir and the Marquis de Sade wanted, too.

A monstrous whale, tearing through the turbulent currents.

Vikir drew his magic sword, Beelzebub, and Marquis de Sade raised a sword of unknown origin to meet Orca.

The powers of the three came together once more.

Vikir’s black sun, Marquis de Sade’s serpentine aura, and the tsunami of Orca’s club all came together in a fierce collision.


A giant whirlpool formed in the sea.

The sword trajectories of Vikir and Marquis de Sade formed the upper layer of the vortex, and the tsunami of Orca’s club formed the lower layer, meeting in the center.

…kwakwang! kkwaleuleung!

With a thunderous crack, the shockwave stretched out in all directions, tearing the surrounding sea to shreds.

As the water and air reentered the empty space created by the ripping of the waves, violent currents formed, building up the space around them.

The pressure, raging in all directions, crushed and shattered everything, cliffs and rocks alike.


A thick line of blood sprouted on Vikir’s forehead.

His instincts, sharpened by having crossed so many lines of fire, were giving him a cold assessment of the current situation.


Never win.

As long as Orca is under the sea, it is no different from a god.

He can still breathe underwater, and he moves much faster with ever more powerful muscles.

He could shoot out sound waves to see everything for miles around, and he could unleash a tsunami without moving to take out his enemies at great distances.

Moreover, on this harsh sea floor, in an environment where everything was unstable, to stand against him was like a worm against a beast.

Marquis de Sade sensed it, too, and smirked.

‘Is this going to kill me?’


Even before Vikir’s regression, Marquis de Sade attempted to break out of Nouvelle Vague, only to be stopped and killed by Orca.

Even with Vikir by his side now, it seemed unlikely that fate could be reversed.

The wheels of causality were turning.

Vikir was just a mere mere mole standing in its way.

The moment.



Vikir and Marquis de Sade’s gazes locked together.

As if in a pact, they both moved their hands to snap the whip at their waist.


In the distance, Aiyen, who was driving the gulper eel, shouted, but it was too late.

The current rushed even more violently, pushing the gulper eel upward.

Those who must go must go, and those who must stay must stay.

At the same time.


Orca felt something.

Two men who had chosen to remain in the depths of the sea.

The momentum of Vikir and Marquis de Sade had completely shifted.

It was sharp enough to make even the mighty Orca break out in a cold sweat.

……at that very moment.


The balance between the three warriors in the darkness of the deep sea was shattered.

A strange thing that was difficult to explain rationally.

……It was, what can only be described as, luck.
(tl/n: plot armor)

Vikir, who had never been blessed with much luck in his entire life, could not help but feel somewhat bewildered.

…… To properly explain this phenomenon, we need to go back a few seconds.

kuleuleuleuleug! kudeudeudeudeug!

A pillar of fire erupted when Poseidon was activated.

It was like a residual eruption from the condensation of volcanic power.

The intense heat surged as if it were going to explode, but it was blocked by the ‘Gate of Good and Evil’, the final gateway to the Nouvelle Vague, and was trapped and unable to escape until now.

But now.

One by one, the chains and pulleys securing the gate broke and destroyed, causing the Gate of Good and Evil to heat up to its limit.

…Ting! …Ta-aang! …Tuung!

All the chains connected to the Nouvelle Vague were broken.


The Gate of Good and Evil was thrown up into the air like the cap of a champagne bottle that had been shaken to its limit.

The Gate of Good and Evil was blasted open by the immense pressure.

70 meters in diameter, 5 meters thick and weight 6535 tons. Made of a mythril and adamantium alloy, it flew like a bottle cap at the end of an exploding champagne stem.

And this huge and heavy lump of alloy, which had randomly and accidentally bounced away, ended up heading towards Orca, who was confronting him while turning his back on the true nature of Nouvelle Vague.

The direction of the wheel of fate is unpredictable.


Orca fell forward as this huge object passed by his head out of nowhere.

Red blood spurted out.

The monster whale was struck in the head by a sudden impact, and was quickly caught in the current and sank like a piece of trash.


Marquis de Sade’s mouth dropped open in disbelief.

But that was not the reaction he saw in Orca.


The Gate of Good and Evil flew off into the distance, smashing into a corner of the cliff before rolling back down.


With the Gate of Good and Evil broken through, Nouvelle Vague’s downfall began in earnest.

A castle submerged in water.

The space between the black bricks began to glow red.

In the beginning, Nouvelle Vague was built by digging into the interior of an extinct volcano, and now that the volcano is active again, everything is over.

The Iron Fortress, a castle with a long history that has never shown any flaws, has now become like a cork blocking a bottle of champagne that is about to burst.

Its body is corroded and crumbling.

The great pillar of fire that broke through the Gate of Good and Evil was only the beginning.

The crackling pillar of fire soon turned blue at the base, and then expanded greatly in the second and third waves, instantly expanding in size.

……! ……! ……! ……! ……!

The explosion was so loud, far beyond the range of human hearing, that it seemed as if the entire ocean had been blown away.

It was the beginning of a great eruption that would easily surpass 10,000 meters deep and extend dozens of kilometers into the sky.